Hilarious Billibub Baddings Podcast Novel Promos And Teasers

SFFaudio Online Audio

{Podcast / Podiobook - Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword by Tee MorrisPromos are a staple of podcasting, the idea behind a promo is that you make a little audio advertisement for your podcast and send it to other podcasters in the hopes they will include it in their podcast. And usually they do. Promos are often exchanged – if you play a promo it is only courteous to play the promo of the podcaster who played yours. Most promos follow a standard formula: Give a taste of what the show is like, give the podcast’s URL give the URL again. In the case of Tee Morris though, there’s a whole new level of fun happening. His recent promos and teasers are more than just advertising, they are entertainment in themselves. Tee gets other podcast novelists to play themselves in little scenarios getting taken out by a mobster voiced by Tee. If the promos and teasers are anything to go by the podcast novel Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword will rule. Check out the fun for yourself:

Teaser 1: |MP3| Sigler vs. Hutchins Teaser

Teaser 2: |MP3| Sigler & Hutchins getting Whacked again Teaser

Promo 1: |MP3| “Respect for Family” Promo

Promo 2: |MP3| “Fancy-pants Jenkins” Promo (PG-Rated Version) or R-Rated Version |MP3|

And you can have a listen to the first episode of the actual novel too |MP3|.

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