The SFFaudio Podcast #819 – READALONG: We Can Remember It For You Wholesale by Philip K. Dick

The SFFaudio Podcast #819 – Jesse, Will Emmons and Jonathan Weichsel talk about We Can Remember It For You Wholesale by Philip K. Dick

Talked about on today’s show:
Fantasy And Science Fiction, April 1966, not perfectly representative of everything he can do, Total Recall (1987), very easy to watch, a transitional movie for Hollywood, last big budget, extended CGI sequence, through the X-Ray, all hand drawn, blonde guy with glasses helping Richter, looks like CGI, we can look this up sometime, not in the story, a lot of the stuff that’s in the story is in the movie, he never goes to Mars during the course of the story, the movie is an action film, still also tame, wow, a famous story, famous stories, they don’t meet the hype, a bad relationship with his wife, a bad relationship that week, interesting, it doesn’t have to be good to be successful, Jesse’s Lester Del Rey theory, came out 6 (or 7 months ago), the park bench, telepathically, so not filmic, the ending was a little silly but fine, the ending kid of ruined the story, Hollywood does it a lot, a Rod Serling ending, he’s not writing movies, his way, think about what happens in this, he actually was an agent for interplan, the space police, he’s remembering what happened, replacement memory, suppressed memory, an amazing coincidence, they did a psychological analysis of his character, his deep seated wish, just by existing he saves the planet, Philip K. Dick thumbing the nose at himself, an extra turn of the screw, he fucks them up on purpose, a nice little circle, an electronic animals, fleshy animals, the pulling the rug out from his own idea, there’s no bottom to his solipsism, how to put a button on the story, the movie improves on the short story, the primal cause, the first cause of the story, nobody else could have, make Plato a pulp science fiction story, a terrible ending, silly, his way out, that park bench sequence is so bad, look at that homeless man talking to himself, wouldn’t want to be him, all I have to do is continue my existence then everyone owes me, a manifesto spray painted on a parking stall, when I take things it for you, its not shoplifting when I do it, a guy who’s explaining to the people who visit the store, he doesn’t have a job, he’s saved all of us, the movie is really fun, less grounded in reality, homeless people talking to themselves, delusional people, are they delusional?, turning the clerk at an unimportant desk, a construction worker, why Arnold Schwarzenegger, quail, shiver and shake, vs. Quaid, more like Quatto, prompts, a bad movie, like Matt Damon but the other guy, The Adjustment Bureau (2011), because a dog falls asleep, reality being constructed, out of joint with reality as it is being constructed, make a black man fall asleep on a park bench, why it doesn’t translate well, boobs, dogs, coffee, wives, how do I know what’s real, all of that except for the dog, inside of his obsessions, limiting, its not everything that’s going on with him, The Goblin Reservation, a little bit into the future, Time Is The Simplest Thing by Clifford D. Simak, Martian Time-Slip, Paul Verhoven, interested in what’s going on in America, Showgirls (1995), RoboCop (1987), disgustingly awesomely correctly cynical, pulls back on that, ultimate power, an assassination, a Black Panther, MLK, memory cap, memory blocker, prevent their agent from knowing he did it, a negotiation with them, isn’t there some other way?, if they kill him the world will end, a solipsistic fantasy, awesomely stupid and funny and pathetic, it’s just him, the wife, the secretary with the blue boobs, offering herself to him, an ulterior motive, she needs to offer himself to him, a wish fulfillment fantasy, hilarious, he believes they’ll fulfill their promises, the nearest barracks, he knows what’s going on but also can’t fully buy into it, nice people, Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, Lincoln conspiracy theories, a logical explanation for it, Lincoln’s wife was really into psychics, do not go to the theater, my wife believes in all that, gets assassinated, drinking buddies with John Wilkes Booth, look this up, John Wilkes Booth is Edgar Allan Poe as a time traveler, dies mysteriously, raving about somebody named Reynolds, out there in the universe of broken threads, time travel, dreams in this story, starts with a dream, the dream grew, the dream and the yearning, the enveloping world, are you getting up or not, fierce crossness, okay, Douglas is his go to name, Charles J. Colchester, its times vs. our times, psychology, in a more scientific way, they believed it was more scientific, repressed memories that can’t be suppressed, misused in a different way, what passes as psychology today in the 90s would be dismissed as self-help gimmicks, a scam, infiltrated academia and psychology, Little Miss Sunshine (2006), Alan Arkin is always amazing, by losers for losers, destigmatize, mental health, everybody could potentially have a mental illness, almost everybody is neurodivergent, instead of expanding, limited, self-eating, how educated people thought about it, engaged with psychiatry, mental doctors, getting committed, committed one of his wives, write a story about that, Clans Of The Alphane Moon, it comes in as truth, maneuvers to analyze it, its cute because it wants to kill, accept, ignore, dispute, what techniques you use, how old you are, techniques of training, when Philip K. Dick goes to a doctor, paralyzed by thoughts, needs to engage, shows up in his writing, spiritual enlightenment books, what’s the truth of this?, what’s important, what is reality?, Freud, dogmatically, repression, too much sexual repression bad, run around like savages killing and raping each other, just the right amount of repression, misreading a novel, take the wrong lessons from Nineteen Eighty-Four, this is the only book you need to read, metaphors are fiction, hypothetical examples, speculative theory, not testable, not subject to falsification, what at this story at core really about?, suppressed memory?, the movie Gaslight, gaslighting, I know it by its objects, momentos, Paycheck (1944), The Man In The High Castle, a short story about a snowglobe, a souvenir, in contemplating, martian maw worms, unicellular organism, a sneaky pete pistol, a life rod, a death rod, a tangible connection to a vague memory, how do we know these memories are real, go to Europe, how should I go, a time of film, film was expensive, just myself, a stone from a gravel path in the garden behind Versailles, how do I know, oh yeah, there was that thing that happened, a perfect memory to connect all of our experiences together, whats the difference between suppressed and repressed, the name of the shop is Rekall, a much better story, the movie is much better, engages an idea better, Hauser vs. Quaid, good guy vs. bad guy, Hauser is fucking Melina over, Quaid loves Melina, very masturbatory, how could I have that without doing any work?, the reason why is buried, before he was assigned there, he didn’t want to go to Mars, an assignment, it happened to be Mars, a different layer of consciousness, this person is scared of snakes, a trauma involving snakes, a man flashed her his penis when she was five, suppressed in her unconscious, buried in memory, why did he spend all that time digging around in the Martian memory, the story of Paycheck, the reason he collected these objects, Severance, a very long two seasons, the park bench stuff is slow and boring, what’s the wife’s job in this story, much improved in the movie, an agent?, is she here to watch me, he thinks about it, he thinks a lot, two major boobs scenes, 3 or 4 people, Doctor Lull, Doctor Low, the technicians, refunds, retail, vbery business oriented, the Company, the CIA, InterPlan, they take him back to the retail store, his brain changed not wholesale, why is it called that?, Beyond The Door, over breakfast, a cuckoo clock, I got it wholesale from a friend, women want you to spend money on them, show you’re going to stick around, defeats the purpose of buying an expensive gift, in their own facilities, such a piddly little retail guy he can’t imagine how the CIA actually works, show up at our barracks, the secret police, so piddly and silly, the doctor, I’ll give you half back, motivation, to make money, the stupidest thing, getting the ideas and following through, if he wasn’t so greedy, little note, he’s really a spy, these guys are gonna whack us, give him evidence, silly, Philip K. Dick is naive about the things he knows are really going on, distracted by boobs and a mean wife, pretty damn good, a problem with a Hal Clement, a tweet, June 6th, qoute tweeting Ultra Blast, what about the guy you lobotomized, how human nature really works, schedule a short story, sell it to you retail, what’s going on this claim I’m making, in the movie, Hauser’s using Melina, to assassinate Quato, very Verhoven, Cronenberg was set to direct it, steered away from that, amazingly tight, the trip to Mars, schizoid embolism, just acting out of self-interest and aesthetic appeal, Hauser is a cynical operator, the naivete of his future self to fuck somebody over, why is this human nature, a turtle , you aren’t helping, you aren’t helping, you already know who you are and that person doesn’t help, you see a drowning squirrel or a puppy, untie his legs, take the cat out of the bag, on your way home you see your future self, that’s for that squirrel!, my nut factory anymore, things need to be done, we can’t sit by and just allow things to happen, lunch break, a kid in an empty classroom, building a house of cards, breathing over it, you feel good and bad, tgapping on the table, we have to know that these things are within us, tie up the princess of the train tracks, the guy who tied, Smedley Badwright, human nature is such that we must act, take a model of who we are, I’m not going to do that again,the tattoos, wwjd, model themselves on somebody, what wouldf spiderman do in this situation, that’s what this is about, one must act, you cant live in that horrible office job, a vacation as a solution to problems, two weeks of Saturdays, back to the old grindstone, hat e their job, whatever it is on twitter, self-trolling, insightful into human nature, such a stupid story, non-cynical about political assassination plans, human nature is as human nature does, a bully in a group, that’s cool, that’s not cool, the people are very similar, boys must act, with Quail, wants to be an agent, becomes Lee Harvey Oswald, erase your memory, that doesn’t make 100% sense, plant the wife, this story isn’t quite that far, an office job that doesn’t matter, he was used by the company, with the destroying rod, the tangible objects you find in the drawer, a weird language with a starmap on it, where did that come from?, a destroying rod vs. a healing rod, we have the capability of throwing squirrels and drowning squirrels, didn’t feel guilty about killing the guy, out of patriotic duty, the right thing to do, memory of going to mars and being a spy, does it, old memory back, to the surface, erase his memory again, nice people, like mice, motivated him to become a spy in the first place, a more important story than he does it, pathetic, if we knew that that was your fantasy, maybe it wasn’t a fantasy, why does Arnold Schwarzenegger want to go to Mars, Sharon Stone says let’s go to Saturn, I like sex, settle for this fake memory, optional extras, filling out the survey, what’s the same about you, famous jock, tycoon, he could be a spy, like Lee Harvey Oswald, a lackey and a patsy, these tangible objects, that trip to the beach, why is my wife mean to me, how did I end up married to this person, extraordinarily strange, definitely an outlier, the articulation that’s strange, a late 90s internet guy, hacker zines in the 90s, radical ideas, normal office drones, fantasizing about spies and shit like that, Paul really liked it, it would be okay if I was like a secret cop, they didn’t know, what if I had this alternative, what if I manifest it, bored out of fuckin mind, maybe then, an insight that Philip K. Dick had, wish fulfillment, about wishfulfillment, the wish gets subverted, turns into a nightmare, its horrible, as a subculture, science fiction wasn’t necessarily self-aware about this, the dark underbelly of America in someway, the mainstream culture couldn’t accept, a generative contradiction, Philip K. Dick normal guy ethos, fantasies of being a spy, its weird to have the rug pulled out from underthing, always overquestioning, what science fiction was aware of, processed recently, 1946, Margaret St. Clair, Fantastic Adventures, Introducing The Author, a little bit of the thing you were saying, caught more or less by surprise, a photograph and an autobiography of herself, curly brow covered hair, bangs to cover forehead, [Bettie Page] mod?, usual editorial deadline, about women liking to talk about themselves, 9 or 10 years of age, My Terminal Moraine by Frank R. Stockton, Jules Verne, Hugo Gernsback publication Electrical Something, fair, a story about people, detective and mystery, quality magazines, the same kick, freedom of imagination, ordinary people of the future, present day motorists, essentially true, got married, pet hobbies, carnations, raising dachshund puppies, out here in Richmond (California), terrestrial paradise, no special ambitions, the pulps at their best touch a genuine folk tradition, a balladic quality, The New Yorker, science fantasy fiction, ballad-like, new fairy tales, this story we read today, a fairy tale is a fake folk tale, Hans Christian Anderson, Christian, Aesop’s fables, the Bros. Grimm, Cinderella, a complete Grimm, this is from this region, Bluebeard is Charles Perrault, The Castle Of Murder, before the show started, stories that need responses, stories in dialogue, Isaac Asimov’s robot stories, a collection of folk tales about robots, made by an individual, fingerprints, produced, Snow White, a new narrative, Walt Disney’s fingerprints, R.U.R., a story based on that idea, a collective knowledge about what things are about, Lin Coln, Star Trek episodes, he freed the robots, what is it that fairy tales do, wish fulfillment, folk tales are more functional, if Jonathan had written this story, a warehouse or something, it wouldn’t have the nagging complaining wife, that’s not your kink, boobs changing colours, lights inside of them, based on her mood, purplish/pink, jealous green, bad at his job, he’s the only one doing it, his badjobbedness, in the end, really good, doing it before everybody else, everybody knows Philip K. Dick’s stuff now, all the Verhoven stuff, she’s naked in the story, nail colour on her nails, the non-nakedness, a three boobed lady, Sharon Stone skin, kicking in the balls twice, grabbed in the crotch, swearing, blood packets, primal screaming by Michael Ironside, mutants, prosthetic arms, an infiltrator, even tho a mutant himself, happens everyday, that guy there wearing black from head to foot, that guy there was the fed, shaman hat, freedom!, the naive guy, an insurrectionist, I can’t image the government would ever do something like that, diminished faculties, sucking on the propaganda tit all day, children torn apart by bombs, have your memory changed, not be aware, why Philip K. Dick is so relevant, we don’t got to Rekall to get things done, NPR, those Houthis are bad, do you condemn Hamas?, Jesse you’re weird, just tune it out, he’s calling it out, very good very solid, a technical difference, psychiatrist is a doctor with patients, a psychologist who does therapy, the same trade, a license to prescribe, a university funded by DARPA, rich people love psychologists, talk about themselves all day, explore themselves, instead of having to read, schizophrenic, bourgeois, love the psychologist, this talking doctor, explore himself and his own memories, explain his behavior, the spiritual route, he wasn’t accepting the things he was being told, he’s fighting with his wife, is that really true, is she a hebephrenic?, guiding your thoughts, if he just told you you wouldn’t believe it, no longer done by psychologist, therapists, licensed professional counselors, the worried well, extensive experience, a candy dispenser for medicine, give you anything, a psychiatric nurse, gives a shit, even as this industry expands, the demand, people bad at it, degree mills, an interesting field, another word for horrifying, a vital field, physician is the body doctor, psychiatrist is the brain doctor, Scientology, he was reading a lot, his letters, passing comedic references, Dianetics fully discredited in the science fiction community, in Galaxy, Planet Stories, making fun of it, Writers Of The Future, Galaxy Press is Scientology, bigger, still exists, nothing dies, if you won that thing, blacklisted, the Tor people are the hip group, Reactor Mag,, changed its name, the mainstream, any kind of audience, an audience of themselves, Lightspeed, a proofreader, does that for free (of course), Analog in the 1980s, write for Analog, submit your story now, read the magazine to learn what kind of stories we publish, not a pyramid, a lifestyle, something I’ve always wanted to be, I would like to have written, in this story his fantasy is about having done, not doing, what made Philip K. Dick a great writer, go out to his shack and write up a story, do it again and do it a gain, read these artifacts, no where near the top, a Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report, the only thing that’s good about is the idea, a car drives up the side of a building, a robot taxi driver, a guy who says weird things, that person isn’t just an object, imagine he was a subject, star rating, nice things about your clothes, Jesse has never been in an uber, the Church of our Mother, interaction mediated through a cream sweeping machine, a very expensive car, driving a Mercedes, uber guy, delivers pizza, this is how we are now, that’s really sad, nice old Philip K. Dick times, what if we had robot drivers, single taxi drivers making a living, Married With Children, shoe salesman hates his life, two kids, he’s a loser because he’s a shoe salesman, we can’t imagine anybody having their own house and being a shoe salesman now, streaming from their bedroom in their mom’s house, that’s how things are now, driving an amazon truck, what Philip K. Dick imagined, the robot is the box, a robot manager, why did you make such a sharp left turn, his doors that won’t open until you pay them, oppressive and horrific, moving to quickly, postal worker, one’s employed by the government, move like robots, when break time comes, favourite interaction, everyone around here has worked at Amazon, a big warehouse in Lexington, always cry before my shift, it was so boring, this is what our expectations are, author copies, printed in Delaware, Ingram books vs. Amazon books, running out of ink, save money, why aren’t we buying up old printing presses and putting them in our basements, why we’re not doing it, cheaper through amazon, they can be relatively small, the way Benjamin Franklin did it, against the enterprise, Amazon owns everything, Lightning Source, Ingram Spark, everyplace that’s not Amazon, the Ingram family, every commercially published group, a monopoly on printing presses, distribution, conflating the two, you have to play the game to get books in hands or podcasts in earbuds, the middle man, the bookstores are gone, a Chapters in Coquitlam, candles and LEGO, Walton’s, Waterstones?, back into books, many independent bookstores, go to Oregon to find one, we have to travel so far, nail salon, skin salon, dog food store, catalogues, Sears Catalogue, big retail, the internet came, big box retail stores, better than the internet, leaving your house and going out, too soon to tell, Apple’s not giving up on their headset thing, bearish vs. bullish, bearish on VR stuff, for thinking about VR, or AI,companies are already starting to cutback, expensive and inexpensive, augmented reality, students like chatgpt, the people who grade the homework, anti-ai homework service, how do they monitize chatgpt, Scott’s paying for it, if school wasn’t mandatory, when you do crypto, burned an acre of rainforest, big computers, bitcoin, disruptive to the fiat currency systems, isn’t a result of the fake school system doing fake homework, from the fake ai money, the requirement to do or pretend to do, the horror that is school, getting hooked, solving a problem, people’s actual history with school rather than theoreticals, individual teachers, cram, take in then regurgitate, so weird, learned all on my own, we all know this true, busy work, Wordle, the word manga was the five letter word, such a funny story, has to be true, all outraged, such a boomer story, why does it exist, they need to fill time, garden a little bit, people like word games, keep your brain sharp, sudoku, relationship with crossword puzzles, but why?, don’t they have something better to do?, horrified, so unproductive, jigsaw puzzles, pretend to do something else, increases spatial awareness, listerine, advertizing back in the pulp magazines, rupture-easers, never been debunked and never will be, germs, lemon squeezy stuff at the door during COVID, throwing their money away, wrecking the environment, Jesse’s totally wrong about those, second most liberal school, cooked food is bad, stop washing my hair, stop using toilet paper, leaves, pages from books, water, there’s a whole alternative ecosystem, causes damage to your anus, bidets, reinforce, we need bidets, they smelled like shit, don’t wipe for a week, Jesse doesn’t smell like anything, three times a day, days without showering, stopped noticing their own bad scent, small classroom, coffee can do that, cigarettes, cigar people, if Will was stinky Jesse would tell him, in great danger of stinking, curbside pickup, drive thru, could be a danger sign, the bidet will help, occasional daily shower, middle ground on this body product issue, stay off the deodorant, worried about it, stinky notifications, if you get all sweaty have a shower, homeless person, memberships to gyms, change your clothes, stinky feet, stinky anything, not being on the body product chemical stuff, very sensitive nose, vacation to Egypt, far afield, the discussion that we’ve had today, not compelling, males must act, for all mankind, not a compelling theory, they need to do something, what’s the alternative to doing something, being passive, play PUBG, interaction with gamer, against their own interest, a discipline thing too, do you not remember when you’re building a house of cards what happens?, which is easier to do build or destroy, patience and skill, as a child which is easier, gain some skills, you can build, some patience, more satisfying, they’re immature, a pro build person, that’s deranged, liking destroying more than building, creative destruction, Sales Pitch, a commuter going through outerspace, pelted by advertizing for products (including body part replacements), pushy robot, men are looking for relevance, women are looking for security for their offspring, not even human, animal, the biological essence of women, very biologically different, animals don’t think about their gender as much as humans do, psychology or vagina, the psychology, why do people go off to fight in Ukraine when its not their war?, their being is fighting, act as if they should be out in the forest hitting each other with sticks, classroom sort of based stuff, foam sticks, eye protection, how to raise a kid with a knife, not even the same thing as a gun, you’re going threw a piece of broken glass, throwing things in the water is cool, this creature growing inside of me for 9 months, warm and safe when the birth happens, cats or dogs go find a place, motivation vs. psychology, money security, comfort, communal creatures, activities going on in the brain, under the surface, the archaeological record, prehistoric hunter gathers, the men and the women did the same kind of work, pretty up on archaeology, a subscription, middens, big piles of shells, more like regular people, misunderstanding, modern agricultural farming with land rights, less controversial example, human culture, animals are the opposite, that’s not true of all birds, sexual dimophism is a thing, two cockatoos look identical, let’s say he’s only talking about the birds, male turkeys, plumage, scrawny very small, male fish, clown colours, little grey things swimming around, women dressing up, in past human cultures, African American culture in the United States, purple zoot suit, a horse race, little pastel shirts, the Kentucky Derby, what the word dude means, these things are cultural, make money and look professional, he gets the Mercedes, jewelry, watches, anklets, make up and powdered wigs, cultural expectations of men and women, the man asks the woman out on a date, with the younger people, situationship, come up to each other and say “skibidi toilet”, in the 2000s, offline website, Will sent the first message, its not really about clothes, Jesse has this thesis that women’s primal drive is to seek safety and protection, motivated by different things, people have all sorts of narratives, they want to be near the money, basic psychology, enjoy writing like to tell stories, he wants to have sex with a woman, become a famous writer, who are we talking about here?, broken is such a way, make art, it would be good to have that art appreciated, Freud’s theory of sublimation, that energy that’s suppressed needs some place to go, divert that energy, largely done by males, triggered by Jesse, disagreeing, is your disagreement substantive, all the cave art, what is it about, different modes, blows paint over their hand on the wall, we are here, an accounting system, stories on the walls, a lot of animals, game animals, herd animals, herds exist in nature, some prehistoric people, goatherds and shepherds and cattle, natives of the plains, buffalo is a good example, elk or whatever, reindeer, a domestic animal for pulling sleighs and such, a wild animal, semi-domesticated animal, why do they obsessively paint these animals, this is like their religious association with the act of killing, to eat its flesh, take its hide, take its bones, they know that killing is wrong, insects, fish, furry creatures and birds, that’s what we are, we’re cooking flesh creatures, who’s making that art, it’s men, didn’t have stories yet, unlikely, didn’t have language yet, pictograms all over BC, the ones in France, before they were talking, how do you prove this, communicate that to organize into a hunt, bees do the same thing, I just found these flowers, pretty simple, how long does it take to develop language, communication, very few animals have grammar, chimpanzees are living in the stone age, bears in the pre-fire age, looking at peoples bodies stress injuries, a recent Predator movie called Prey, hyper-realistic, the vast majority of human behavior is throwing sharp sticks at food, rock attached to a stick, male work, more upper body strength, at what point are humans humans, are neanderthal humans, which one can rip Jesse’s arm off faster, harem of females, bonobo, female is the dominant one, we’re definitely on the spectrum, massive sexual dimorphism, some tiktok lady, bow-strength, butch ladies, there’s some femme guys, pretty normal, not 50 50, since the early 2010s, the ideal body type for women is athletic, 1920s, women were waifs, big shoulders, Dolly Parton, Kate Moss, Claudia Schiffer, Baywatch, fat women, big butts, hoops in the back, from decade to decade, fashion, my woman is well fed, you’re putting that hoop skirt on her, that archetype, she runs track, karate and jujitsu, female wrestling team at a highschool?, bjj, roles for men, we’re men looking at women, Schwarzenegger and Stallone, Lady Gaga is a throwback to Madonna, chips and videogames, girl gamers, very successful career woman, boyfriend or husband is just like a loser, trailing behind her head hung low, sidegig, uber on the weekends, a reversal [see also the 1894 story THE REVOLT OF… by Robert Barr], economic issues with marriage, breast milk, weird hormones for strange reasons, breast pump, back into the meeting, a ton of hours, the cooking, no hunting going on, any fishing?, did he take your sister fishing?, girls should be allowed to play on boys baseball teams, more motivated, his sister, a fairly good baseball player, Will’s back, that’s like a thing, neighbours who live down the street, a pretty good job in IT, a parent they have to take care of, Meg is pulling down more money, not pumping out kids, Jesse’s pretty strange, a few steps ahead, what happened, to reading Day Million in the 80s, Larry Niven in the 80s, Jonathan has one child, a 10 year old, tend to not to vs. can’t, the history of hospitals vs. doctors vs. nurses, Florence Nightingale, doctors are ancient, Galen, hospitals are from the middle agents, christian brothers, more people visiting the Holy Land, bind each other to a covenant, a safe route for travelers, knights hospitalers, knights templars, hospitality, a modern mecca pilgrimage, filled with patients, doctors come into the hospitals and see to the patients, war hospitals, women want to contribute, swapping out bandages, giving them food and drinks, all those separate jobs are created the behavior of the genders, fraternal orders, they like fighting, shoot crossbow bolts, everything related to violence, theyre the orcs, the consequence of what they’re doing, our vision of Rambo, a useful idiot, pulled back in for the sequels, built into the human boy, not built into the human girl, girls going into the , a Lysenkoist, Jesse loves Stalin, Jesse doesn’t love Stalin, epigenetics, how you get your grant, cooperate and help each other, he got his grant year after year, its embarrassing, why less destiny than genes are, The Not-World, talkin with Cora, a fake Nancy Drew, sounds like girl stuff, she’s so fuckin weird, girls are interested in investigation, and getting tied up, investigating with flashlights, makes sandwiches, figures out a fact, swaps jeans with her best friend who’s probably not a lesbian, Time Is The Simplest Thing, will was on vacation, our friend Scott Miller, a parasocial relationship, franticly dmd, the Ray Bradbury agent estate, either bullshitting or wrong, three strikes then his account is deleted, if they don’t rescind their takedown notice, he’d have to sue them, The Visitor by Ray Bradbury, here’s the source, either their records are fucked up or…, he had to pull something down, more from his podcast?, that’s a bad sign, one somebody’s radar, Don Congdon & Associates, long deceased, Wall Street Plaza address, the take down notice, possible being trolled by another youtuber?, the official website?, their DMCA notices, this is why, if you can’t win don’t play, a rigged game, too much, it is rigged, lots of reasons to not have children, when Will was one, babies are boring, peekaboo is pretty limiting, can’t bounce them too hard, get sad, can’t explain why, crying kids explaining what the problem, temper tantrums, what it was v.s what I thought it was, incoherent, seems like it is pain, some of it is permormative, pretending to do them, podcasting or walking, Land Of Our Fathers, Paul Robeson, travelling around Wales, toy laptops, toy kitchens, fake oven, tiny, my little bakelite, easybake oven, a boy equivalent, easy bake machine shop, easy grill, easy lathe, easy gunsmithery, metal molds, put goop in them, creepy crawlers, bug toys, probably toxic as hell, still not very good at cooking, make your own food, cheaper, better for you, can be a serious problem, here we are childless with all these cats, Mars Express (2023), at the spaceport, a robot that looks like Astroboy, looks like their grandchild, nuzzles the robot’s head, full of that, at every turn, teaching you the plot like a really good mystery movie, the name of the people who made it, French people who like, know and do, the Astronaut’s daughter is really important, I am going to stand in for my sister, must have a dressing contest, it gives away its ideas, too much of it, the dress up contest, first romance with the Mormon lady, Twilight, not good for Jesse, the Olympic Peninsula, rainforest, Indians, girl gas to choose between werewolf and vampire, sparkly qualities, hot native, very loyal, of course she chooses the white man, just so hard to choose, Betty and Veronica , Rebecca Black’s Friday, what will I do?, a mean reading of women’s psychology, look at the options available then choose the best one, uncharitable, vs. men choosing women, a line about beautiful vs. hot, hot is about how one is dressed or undressed, the signals of hotness, hair in a bun, glasses on, pantsuit, not putting out the hot signals, all women have the potential of being hot, distracted by hotness, this other thing, kindness, amiability and kindness, what do you think?, eventually got together, pre-Meg people, propinquity, accessibility, big factor, Pinky, little Chinese girl from next door, the cookie store in Chinatown, how different human beings can be from each other, one of those people, two definitely, only in touch with one, fucked up and broken (but still look pretty), didn’t jive well, fucked up girlfriend, sex addled, similar personalities, similar sense of humour, big schemers, convince other people to do things, you should join this church, an elaborate party in order to get Will a scanner, scanners live with meaning, watching PulpCovers put out weird menace story art, get somebody to read for me, a podcast to edit up, a student, oh coffee, dad and mom and brother for father’s day, an afterthought, Children’s Day, you honour your mother, you don’t have to do homework today, seems dangerous, one day a year where they don’t have to study, all poor kids, out-competing their non-hagwan forced bretheren, univerities jobs, diplomas, it is a scam, the Jesse lesson: can’t win don’t play, forget about the suicides over there, what jobs exist, not at Walmart (for the old and disabled), young and abled work at Amazon, all other jobs are for Koreans, China’s the place to be for an upwardly mobile job, what you actually do in them, what the culture is like, elaborate paperwork all day, grade the kids, needs more of this, fun and funny, off to Korea, throws in something about capitalism every story, The Society, flame, peach and hen, can’t see the end in sight, many other hens, everyone were crazy about peaches, even the hens were framed harmed and killed each other for peaches, in style without curiosity, once foxes blocked the road, they usurped peaches, disturbed other hens lives, masks to hid their expressions, gave up, made a little flame, it began to swallow the foxes, fell into a swamp, the foxes were eaten by the flame, she was tired and the end of the road had come, she could saw a bed at the end of the road, with this the hen’s long journey, doesn’t it see similar to something? right?, it’s society, here is a translate, the road, corrupt politicians, the swamp, pretense, the bed death, awesome, to delight Jesse, he delighted me, so delightful, do it for free, to explain what a sleeve is, how that would come about, my teacher touched my arm, done it with drawings before, more concrete, sniffing and acting and banging the table, the word bruise, ouch it is a bruise, whatever, its tough out there, the good ones make it really good, six great ones, four or five somewhere in the middle, minimum wage approaching Jesse’s wage, a number of coequal workers, asking politely vs. an ability to walk away, other methods, hitman?, tutor privately.

World's Best Science Fiction 1967 - We Can Remember It For You Wholesale - illustration by Jack Gaughan

We Can Remember It For You Wholesale - Editorial introduction from F & SF

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #811 – READALONG: Exiles To Glory by Jerry Pournelle

Jesse, Evan Lampe, Will Emmons, Alex (PulpCovers), and Jonathan Weichsel talk about Exiles To Glory by Jerry Pournelle

Talked about on today’s show:
serialized in 2 issues of Galaxy, September and October 1977, a paperback, Jerry Pournelle by himself, YA in the style of Heinlein, here we are, is it true?, Heinlein style YA?, demented reactionary Nazi guy, garbage, fun to analyze, worth the bother, upset Goldwater was defeated by Johnson?, the worldview is demented, just disorder, a fundamentally reactionary worldview, all controlling government is terrible, actually create something, not be weighed down by the systems of the earth, the civil rights bill, hated every minute of this book, makes the same mistake, takes some Heinlein tropes, a crazy person, flights of fantasy, not enough incest, Starman Jones, a similar story, more synthetic, near the beginning, silly annoying things, the infodump, these rich people who own corporations, dumped with, why, why do I care?, a good chunk of notes, three main characters, significant characters, Kevin Senecal, ask me about my name, Jacob, diabetic computer guy, Ellen McMillian aka Glenda, the good which, Larry Niven, because the inherited wealth, the dedicee of this book, Dan Alderson, was diabetic, the roman-a-clef to understanding this book, a theory, cynical, pretty obvious, the Norman French origins, a steward, runs a household, a granger, chief of staff, John Wyndham, the children with the weird eyes, The Dunwich Cuckoos, the guy who goes around to all the local plebs and demands rent for the lord, all names can have meaning, didn’t pick this name randomly, heroes, they’re trynna save the company, by saving the company they’re saving earth, a comedy, they get married at the end, shouldn’t feel this cynical, very Shakespearean, Much Ado About Nothing, sparking on twitter in dangerous ways, saved it for the podcast, there’s something here, disappointed and annoyed, writing partner, question their continued relevance, dangerous, lock you up on a moon, a stack of Heinlein juveniles, science fiction in the Gernsback Asimov tradition, his focus, the rocket Galahad, effort into that, doing a lot of math, math about something that’s made up, an eidetic memory, by being rich, raised in a weird cult, Futurians, the ideological framework, a very timely book for the late-70s, stagflation, capitalism in crisis, an issue with hard SF in general, all this thought into how the tech works, a technophile, everyone is against technology, social structures, how government works, how political movements work, delusional, the rise of other economies in the world, seemingly endless growth was coming to an end, more of what Johnson had in mind, tried that in France, a welfare state forever, Marxism 101, far left vs. right, the modern administrative state, autonomy from capital, from the great Depression forward, a reactionary like Pournelle, opposed to capital in a fundamental way, more power than capital, governments are more short sighted than business, elections vs. shareholder returns, investment vehicles, privately held companies, the audiobook business, an audiobook producer, the only exception is Amazon, a monopoly in multiple, an acquisition company, Blackstone Audio, weather the storms of management school ideology, some family, learn the business, doesn’t always work, some heir fuck it up, what this book is about, a book about politics, useless and helpless, the STATE, they’re nothing, the actual enemies are other corporations, she’s a spy, corporate cops, kind of interesting, the cop who wants to have a beer, steals a beer, a person stuck in a horrible institution can do, too many other things on their mind, a broken system, the good ones leave, can’t just muddle through and take the orders, leave the earth to solve the problem, the solution to problems is running away, hints early one, some sort of secret society, did the cop nail the cat to the door?, what’s going on here, the Futurians were set up, global conspiracy, a weird book club, the early Earth stuff, The Rolling Stones, Grandma Hazel with the kids on a scooter, that anoxia thing, clay under her boobs, never pays off, Quixote, straight out of, The Turner Diaries [by William Luther Pierce], is there any evidence for that?, have you ever said anything about Africans, lifted off of that book, what’s it doing there?, the kick off the earth, motivated to leave the Earth, buckle down and get a job, a lot of people’s goal, your life sucks, had the sense to make the character a female, a healthy young man, a nerd who played football, trash can lid, loving the Society For Creative Anachronism, pandering to nerdism, a serious problem with the politics early on, 2020, beat up by gangs in the 1970s, The Warriors (1979), Escape From New York (1981), Death Wish (1974), desperate gang violence, Crips, muggings, Monica Hughes, the company is the bad guy, the people who work at the company are all bad, double agents and spies, that one company is good, he can’t get in the guild, do you have any pull with one of the unions, protesting groups, the cynicism about academia, fairly forward thinking, a lot of people a lot less enchanted with the university systems, there’s a column in Galaxy, giving his speeches, excited about his ideas, we don’t have to have zero population growth, where in here is it really really right wing, helpless in the face of black masses, police not enforcing laws, massive rioting, Black Lives Matter, not enforcing the drug laws, doing heroin in the streets, academia being unable, you’re never going to get out of this university, never separately, before he died, interested in tech, growing up during WWII, Italian POWs, not exactly a contemporary of Heinlein, the next generation, he’s on to something in here, how is Earth going to be better off, a competent manager, engineer their way, cheap energy, cheap food, the plot of the Fallout tv show, fetch quest fun twists, factions and themes and big surprises, cold fusion, help everybody, a comedy cynicism, you’re the naive one going into the world, giant eyes, artificially increased in size, the fun juxtaposition, super-mutants, coming out of Plato’s cave, puritan ethic, underdeveloped cult, parents are rich, a junior associate of the cult, part of her secret identity, her regular identity, loose threads, some other books, easter eggs or callbacks or fanservice, first and last Jerry Pournelle, not a terrible book, disappointing, the solution to one’s problems is to marry a rich girl, Horatio Alger, getting Bs in his courses, the prerequisites, when they tried to grade you, previously had gotten As, not politically conforming, walking around campus, the first one to stop applauding when Stalin gives a speech, zero-growth, pro-tech, variant, doesn’t matter which one you join, one of the officially approved protest groups, feels extremely 2020s, every time a new party won the White House, become entrenched, the Deep State, anti-Trump, didn’t make a lasting impact, back story in this, what was happening before our story began, too late in the book, hidden from us, there was the Watergate, a new third party, People’s Alliance, populist, one would hope, we’ve given up on Earth, we haven’t given up on humanity, princess of mars, brain implant, her story is much more central to this book, he’s the POV character, she has Daddy’s money is going to fuck me up, gravity is hard, stupid gravity, told from the male pov, Heinlein YA, you’re a boy who’s writing the book, general audience for this kind of book, not that many female engineers as a percentage, they buy her being a prostitute, rich girl who rebelled against her richness, the prodigal daughter, well done, what we expect, more mining, getting the load home, the criminal CEO type was doing most of the mining, Starship Troopers except mining instead of the military, Asimov not Heinlein, regular girl, believable or not?, from moment to moment, interesting character beats, I’m into you, let’s shack up, the near future, still normal for people in their early 20s to get married, a very wealthy woman, addresses that, things going on on Earth, Invitation To The Game, kids can’t find jobs, free housing but not jobs, improve themselves as a group, a VR, playing colonists on another planet, they are actually colonists on another planet, like Ender’s Game but with farming, Tunnel In The Sky, the people on Earth are fucked, steal back the unobtanium, make earth a garden, what is the ideology here really, cultivate your own garden, good and honest, find the lost boy in the woods, find a new home, good at heart, do your own thing, chaotic and disordered, how reactionaries see the world, only force can restore order, no institutions, the Mexican government is more competent, Baja, California, The Children Of Men, V For Vendetta, we’re holding firm, the whites in the south who oppose civil rights, if we move against segregation, to keep the fundamentally unstable force at bay, white civilization is under threat, reformed by liberal governments, fundamentally incapable, welfare to education, worsening the problem, only the market or a strong force, reactionary views, there’s too much strong man that’s trying to tame the world, crack down on the gangs, it’s Oregon, everybody’s in their clique, what recent happened, the drone strikes, Nancy’s Pelosi’s friends [worked for that group], killing 100,000 children is fine, I live in a gated community, amongst my peers and friends, I’m getting phone calls about my friend’s children being killed, if you’re in a union, you don’t want to fall, the judges, these guys have rights, fallen, a strata between, the haves and the not, the gangs tend to be strawmanned, what do gangs really want?, autonomy, unity, a means of a survival, official sanction, selling himself into indentured servitude, he meet cutes with, Gaza, the settler colonial project, informed by this very argument, the Algonquins, a chaos we need to bring order to, being driven out, Hungarians and Germans and Ukrainians, the French, the Irish, convinced to go to settler colonialism, you don’t have emigration, Americans being driven out, why did you make that choice?, professional, an American historian of Atlantic history in the Pacific, they’re looking for jobs, there’s no tenure track anymore, people are feeling this pinch, made examples of, the same university for 25 years and had perfect scores, declining rates of profits in the housing industry, capitalism doing that, disorder in the world, emigrating from the United States, keeping from leaving the U.S., tax season, retirees, under the cut-off, how international this book was for an American book, a very American writers, most SF writers who exist, does Sci-Fi still get written?, Ted Chiang, written vs. read, looks like it would be science fiction but is is not, science fiction in awards won, once we’re in space, the Mexican detour, Heinlein has stories set in Canada, very unusually, if it is written by an American, the Earth, Africa, mining companies, a lot of Switzerland, what African country gets mentioned, Canada is a huge mining, zero, Africa is not a set of countries it is a set of places to be mined, Isaac Asimov’s super quiz, which country controlled Angola, Portugal, Madagascar, Ethiopia, why Africa is uniquely interesting, didn’t really care about settling there, and Kenya, most violent decolonization movement, Rhodesia, Mau Mau rebellion, as a possession vs. its resources and can change the government, border crisis, stop fucking up those countries so hard, let them run their own things for a while, most people don’t know, they live in shithole countries, the reason those countries are shithole countries, the recent history of Ecuador, don’t get couped every couple of weeks, the claws and the snakes, where is the right wing part of this, white kid attacked by a black gang, you’ll be the one in trouble, the text is more focused on they’re kids, they’re minors, imperiled children, young people as a threat, strong families and strong parents?, the racial quotas, pretty explicit, a lot of class stuff just below the surface, the ending was largely about that, anxiety about diversity, a positive thing in his works, trigger Evan the most, the Malthusianism, population growth has destroyed the earth, need to eat bugs, I need you to eat bugs, my $300 subscription ice cream, your $15,000 refrigerator, a specific Nancy Pelosi meme, one job per household, restrictions, not going to use any resources, managed poorly, sexism thing, girl in space, that’s sexist, it is, fine with it, evolutionary sex roles, damage done to people’s bones, women were definitely put to work, some war not a lot, hunter gatherer society, have we evolved, humans never change, the things that infect their heads, institutional stuff, our capacity to transform nature and ourselves, ecology of nature, change our relations among ourselves, marriage is a totally unnatural thing, a development, many software updates, some occasional firmware updates, squishy/country, evolution happening slowly, domesticated apes, we’ve certainly lost a lot of hair, lobster stuff, Jordan Peterson, we have the enlightenment, not Pournelle, big heavy infodump late, the very end, his punishment is we pay off your debts, he murdered several people, very