Review of Ash City Stomp by Richard Butner

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Ash City Stomp by Richard ButnerAsh City Stomp
By Richard Butner; Read by Richard Butner
1 MP3 File – 32 Minutes 17 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Small Beer Press
Published: 2004
Themes: / Fantasy / The Devil / Drugs /

“The Devil was rail thin, wearing a too-large red union suit that had long since faded to pink. It draped over his caved-in chest in front and bagged down almost to his knees in the seat. A tattered red bath towel was tied around his neck, serving as a cape. He wore muddy red suede shoes that looked like they’d been part of a Christmas elf costume.”

The Small Beer Press website has posted an author- read downloadable MP3 of Richard Butner’s short story Ash City Stomp, taken from the anthology entitled Trampoline. You’ve likely read stories like this before. I’m not sure if it has a name (maybe slacker-zen would be a good one), but it is some kind of amalgam of the gen-x aesthetic with the fantastic element. Something like Neil Gaiman’s American Gods as written by Douglas Coupland. It’s not designed to leave you fully satisfied. Instead, its purpose is to show you the post-modern human dilemma for the educated class and their relationship to traditional fantasy elements. Butner’s stripped-down dialogue is rhythmically punctuated with curly-cues of ornate hyper-description. As a reader Butner doesn’t have much luck playing the female voice, but his crazy devil voice is loads of fun. The recording itself is clean, and includes an introductory hard rocking electric guitar riff. The free downloadable MP3 be found HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Listen to the GrandMasters of Science Fiction vi…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Listen to the GrandMasters of Science Fiction via online audio
Ever wonder what your favorite Science Fiction authors sound like? We can help. Here’s a complete list of the Science Fiction Writers Of America GrandMasters sorted by the year of their induction and the online audioclips and interviews that we know about.
PLEASE NOTE: File types vary ( .mp3 .m3u .ram .wav ).

Robert A. Heinlein (1974)

Stranger in a Strange LandTime Enough for Love
“Robert Heinlein Day”“eggs in one basket”
“colonies beyond Earth”“through the universe”

Jack Williamson (1975)

-An interview from the Fast-Forward archives

Clifford D. Simak (1976) – None known

L. Sprague de Camp (1978) – None known

Fritz Leiber (1981) – None known

Andre Norton (1983) – None known

Arthur C. Clarke (1985) – None known

Isaac Asimov (1986)
-Asimov interviewed by Terry Gross 1986
-A Wired for Books interview from 1987

Alfred Bester (1987) – None known

Ray Bradbury (1988)
-A Wired for Books interview from 1992
-A Wired for Books interview from 1993

Lester Del Rey (1990) – None known

Frederik Pohl (1992) – None known

Damon Knight (1994) – None known

A.E. van Vogt (1995) – None known

Jack Vance (1996) – None known

Poul Anderson (1997) – None known

Hal Clement (1998)
-An Hour 25 online interview

Brian W. Aldiss (1999)
-A Wired for Books interview from 1984
A Wired for Books interview from 1986

Philip José Farmer (2000) – None known

Ursula K. Le Guin (2002)
-Three Hour 25 Interviews: Sep 2000Oct 2001Aug 2003

Robert Silverberg (2003) – None known

Do you know of some other online audio interviews or sound clips featuring the SFWA GrandMasters? Let us know!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Don’t forget, tonight at 10:00PM CBC Radio One, wi…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Don’t forget, tonight at 10:00PM CBC Radio One, will be airing the BRAND NEW Science Fiction radio drama Birth. Written by Robert J. Sawyer and Michael Lennick and produced by Joe Mahoney. Tune in with your radio or if you are outside of Canada, with your browsers…

ALSO! You can get a behind the scenes peek, check out some of the photos taken during the recording… HERE

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Inside Man by H.L. Gold

Science Fiction - Inside Man by H.L. GoldInside Man
By H.L. Gold; Read by William Mills, Sam Gartner and
Roxanne Mills
1 MP3 File – Approx. 32 Minutes [ABRIDGED]
Publisher: Renaissance E Books / REB Audio
Published: 2005
Themes: / Science Fiction / Humor / Empathy / Telepathy / Psychology / Domesticity /

Why would Lester Shay need anything new to occupy his mind? He is a newlywed of just 3 months! But, when you can’t shut out the pained emotions and feelings of the machines with which you live, even a passionate young bride isn’t quite enough!

First published in the October 1965 issue of Galaxy magazine, the 15th Anniversary issue, Inside Man garner a Nebula nomination for best science fiction short story of the year. But despite the nomination this is, by no means, a classic of the genre. Horace Gold was a far better editor than he was a writer. Despite the caveats this is a well produced multiple voice reading of the exact sort of story that appeared in Galaxy magazine under Gold’s editorial reign. Funny and original. And though hearing the mid-twentieth century values voiced today seem at best rather quaint, this short story still yields an interesting twist. The readers’ voices are clear and this a relatively straightforward and professional production. The highlight for me though is actually the three minute biographical and historical introduction to the story written by Jean Marie Stine. It is always a good idea to place an older story in its context. But I must say the spacey music that accompanies the introduction doesn’t actually improve it. Inside Man is available now as a high quality MP3 through

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Ninth Annual Mark Time Awards for the Best Aud…

SFFaudio News

The Ninth Annual Mark Time Awards for the Best Audio Science Fiction of the Year (for production year 2004) were presented at the CONvergence Science Fiction Convention at the Sheraton Hotel South in Bloomington, MN on July 1st, 2005.

-No Award given-

Strange Interludes, Fort Worth, TX
Stephen Couch, writer/producer

Icebox Radio Theater, International Falls, MN
Jeffrey Adams, writer/producer

“Rod Renegade: Chaos for Hire”
Texas Radio Theatre, Arlington, TX
Shannan and Rich Frohlich, producers

“The Menace From Earth”
Atlanta Radio Theater Company, Atlanta, GA
William Alan Ritch, producer. Story by Robert Heinlein.

“Next Years Girl”
Willamette Radio Workshop, Portland, OR
Sam A. Mowry and Cynthia McGean, producers

-No Award given-

“Three Skeleton Key”
One Act Players, San Mateo, CA
Glenn Carlson, producer

“Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”
Willamette Radio Workshop, Portland, OR
Sam A. Mowry and Cynthia McGean, producers

Judges for the 2004 Mark Time and Ogle Awards were:
Simon Jones – “Arthur Dent” in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Kris Markman – National Audio Theatre Festivals
Brian Price – Great Northern Audio Theatre
Philip Proctor – The Firesign Theatre
Jerry Stearns – Great Northern Audio Theatre

Congratulations to everyone!

I, for one, have only heard one of these productions – if you are a producer of science fiction, fantasy, or horror audio drama, please consider sending them our way for review on SFFAudio. Click here to contact me for more information.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson