Documentary on Sir Thomas Malory and Le Morte d’Arthur

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio BBC Radio 3BBC Radio 3‘s “Sunday Feature” had a cool 45 minute documentary about Sir Thomas Malory and his Le Morte d’Arthur. This was produced by the same guy who made the excellent H.P. Lovecraft documentary on BBC Radio 3 last year. Malory: A Tale of Two Texts aired on Sunday. The producer, Paul Quinn, says of it:

“Malory could be said to be a forgotten forbear of heroic fantasy! This programme, though, presented by professor David Wallace of the University of Pennsylvannia, concentrates on the different textual histories of the two versions: the long lost manuscript, and Caxton print version, produced within 15 years of each other but launched into different worlds.”

This is only going to be available via the ‘Listen Again‘ until Sunday, so get listening!

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