realistic, if they don’t just kill him, jurisdiction in space, wave a stack of cash, he would get himself killed, with the lawyer, incredibly satisfying, Pacifico, the Disney villain death, what made him bad, hoarding, embezzling, misallocation of resources, spy books since Ian Fleming, a free on Audible, corporate espionage book [Paranoia by Joseph Finder], at a phone company, basically Blackberry, a double agent, all of that being said, when the stakes are two companies against each other, android vs. apple, the tech that soldiers wear on their head, American vs. Chinese, China steals everything, patents, copyright, cheating at a game where there’s no rules, a layer of cope, the 10 commandments of the company, a lame cope, the reason is china is bad is they take our ideas and implement them, getting the unobtanium back, cheap fertilizer, all the babies in Africa and India and Bangladesh, cynical, the remarkable, a sense of humour, Niven’s sense of humour vs. sense of fun, playful, Ringworld, everybody’s motivation is about sex, Louis Wu just gets sex naturally, Speaker, Nessus, with the hindmost, Teela Brown, luckiest girl on the ring, a low stakes book, personal issue, where the cats were getting murdered, drowned in a toilet, nailed to a door, kill his own cat, pictured in the Galaxy illustration, why is that cat doing Jesus, Stephen Fabian, the cat being crucified on the door, drawn a lot of boobs, my audience for Galaxy really needs to see, Will couldn’t abide that, a Heinlein guy with regards to cats, unlike Jesse, more interested in editorial policy, hoping to grok science fiction through editorial policy, the reason H.P. Lovecraft is, editorial policy creates stories, idiosyncratic bird, market this book to specific audience, artists doing their weirdness, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, makes her own magazine, wrote everything in it, The Yellow Wallpaper, mainstream publication, Herland, women were oppressed in the 19th century, women are people too, some sort of allegory, largely autobiographical, the history of medical treatment: horror everywhere, not wrong to be interested, you have to go to that casino, see that Star Wars movie, capitalism, that’s pretty much everybody after a certain point, kill yourself like Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, drunk, why are you kind of a drunk?, everybody gets there eventually, hopefully, editorial policy at Galaxy in the 70s, James Baen, a different era, J.E. Pournelle, back in the day, a broad array of ideological perspectives, Spider Robinson, he’s a hippie man, Joanna Russ, a woman resisting pregnancy in an Adam and Eve scenario, publications existing today, no general audience, fragmented audience, oppositional ideas, being part of the choir, literally Futurians, as being a right winger, this book sucking at the end, the setup is awesome, allergic to the idea that the right wing even exists, thinking about Paul, he thinks right wingers exist and they’re bad, this policy and this policy, endless foreign wars, tribal cleavages, a woman’s right to choose, she does it anyway, does that make him right wing?, advocate for rational self-interest as a motivating principle, if this book were running for election, where you sit in the legislature, vibes, interested in science and no sense of humour, the fuck yeah science tribe, Andrew Yang, superficial, no depth to it, a surface level description, describing the physics, government and interactions between people, mechanical, not really a right wing or a left wing, ideological differences in these systems, a West Wing, deliberately insulting, doesn’t believe in basic human equality, conservative ideas, what do you mean by right wing, a relative thing, explain Jesse then, ideological incoherent, will self-identifies, focused against and focused on, radical centrist, what Alex was, circumspect, challenging political provocations, a political position, the self-immolation dude, did both, it was for Trump, the new TidePod challenge, finding out the hard way, 70s bombings, disaffected teenagers got into school shootings, ideological different, a left leaning populist, the vax stuff, loves Vladimir Putin, the Syria stuff, riding a bear, holding a cat, Jesse’s gullible, what a tankie is, militant opposition to capitalism, Stalinist, many British communists, a general meaning of supporting anti-imperialist, tankie shirt, defenders of anti-American leaders, pro-Russian narratives, Russo-Ukrainian war, soft-peddled, our politics don’t really matter, you run our country, doctor/dentist, everybody in the middle don’t, early on in this book, The Island Worlds by Eric Kotani and John Maddox Roberts, narrator was ok, Wyatt Fenner, squeezes his nose, hard earned money, before Will was born, born in 1986, so new, a flying Porche, a flying car book, asteroid mining, some Conan, alternate history about Carthage beating Rome, not DAW, MP3-CDs, follow up on this, Thor Taggart, a political party to take over Earth, colourful characters, corporate shenanigans, same tradition, Charles Sheffield, Nive and Pournelle should start looking over their shoulders, came out and bought it, somebody has these books, used bookstore, a NEW book, decent covers, actual science fiction books, the last gasp, John Scalzi’s obituary on Jerry Pournelle, he wasn’t Heinlein but he didn’t kill anybody, he borrowed, are liberals left or right wing, that circumspect laugh, generally considered left wing, John Locke: left wing, Hobbes is right wing, nasty brutish and conservative, pre-French revolutionary, old money and new money, The Economist: a left-wing publication, Adam Smith, more libertarian, libertarian as a subset of liberals, free things up to get more new money, if you’rre not pulling for the Holy Roman Empire…, always conservative, skinsuit Roman Empire, the old joke, achieved peak podcasting, The Worlds Of If is back as a skinsuit publication, Neil R. Jones, The Jameson Satellite, this asteroid road, with a flying porche, Australian ebay seller, the Romantic poets, Keats/Shelly, Coleridge: degenerate, agents chasing Coleridge around, Keats is more conservative, pining for a lost golden age, pretty active for a lord, the Spain of the day, was his club foot left?, arts movement, Tolkien very conservative, a revelation about Tolkien, look at the evidence, who are the rich people across the water, proudfoots, all the Hobbits who are rich indicate they used to be robbers, proud of being footpads, a thing he put in, Brandybuck, they’re buckin’ something, Took, it’s right in the name, I’m baggin’ that, “this is y Gandalf knew Bilbo was a natural thief, it’s how his ancestors got rich!”, it’s that amazing?, an excellent undergrad paper, where riches come from, hobbits as Englishmen confirmed, come home an build castles, sit back, and smoke pipes, ideas on abortion, some right wing stuff on the Spanish civil war, against lining nuns up and shooting them, pro-lining nuns up, line the anarchists up, marry the nuns to the anarchist, have a mixer, the liberal solution, there’s no losers under liberalism, educate people into the middle class, robot janitors, big roomba, you’re kids are janitors while they’re studying at interviews, work study program, older adults to tell them what to do, management was staff, liberal institutions, make kids do work, depends on the context, make other kids do work, old money new money, we’ve been making money this old fashioned way, universities are liberal because they maintain the system, meritocratic, people are starting to tip, pre-French revolutionary times, give it a few decades, how many decades can you have of incompetent government, incompetent government doesn’t really effect most people, hungry, deprivation, Lenin wrote that book, What is to Be Done?, when the system is failing, the Chinese Revolution, national unification, peace, haven’t had starvation in 70 years, famine forever, the Soviet famines were a manmade, all the famines are manmade, localized famines caused by droughts, it takes communism, socialism, communism is never achieved, a list of famines under British India, Pulpfest, all of July?, became a lawyer, among the better end of Conan pastiche, non-Robert E. Howard ones, alternating chapters, some ghoul lady with cold flesh, she’s a zombie, sex with a zombie, Conan The Champion?, a guy writing about Heinlein books, cracked the code on incest in Heinlein, there’s no incest at all, one of the pros on this book, conflicted, the problem with this book is Jerry Pournelle is not a crazy person, The Maltese Falcon, Red Harvest, with Conan, very much like hardboiled detective novels, a problem, a solution, Conan doesn’t have an office, one quirk or the other, Sarah Hoyt, a big claim, breasts, yoga, a female lead character, there was nothing else going on, make it stop, Heinlein’s crazy, one’s a legal term, the guy had a stroke or something, his books got weird, they were weird before that, bizarro fiction, childrens going down slides into buckets, idea based vs. gut based, before sputnik and after sputnik, satire, cynical, the Russians getting to space, very selective in your books and timeline, Starman Jones, getting off of Earth, the United States often doesn’t exist, American ideals in space, Canadian so confused, Jesse you’re balding, okay fuck you, more balding than Canadian, is different later on, older and demented, cognitive decline is real but not equally distributed, one Heinlein juvenile left, the most juvenile of all the juveniles [Have Space Suit, Will Travel], Rocket Ship Galileo, too dangerous to kill the Nazis, the stark difference, they’re fuckin Nazis, corporate guys trying to outjigger each other, corporate entities battling each other, Philip K. Dick, an older paternal knowitall, Professor LaPaz?, shepherds the younger man, the revolutionary girl, liberal and conservative at the same time, big claims are being thrown around, American ideals, Tom Swift, get to it spirit, extremely American exceptionalism, a reaction to a series of Young Edison stories, imagine today someone writing a successful series of novels about young Elon Musk fighting crime with inventions in South Africa, Jonathan’s going to get some money, Horatio Alger, Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Jack London, does Bellamy have American values, socialism is German man, being obtuse on purpose, subaltern American values, the real america, making America great again, not particularly concerned, if we just wait 15 years of space mining, horrible mines, an environmentalist book, cares about the environment, ignorant fucks, undermining their own goals, nuclear energy bad, nuclear energy dangerous, exploding moons, nuclear positive, managed by corporate interests, those corporate interests are controlling their protesting groups, Bloomberg giving to the Sierra Club, the non-profit industrial complex, willing to do anything for money, you can make it sound good because we’re gonna do good, follow the money, read Pournelle’s dissertation and master-thesis, when did the book split in the magazine,, what kinda glory do they get?, married glory, a part of Galaxy Jesse is not super-familiar with, Stephen Fabian is a pretty awesome artist, the cover art was on its way out, not a bad book at all, pretty coherent, missing craziness, what’s hard to understand?, Jack Higgins’ Sheba, everything was on the nose, dragged on and on and on, the champagne of beers, miller high life, the serial picks up on page 73, chapter 12, Aeneas Mackenzie’s real luxury, when they get to the belt, right after the exciting cliffhanger, Star Beast, the functionary UN guy, interplanetary diplomacy, goes down a lot smoother, unearned, unprecedented, hearing the professor on a phone call, ooh mystery, the remainder of the book, the bad guys have no problem killing people, strand them on an asteroid in a mine, gestured broadly at, if they’re gonna kill him?, everybody gets forgiven in the end, main character syndrome, if they killed off the main character, our diabetes guy has to sacrifice, this is good art, jumping from capsule to capsule, the image of the cat being killed, in the shownotes, I’ve seen better crucified cat illustrations, inside front cover NUDE, nude Fabians, Kitty Cat Massacre by J. Manfred Weichsel, The Door Into Summer, the labour saving technology, she ages naturally, the grooming book, is grooming left wing or right wing, cryofreeze, a manipulable character, she sticks with it, some deep mind fuck, it fits with the theme of the book, what is time but aging?, a mismatch in the people’s ages, ususally 100 years ago, great grandmother, Timerider, Up The Line by Robert Silverberg, Heinlein’s pervy-self, The Lazarus Long stuff, hanging out with old men who’ve lived a long time, the immortal guy, Highlander: The Greatest Film Ever Made, Taladega Nights, double feature, they get in a fight, power fantasy about sleeping with his own daughters, smart and had issues, ability to produce text, Heinlein is weird, less pejorative, insane is a silly word, Jerry Pournelle is cute more than weird, wargaming, come on, that’s cute, Star Trek was one of the wargames he was playing, he’s a nerd, political opinions, both amused by people being enthusiastically wrong, procure a copy, the audiobook is no longer available, MP3-CDs, under DRM you’re fucked, used bookstore, let’s race, 2009, Baen’s still going, Clyde Caldwell, Boris Vallejo cover, Larry Elmore, can you compare, pretend it was written by Heinlein, worse than Rocket Ship Galileo, in the tradition of, the JPL stuff, the appeal of space, the commonality, an