ABC Radio Australia – The World’s Worst Science Fiction Writer

SFFaudio Online Audio

Science Fiction Radio - ABC AustraliaABC Radio Australia – The World’s Worst Science

Fiction Writer

Red Symons of ABC Radio Austalia interviewed Michelle Hefner on Thrusday July 22nd 2004 – she’d just won The World’s Worst Science Fiction Writer Award. Red reads

the winning entry in it’s entirety. Michelle entered the San Jose State University’s 23rd BulwerLytton Fiction Contest and she was so bad – she won! Red spoke with her about her prestigious award and about how she feels to be known globally as the worlds worst Science Fiction writer.

Audio in RealPlayer format – 5 Minutes 33 Seconds


ABC Radio Australia – Sci-fans congregate for Conflux

Presenter Joel Rheinberger visited the 2004 Australian National Science Fiction Convention (Conflux) held in Canberra, Australia.

This link shows a few pictures from the convention that tie in with the audio.

Audio 1 – RealPlayer format


Audio 2 – RealPlayer format


Posted by Jesse Willis