Highway To Mars: Odile Thomas and Jim Moon discuss Children Of The Stones

SFFaudio Online Audio

Highway To MarsA recent Highway To Mars podcast features Odile Thomas (of the Sending A Wave podcast) and Mr Jim Moon (of the Hypnobobs podcast) discussing the 1976 TV serial Children Of The Stones.

The brief official description asks this question:

Is it an updated version of The Prisoner or an early version of Lost or in a class of it’s own?

You could also describe Children Of The Stones as kid’s version of The Wicker Man (except with the whole village doing goofballs) or as a very good episode of Jon Pertwee era Doctor Who (except starring Rog Blake) – but really, however you describe it, Children Of The Stones is a great combination of intelligent storytelling and intelligent characters in a very cool mysterious plot involving all the sort of stuff smart people are into. And thus its a great show for smart kids and smart adults alike.


Children Of The Stones

Posted by Jesse Willis

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