axe to grind, grinding to a point, more like a Tom Swift book in that way, a framework for a young man to have an adventure, Pournelle had a bad time in the 60s, sexual politics?, positive trends of the 60s, movement towards racial equality, social organization among students, students can get condoms, speak their mind, more chaos and disorder, degeneracy, he seems to not be a huge fan, they were fooling around on the ship, just finished embracing, left to the imagination, a lot of complaining about the lack of privacy, “lovers”, a remarkable magazine, hands, how do we prove this?, not a sexually liberated book, a honeymoon there, having sex in the subway, couldn’t bring himself to describe that scene, she’s on the pill, Heinlein couldn’t wait, Tunnel In The Sky they make babies, Time For The Stars, The Puppet Masters, nudism vs. sex, hate psychics, used to communicate between ships, torchships, any transgenderism in it?, talking to his niece, she’s the grown up, planet of the furry collectivist society, she goes native, another interesting contrast, a long clock, we do have microphones in America, not dedicated, Blue Yeti, need to buy wargames, to play on your computer while you’re in space, a trash can lid, really big in the 70s among people who wrote science fiction stories, Avalon Hill, chits, Panzers vs., Battle For North Africa, card games, Magic was so huge, when did Magic start?, the early 90s, what made it so big, as big or bigger than World Of Warcraft, a 20 year old game, reserved, propose a story, don’t have a gender, when Evan gets to I Will Fear No Evil, and interesting idea, long, a good book, Friday is better, man brain, woman hormones, more womany, good theory, hard to test, templar cigar, fine, more focused on the audiobook, not a pipesmoker, pipe curious, big long clay one like Sherlock Holmes or Gandalf, found in a midden, too long to finish, sunroom, sundeck, so you don’t stink up your house, the longer your stem the farther away the stink is, tend to stink, fezs and smoking jackets and cravats are all designed to prevent stinkage, chewing tobacco would be the worst, seems pretty gross, putting teabags in your mouth, chew on that beetlenut, khat, roadside penis enhancer, social traditions, stimulant effects, working class people take it like coffee, splotch on the ground, betel nut, implies that, Jesse is LSD, dreams getting solid, the themes coming right out, increasing your ability to dream properly, makes you not noisy?, high blood pressure, wake up a lot, keeps Will sleeping, one of the things that [Fallout] has, hacking minigame, the sense of humour, the show is funny, the game is funny, the VATS system, why Fallout is so good, it’s a FPS but doesn’t feel like one, stealing, dialogue trees, the storytelling, side quest sort of thing, science fiction, different morality, corporations, a lot of time spent pre-Nuclear War, the bad guy from Justified, comparing the politics from the world of Fallout, the New Red Scare, retro-cars, it’s not really our world, looks nice, almost extraordinary, a lot less shooting than the game is, a sensibility of a sense of humour, a hyper-reality tweeked up, Andor, the least Star Warsy Star Wars, bullion to pay its troops, don’t have direct deposit, goldbugs wrote it, the emperor would have created a fiat money system, why aren’t their mines, a thread about disabled people in dungeons with wheelchairs, a wheelchair accessible dungeon, there’s too much magic, the same healing system, the game mechanics, stimpacks, radaway, a walkthrough but shorter, Bethesda games, Skyrim, same shit, Fallout 76, the settler system, just tedious, extract story, the NCR, the Vegas one is slightly better, the lore is sort of given to you explicitly, Elden Ring, a list of things to do, make lists, hard in a frustrating way, the game teaches you to stop sucking, 1997, cheating, single player storytelling, isometric, Shady Sands is in Fallout 1, set in Los Angeles basically, the NCR, on the border with California, they never steal anything from any of the games, the organizations and history are all the same, a meeting of communists, everybody should pirate this show and watch it, and now it was two, Time Is The Simplest Thing, good things about it, the cover art from Astounding, The Fisherman, the pastoral, rural ruins, rustbelt America, Clifford D. Simak, died in 1988, a lot of 80s and late 70s, America is not what it used to be, academia, jobs, picture of the dudes by the truck, the premise of the book is very good, very Alfredy Bester, pack your pipe, need to read City, insofar, Philip Jose Farmer’s The Lovers, how most people have taken it in, down for more Simak, seems like good guy, the number one thing on the list, John W. Campbell, I don’t know about you, made a lot of people write a lot of bad books, it’s because you’re right wing, choose a team, Horace Gold, Anthony Boucher, fantasy, escapism, editor versus writer, creatures that live in the desert, Mr. Lupescu, the bloody Benders, family of serial killers, Kansas, 1871-72, a story by Margaret St. Clair that follows Kate, commonlaw marriage, the Oregon trail, kill, maybe eat, 11+ victims, They Bite, man-eating somethings, very Anthony Bouchery, The Compleat Werewolf, a mystery guy, issue of Unknown, Jorkens story The Club Secretary by Lord Dunsany, his editorialship at F&SF, a connoisseur who dabbles in the low, too high is too bad, open to the idea, fiction without those things, the friend and adviser to Philip K. Dick, Roog, dog upset, all humans may die, no dog murder, either the garbagemen are aliens or the dog is wrong, the dog does get to a farm tho, the aliens/garbagemen, Philip K. Dick is great, his first sale, an editorial by Boucher, Anthony Boucher, Theodore Cogswell, a real mistake to differentiate between fantasy and science fiction, Unknown and Beyond, wartime paper rationing, not wholly overlapping, the audience for fantasy, talking to Eric [S. Rabkin], mens magazines, women’s magazines, Omni, Chatelaine, really likes science, out of the 40s, get going in the 50s, evolved from Blue Book, a theatre magazine?, high end fiction magazine, When Worlds Collide, Tarzan, a Superman guy, after WWII, leaning into the adventure, well into the 70s, Argosy does a similar path, the height of the mens magazines, 1959, 130 competing titles, beat up by something like private equity, go into the barber shop, women had the hair salon, legacy with us, the dentist, Consumer Reports, thin volumes from 10 years ago, the sweats, on the cover there was a guy covered in weasels and it said ‘I ATE MY SISTER!’ and ‘I WAS FORCE TO MARRY THE CANNIBAL QUEEN OF MADAGASCAR!, who was reading these magazines, boomers coming out of WWII want to read about Otto Skorzeny, reading tiktok?, observing tiktok?, experiencing tiktok?, a Guy De Maupassant story, Cavalcade, a pretty good fit for this magazine, Today’s Woman, choosing to do it, it fit, great art to illustrate it, rather than shaping stories, by changing endings, curation of what’s available to them, a lot of psychic shit, selling it to a guy who thinks telepathy and psi-powers are possibly real, a huge fuckn blindspot, a bug, that magazine survived all the winnowing, you have to subscribe, newsstands, two legacy magazines, F&SF, Asimov’s, that’s pretty fucked up, scrappy startups, Wizards With Guns, 3 guys in their garage, now they have a place to put that stuff, times have changed, Horace Gold, extreme PTSD, what did he see, man?, the trauma, predisposed, unable to leave his apartment, Frederik Pohl came over, overwhelmed, a Mrs. Horace Gold, hit by a taxicab, imagining experiencing the 1950s indoors, the life of Horace Gold, an episode of Deep Space Nine, Mercury publication, Alfred Hitchcock, Ellery Queen, NPC Conan reviewing, The Worm Ouroboros, a crude failure, The Lord Of The Rings, translation of The Garden Of Forking Paths, a pretty dynamic guy, from Pohl, a weatherman, he did see five bombers get shot down, flaming wreckage in the sky, Masters Of The Air, a throwback, old fashioned, Cora got really mad, glorifying the bomber pilots, being machined gunned, I’ll never forgive them for that, a show about bombers, glorifying, no, not condemned in every scene, night bombing, any time you’re dropping bombs on people, a tankie position?, let’s try to avoid airplanes dropping bombs on people, drones killing other drones, going after human beings, main point of drones, it always starts with defense, embrace genocide, that situation in Gaza, really horrifying, follow the right accounts, made of bones, children missing body parts, does the dog do okay in this Roog story, the dogs and cats in Gaza are not doing well, homeless dogs, pets and feeds and cleans their eyes, Sitting with Dogs, people can do good on pretty small levels, how these dogs ended up there, the family had to move, but why did that happen, why couldn’t the dog come with them, couldn’t afford their house, moving out of country, you have to move for your work, not just rich family wanted a dog, bad cirucmstances for the human caretakers, homeless dogs in 3rd world/developing countries, humans doing their best of twitter and youtube, being forced to move, the border problem as being a political football, the place where they are is not conducive to living, natural disasters, Haiti’s problem, no-infrastructure, U.S. history notes, French history notes, the problem of the day, really cut-off Israel, probably can’t anyway, not a good reason to do it, they don’t have to be interested in winning the election, a little bit of interest there, hyper-incompetent, largely losers, a self-own, winning is losing for them, the hidden story inside today’s book, how did it get that way, how come the judges are insular from their communities, surface, girl is rich, boy is convenient narrator, The Soul Of Man Under Socialism [by Oscar Wilde], some coffee soon, a little coffee, Joe Rogan’s 4 hour podcast, conversations are largely dettermined by how long it takes before someone needs to pee, non-profit diversity training, poor boy, poor man, before entering into some conversation with any kind of stakes, physical needs, a checklist of science fiction thinking, when airplanes were invented, out in the lake, drop your paddle, if one of your wings falls off, human psychology needs such things, other things on that list, frameworks for thinking about expression, whether you can beat the shit out of the person you’re having a conversation with, a check to reality, can you have a debate with her, Destiny and Vaush having a debate on the internet, man-cave/gaming rooms, reading wikipedia entries and nitpicking particular words, approximately your peer, elderly frail man in a bed, a girl acting like a man, that’s not cool, guys shouldn’t beat up girls, some codes of behavior, they have not lived in the world long enough, one against many is not cool, two guys beefing it out in the street, take it outside, not make it contagious, thinking through this through, under the surface, moderate your words, handshake, let’s get a beer together sort of talk before or after, you can’t really debate on the internet, model UN, leadership class, violence, why Fidel Castro wore military fatigues, Kim Jong Un, Wretched Of The Earth by Frantz Fanon, overthrowing the French, fond of Krushchev’s pounding his shoe, space rockets, in the editorial right after, Iran bombing military bases in Israel, Iron Dome being ineffective, hypersonic missiles, really fast stuff, falling behind in tech, all corrupt, milking, F-35, Osprey, Boeing, short term profits good, everybody’s in, get on the gravy train, those two things are not compatible, things are incompetent on earth, the whole mining industry, I need to be a miner because that’s where the money is, dwarves love gold, or mithril, The Hobbit, the dwarves in the Hobbit, more focus on dwarves, motivated by dwarf wanting to get their estate back, never read The Hobbit, Justin fucked all Canadians, servers in North Korea, maybe not the best at advertising their services, insufficient Korean, a lot of different opinions, a reenactment on the whole of the war on the peninsula, one tiny UN unit, reacharound in Inchon, right up the the Chinese border, why did all that happen for, why?, still hard to understand, domino theory, we have to stop the bad people from invading a sovereign country, everything they say about them is what they’re doing, how come Isis never attack Israel?, Isis attacked the mall in Moscow, why did Isis do that?, why Isis is attacking the Russians?, I wonder why, could it be because it is funded, even the people who are taking money to oppress their own people are turning on the oppressors, hold out hope, can’t will this war military?, mowing the lawn on a bigger scale, the border shit, convincing countries to take refugees, lots, enmasse after some sort of horrific slaughter, very common, people appear on the borders, criminals, the Chinese are doing it!, much more direct about what they’re doing, what the IMF is offering us, would you like us help us exploit, an incompetent boob appointed by a demented man, children of this class, they’re not geniuses, their parents had their job before them, there is dissatisfaction building, great moments, Barnard College expelled 1% of their student body for protesting, autoworkers in Chattanooga, endorsing Biden, standard union crap, these are our plans, he plans to be a millionaire, a massive strike for the first time in decades, the auto industry, the Teamsters kicked UPS’ butt, top tier contract, $100k, to buy labour peace, an interesting period, he met with