Dark Waters by M. Ludington Cain

SFFaudio Online Audio

First published in Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1947, this poem has never been reprinted.

Dark Waters
by M. Ludington Cain

The spring moon swells the river,
The Waters clutch like hands
Where willow branches quiver
Above the pebbly sands.

But no moon knows the secret
The swirling waters keep,
And whether the moon is new or full
The waters are dark and deep.

The summer moonlight lingers
On shimmering grasses there,
The zephyr’s gentle fingers
Comb out their shining hair….

But no moon saw the gypsies come,
And no moon saw them go,
And only the midnight shadows
Guess what the waters know-

Some say there was a lover,
Some say there was a child,
But whatever the shadows cover,
The waters are dark and wild.

Dark Waters by M. Ludington Cain - from Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1947

Listen to Mister Jim Moon‘s reading of it: |MP3|

And here’s a |PDF|.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Death by Clarence E. Flynn

SFFaudio Online Audio

First published in Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1947, this short poem has never been reprinted.

by Clarence E. Flynn

Why do you fear me?
I am your friend.
I but guide trav’lers
Rounding the bend-
Lead them to freedom
From time and age,
Help them start writing
On a new page….

Seek for me never,
Keep your course true-
When I am needed
I’ll come to you,
Then I will show you
Roads without end-
Why do you fear me?
I am your friend.

Death by Clarence E. Flynn - from Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1947

Listen to Mister Jim Moon‘s reading of it: |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis