The McWilliamses And The Burglar Alarm by Mark Twain

Aural Noir: Online Audio

Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine April 2000I got hooked on mystery magazines when, as a young lad, I spent a summer in Calgary with my baba and zaida. My zaida had an extensive library, which included a great number of mystery books and magazines. Among them was, of course, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. After that summer I got into the habit of reading it, buying an issue here or there whenever I came across one (and could afford it). I was reminded of this after re-reading my April 2000 issue, which has a “Mystery Classic.” First published in 1882, and later collected in 1916, Mark Twain’s The McWilliamses And The Burglar Alarm is a part of a series of humorous McWilliamses stories, but it stands nicely on its own. Its not actually a mystery, more of a humourous crime story. Its also a bit about marriage, doing the old jokes that were probably old when the story came out. But its still Twain! After a bit of digging and found a really good reading of it by Steve Erbach (check out his site for more readings)! Now I can share that with you.

The McWilliamses And The Burglar Alarm
By Mark Twain; Read by Steve Erbach
1 |MP3| – Approx. 15 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Recorded: 2002

The McWilliamses And The Burglar Alarm - art by Milan Kecman

Posted by Jesse Willis

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