Trump or Biden or RFK, Cornell West, Marianne Williamson, the airy fairy stuff was it, that’s the totality, massive ignorance, if magically president, Obama acceded to everything, subsequently Libya was a mistake, imma think about it while I sip my tea at my estate, encapsulates Obama, stop the NBA from going on strike, favour for a friend, these are friends of mine, none of the players are saying, work in a strange job, highly compensated for their height, you’re embarrassing my family members and my friends, not a stack of dead bodies, a particular person in that stack, that’s just claptrap, you’re paid by Russia, she wants the FBI to look into this, literally lost his faculties, same thing happened to Reagan, it wasn’t on full display, we tell you he’s fine, there’s no question, why did Paul quit twitter?, cybertruck having to be recalled, why are you tweeting this, owning Elon Musk, that’s where we are, so partisan, willing to deny, no he isn’t touching his penis to your face, he’s fine, no he’s running things, but Trump, seeing it and failing to accept it, they refuse to see it, they’re the same picture, you hate Trump a lot, objecting to congressional republicans voting against funding the Ukraine war, Putin sympathizers, I’m not a leader of a post-Soviet state, he’s not demented, caught up on this dementia thing, you’re caught up on this guy flopping his penis on your forehead, it doesn’t matter who is the figurehead, how we judge a person, how many people did Anthony Boucher kill, Carter seemed to kill a lot fewer people, Reagan, more in Iraq, Afghanistan, just raw numbers, Obama, Trump, Biden, killed zero people, Lincoln killed more Americans than anybody, and Lakota, Vietnam War, George W. Bush, Trump is objectively better than Biden and Obama (going by the numbers), make a chart, what you’re grouping and counting, let’s get out of Afghanistan, happened under Biden, we got Ukraine on the back burner, the numbers do line up, Carter was the least killy, after WWI, westward expansion, you can get lost in it, this whole East Timor thing, no war declared, better than Johnson or Nixon, a preliminary way, Bush’s gulf war, Clinton, Kosovo, yo, many many times, no fly zones, Trump didn’t star a new war, we never had a boss, a documentary about Jean Chretien, do it without the U.N., limited rubber stamp, the guy you’re differing to, I’ve never been to a Thai restaurant, a mental patient or demented, whispering in his ear, question this relationship, it doesn’t matter, that didn’t happen, you’re a Putin puppet, a Trumper, or MAGA, a problem unlike other problems, deferred to his vice president, answer questions, how far can the farce go?, is there a parody beyond this parody, summoning that parody into existence, this is not the same man, body double, physically degenerated, lost muscle mass, thinner skin, a CGI of him, de-aging the CGI, AI voice, like the Luke Skywalker, they can’t crank down the decoherence, definitely AI, unbelievable silly, AI Biden replacement, still better than Trump, exposed to liberals pretty much constantly, Facebook friends, into Biden, meme about how Biden is a genuinely good man, get banned, pictures of Palestinian children, that’s just deep fake, is Paul wrong, he’s wrong, it’s unpopular, also focus their energies, wasting our resources, in a trap, the Elvis trap, a hate trap, the hate for Musk is to do with Twitter, Musk is very hateable, he thrives on it, Tesla is not a good company, people thought it was, an American car company, a domestic thing at least, all the people in my doctor’s office drive them, hydropower, being locked down, a little less locked down, a youtuber who reviews phones, found the schematics online, semi-open, not horrible on every issue, people get triggered, that was a bad one, that was embarrassing, that was creepy, this is an old person, not in touch with what is happening, still watching CNN, ABC nightly news, he’s not that old, of the same cohort, an enigma, fairly predictable, Alvin Toffler, he’s the futurist, Future Shock, there’s no jobs in the future, where exactly do all the components come from, more of the late 70s, deeply unsympathetic, a visceral reaction, he’s pretty hard line on some things, his hatred for empire only extends in certain directions, obsessed with America, the strain of American ideals that is inline with, border police, harassed at the border, authoritative at, taking shoes off, I’m not going to put up with your bullshit, fuck it, not going to participate, it’s fuckin retarded, I don’t want to be involved in your security theater, concerts, this is what I thought it was, mob violence, being in a group, submitting to a direction, a holy experience sort of thing, I gotta go dance, don’t submit to some sort of collective group mind, a prophetic leader standing at a podium, is being a college protester good for your career, helped Bernie a little bit, Dave Weigel protested for the Iraq War, money in organizing, what does good at your job mean exactly?, Kamala Harris, can’t get the AI to work, imagine Kamala Harris is in charge, if they though he was doing a bad job, perception, waggling his penis, oh I want that, seduce you, sniff you and forget where he is, Caitlin Johnstone, a girl wanting her legs back, Biden would like the taste of child legged flavoured ice cream, grandma was demented, I don’t know who you are but I recognize you, she still enjoyed chocolate, a lot less depressed, this is still happening, there wasn’t enough family to take care, the economy is fucked and people can’t afford to live anywhere, they 1970s government seems ideal, Jerry Ford probably was not that good, the Great Society, clapback, double down of stuff of the 60s, anti-poverty programs, Reagan and the welfare queens, that’s coded, the government was doing more for more people in the 1970s, the high tide of organized labour, they were planning for the metric system, you can’t even get that done, one little thing, all it takes is rolling it out through the public schools, they can’t get anything done, everybody hates daylight savings time, it would take a little bit of political capital expenditure, there’s no interest in that, massive priorities of cash, guiding signs, Canada will not change until the U.S. does, you didn’t pass the checkpoint, the Baltimore bridge, milking the fucking money out, to the Moon in 10 years, Nazi bridge builders, the Soviets did it without as many Nazis, North Korea is interested in building rockets, interested in billing rockets, a little scandal in British Columbia, a trucking company in Merritt, British Columbia, 18 wheeler Tesla truck, logging trucks go up a hill empty and come down full, hybrid, diesel for range, all the easy trees have been cut, a bill written specifically for them, rejected, consulting services, charge 20% of whatever they get, how do you become a lobbyist, throw away your morality and start sucking on that cock that’s lying on your face, 1 to 1 corruption, BC government voted against inquiring into it, some measure of non-corruption, reversed that decision, its buddy buddy, Alberta’s domestic politics, international shit, doubly evil, moderate little tweaks, all very nice, New Democrats runs British Columbia, Social Credit party, they’d run the province from 1950s-1980s, Miss Willis, secretary just assumed, not massive corruption everywhere at all times, suspicion of the collective, you see what happens without hands, can become corrupt in the process, sunlight and whistleblowers, soviet democracy, one long meeting, kinda what we have here, not much threat of violence, gesture more, not super-Italian, bang the table with my shoe, putting all out in the public record, making strong the ability to expose, secret meetings is not healthy, people should be having arguments as to what to do publicly, good feedback from people not in your group, allowing people to tune in if it gets exciting, firey thoughtful people, the Party For Socialism And Liberation, no outward facing disagreements, that’s why nobody cares about them, a thousand, high barrier, a candidate period, easier to get into the Hells Angels, if the party is doing its job, want to overthrow the government, a public domain, as a concerned non-Canadian, this mess that we’re in, Tsleil-Waututh, old pulp magazines, provincial and federal taxes, HST, GST/PST, based on estimations not on receipts, anything that’s not universal is really fucking stupid, tax codes, a graduated income tax, tariffs, fixing old people’s teeth, middle aged people’s teeth, built out, how medicare started, almost semi-innovation, people aren’t that upset about marijuana anymore, Biden’s new promise, you’re student loan money, the way you did before?, this is what he means, accidentally tweeting from Biden’s account, folksy vocab, c’mon man, Corn Pop was a bad dude, 2019, who is Trump’s VP gonna be?, pretend Biden won, Democrats are ruthless not clever, willing kill people, the FBI or the CIA to assassinate Trump, what is he a threat to?, he’s going to ruin the country, he’s got choose somebody, that’s going to be your next president, old enough to die in office, not a drinker, doesn’t smoke, a health freak, enjoys golf, he’s no RFK, offered the vice presidentship, ostensibly a Democrat, it’s tribal, the tribe kicked him out, he could come back, he’s not gonna be the VP, some nobody, Pence was a nobody, president material, Indiana?, Trump might know, Kamala Harris is Biden’s running mate?, Gavin Newsom, by the time this podcast comes out we will know, we don’t know what the next, he’s anti-popular, literally affects their lives in some cases, tuned-out, as they should be, if it isn’t boring it is dangerous, the ship is headed to the waterfall, captain knows what he’s doing, I was captain before, I hate this ship, how do you get off?, Evan are you on the ship?, no good jobs available, they don’t have great jobs anymore, American emigration over time, 29.3 million in 2005, 40 million in 2019, google from prior to it being useless, a lot of internal migration, a lot easier, they speak English, one big free trade zone, 40% of women would like to leave the United States, not organized this way, how about the 21st century, more Americans that are civilians overseas than military, a 2018 estimate, 9.4 million a year emigrate, you can emigrate to Israel without a passport if you are a sex criminal, media mail, a legacy, US copyright law, American government is better at getting shit done in other countries than it is domestically, Trump changed NAFTA, the US government can get shit done in other countries, the Federalist papers, fair but a mistake, how important geography, students don’t want to use the water from the pipes in the bathrooms, students can’t watch movies from 2023, you have to have some sort of training, when did you start becoming a reader, pick up the habit, pretty strange, deprived of videogames, sick in bed, what caused that?, movies are quite long, you need to be trained to do that, a feature length silent film, it’s really hard, you have to learn everything, kids up to mid20s, fuckin bizarre, how they were raised, in a nanny society, feelings and not facts, appreciate this art form, a standard gen-xer opinions, tictok is more addictive, colour for film is better, maybe 3d movies are better, allow more options, sometimes is appropriate, Schindler’s List in colour, objectively harder, we have to be trained to somehow, the same pipes, drinking from bottle, see that mountain up there, there’s no mines, no tailings, it tastes like nothing except, even in the bathroom, a cup of ice water from the sink in the Starbucks, we should be going to the bathroom with a cup, system?, the finishing end of this process, a lot changed during COVID, a form online, how many assignments are outstanding, ambiguous questions, you want me to fulfill a job, what’s the job?, marked online, no wonder they’ve given up, a seriously broken system, this is the good version, there aren’t lots of suicides, oppressive evil, hearing reports, what I’m hearing is we’re fucked, their ability, have you every ridden a horse? yes, have you ever driven a car?, no, musical instrument, they’re being driven, she’s unlikely to be riding a horse, cute and interesting, the level of wealth, they’re all here, have enough money to get out, it’s crazed, a reactionary, stuck in his head, what is it like in Taiwan, the rest of China, pro-Taiwan, an anti-China view, who cares which Chinese master is running you, building socialism over the next 50 years, middle class, working class jobs, roads, hospitals, convention centers, harbours, building is somehow valuable, a lot of capital, surrounded as it is, better off in the long term, an invisible barrier, a big offshore banking industry, Caribbean islands, Kentucky problems, our mountain region doesn’t have good infrastructure to get in and out, industrial parks, the land is flat so this is good, it’s not great, with the floods that came through, historic flooding, housing stock got destroyed, people getting forced out, rural communities, jobs at public institutions, the mayor of this small town, works at a hospital as a janitor, local Methodist college, the alternative, call center will drive you to drink, skeptical of AA, a debt collector, set-up payment plans, a sign of horrible government, if there is not a natural disaster, people like where they live, it is stressful to move, what are you gonna do with all those cats?, all these books, almost a full scan of Galaxy, printed enmasse, good covers, two copies of the one with The Fireman, time and friendship.

