Creative Audioscape: Star Wars: In The Shadows AUDIO DRAMA

SFFaudio Online Audio

Creative Audioscape ProductionsDany Pépin points me to his new Star Wars based audio drama called:

Star Wars: In the Shadows

Sez Dany:

“This is a a non-profit fan-production from a new audio drama group called Creative Audioscape. It’s set “one year before the Battle of Yavin” [before the first Star Wars movie]

SWITS is a classic Star Wars space opera not unlike ‘A New Hope.’ It could be described as a light fugitive/adventure story with some mature theme inserted within. SWITS has been inspired by the Star Wars movies but also its Expanded Universe (EU) like the media giant Shadows of the Empire and The Force Unleashed. There are small EU references that will appeal to the fans of the genre, but most importantly the participation of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Xizor, Guri and Mon Mothma in the story plot.

Sez me:


Star Wars: In The ShadowsStar Wars: In the Shadows
By Dany Pépin; Performed by a full cast
6 MP3s – Approx. 3 Hours [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Creative Audioscape Productions
Podcast: October 4th – December 20th, 2009
Born and raised in a military family, Emma Wermis will slowly discover that the Empire is not what she always been taught it was. Her allegiance to the Empire will be tested and she will, during her adventures, uncover something about her family and a secret weapon kept hidden even within the Empire.

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis

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