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Exiles To Glory art by Stephen Fabian

Posted by Jesse Willis

Reading, Short And Deep #451 – Moon Dog by Arthur C. Clarke

Reading, Short And Deep

Reading, Short And Deep #451

Eric S. Rabkin and Jesse Willis discuss Moon Dog by Arthur C. Clarke

Here’s a link to the story |PDF|.

The Unveiling was first published in Galaxy, April 1962.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson Become a Patron!

The SFFaudio Podcast #786 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp

The SFFaudio Podcast #786 – The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp, read by Thomas Copeland (for LibriVox). This is a complete and unabridged reading of the story (2 hours 43 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse, Maissa Bessada, Will Emmons, and Terence Blake

Talked about on today’s show:
in Earth language, sorry everybody, Sophie Wenzell Ellis, another radium filled story, avoid radium, taking a long time to get started, WHAT!, so many explicitly catery characters, outer narrator, professor who explains things, meet a guy who who is looking for another professor, another professor, infodumper, chapter 9 tells us despite the counter evidence, that makes sense, me too I agree this story makes a lot of sense, if H. Rider Haggard were boring, Inception, oh yeah, that was a thing, awkward framing, August and September 1929, The Moon Pool by A. Merritt, an early popular science fiction story, sequels, sorry, cool cover with a lady in yellow, old science fiction, some shitty science fiction out there, completely unfuckin scientific, despite the gestures, Jovians from Jove, lovesick guy with a gun, getting the better, cheated by using telepathy, tentacles, a scientific fact, other than it’s a planet, a gesture at the distance, whatever, this story is so fuckin bad, Mars has already been done, there are good stories set on jupiter, Call Me Joe by Poul Anderson, The Radium Poul, Lester Del Rey, good ideas, not being so long-winded about it, Maissa speaks for Will, the same as Avatar, grow a Jovian, as in the original Avatar, a telepathic link, guy just lives in the new body, a centaur with a big axe, Poul Anderson likes vikings, downloading yourself into an avatar in reality, what Justin Trudeau is trying to do, become a leader of the people, the first 2 Avatar movies, waiting til we are ready for it, why they’re all the same, he’s good at what he does, Titanic (1997) is his worst movie, a long and a prequel for Avatar 3, do your own serialization, might as well just talk about Avatar, Jake Sully is fundamentally untransformed by becoming an indigenous leader, a football coach from Cincinnati, for the Navii that’s exotic, why he’s not so boring to them, what’s really happening in Avatar: the American audience inserts themselves into Jake Sully and downloads themselves into the movie during the running time of the movie, six years old and think its cool, he’s not a character you aspire to be, he is you, no qualities, the most frequent expression, the bad guy in the first one, too bad they brought him back, there’s a reason we don’t do a movie podcast, most movies aren’t very deep, playing with the water theme, The Abyss, a cool Cold Equations scene, you need to drown in order for us to live, with a solution, the aliens thing at the end, crazy guy with a nuke is enough, better than Terminator 2, radioactivity coming into its own, radium was touted by doctors and scientists, rejuvenation, it kills cancer, it killed all those women, Marie Curie, watches are time and immortal, some sort of high before you die, unobtanium, when radium is in abundance it has other qualities, scaling, a big pool full, also power your spaceships, homeopathic doses of radium, the opposite, it can eat off your fingers, burn the end of the barrel of your gun, garbage story, something very bad, we’ve all done bad, a humiliation ritual to cleanse, something special about it, from the period it is, a taste of 1929 is very refreshing, the way we think, Jules Verne, hollow earth fantasy, four levels of characters to explain one muscular action, too space-opera in fashion, E.E. Doc Smith, Triplanetary, 1934, the swing of the pendulum, Creatures Of The Light by Sophie Wenzel Ellis, Antarctica, Death Valley, you can’t stand being their too long, lack of research, infodumps, guys feelings, partners for a long time, alien shows up, I turned your girlfriend into my throne lady, a Sleeping Beauty moment, I can throw words at pages, diverges, the peridocity?, Astounding, Science Wonder Stories, more science, throw everything into this pot, king of the university, robot sentry and a wagon and a gun, editor at the journalist desk, we’re not reading the newspaper report, chapter 9, somehow I found it incredibly plausible, pad his expense account, this is not the newspaper report, another step out, censored at the end, plausible we can go to Jupiter, first they’re going to have to find some more radium that wasn’t drained away, a lot of Doctor Who, a serial, Enlightenment, the fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, companion pets, materializes on a ship at sea, Edwardian era sailing vessel, all the officers have telepathy, Turlough and Teegan and the Doctor are thinking, they’re racing in space, solar sail race, crewed by humans, the grog doesn’t work, the aliens who look like humans, so bored, there’s stuff here, cheating, treating the humans like pets, learned a word: ephemerals, word in back pocket, being bored and nothing to do, you can’t waste your time because you have to live forever, three score years and ten, in June Terence will be 70, somebody becoming immortal, mine shit, lord it over, big long speech at him, quite taken with that girl, best possible tautological name: Alley Lane, Jimmy Olsen, just plain ordinary folks with superhuman friends, Spider-Man, earnest reporter who’s on the beat, the twist is he’s reporting on himself, here’s a market for stories about pools, suckered in, pretty girl, not as green as expected, 40 years in the desert, hoping to meet her, got a bad rep, something super-redeeming, this doesn’t have that much, not as tedious as it should be given how it doesn’t pay off, it’s naive, not meta-level at all, several layers of explanatory sauce, a magic formula, I have to put the ingredient of scientific realism in, that way nobody can say, radium parfait, Mimic by Donald A. Wollheim, film’s not great, the problem with the film is just jump scares and has to fill two hours,

“the original MIMIC, the 1942 story by Donald A. Wollheim, is abt as close to perfect a science fiction story as you can find

3. 4PGS LONG✔️

MIMIC is highly suggestive. leaves u in awe. leaves u with ideas.

the movie takes 1 hour and 45 minutes – the story takes less than 9 minutes to read with your eyes, 13 minutes 34 seconds to read with your mouth

the movie takes 1 hour and 45 minutes – the story takes less than 9 minutes to read with your eyes, 13 minutes 34 seconds to read with your mouth”

stars some lady, Mira Sorvino, Charles S. Dutton, young Josh Brolin, Thanos, Cable, a fun actor, Jeremy Northam, Charles S. Dutton is a cop, buy food from local street vendor, now in the present, killed in his apartment, a metal box, the window is open, not actually a human, literally an insect that looks like a human, his trenchcoat is a carapace, some other animal mimicking another animal, swarm of its babies, chimney suddenly transforms into a predator, there are creatures out there that mimic humans, the awesome infodump, paid off, takes it one step farther, what if…, backstory about cockroaches spreading a COVID-like disease, Guillermo Del Toro, tweeting about Microcosmic God being in the public domain, neoterics, capitalism trying to happen, steal his ingeniousness, Theodore Sturgeon’s great classic, classic mad scientist buys and island and does Edison work all day, make a race of creatures do the work for me, tiny people, meth and probably radium or whatever, an evil god, materials and compounds and alloys, he steals their patents, that guy’s got too much power, same techniques, a nested idea of the story of Edison as a mad scientist creator, it’s also us, we need to build cave walls and sunscreen and french fries in order to survive, Blood Music by Greg Bear, usually he’s a horrible writer, a collection, Wind From A Burning Woman, who’s talking, what’s going on?, children born with mutated organs, wasteage, incredibly intelligent, takes most of the novel, slow with lots of information dumps, Vitals, you’re not good, had he died tragically it would have been must better for him, dead to Jesse, Darwin’s Radio, so slow, even the novel is good, the grey goo problem, make a machine that can make stuff automatically on an atomic level, the paperclip problem, the Grogu problem, cute animals from twitter, should I be sending this?, some sort of deermouse with peglegs eating lettuce, quite relevant, somehow enhanced, here’s a baby muskox eating some lettuce, incredibly racist, two racisms in a row, grappling with the king of the Jovians, a white beast, mental leap to Octavia Butler’s Dawn, tentacles, creepy crawly little tendrils, seem ugly to the explorers, arrogant and condescending, making shit up and throwing it on the page, having characters tell each other its very plausible, the radium powered plausibility machine, drink the pool, how dare you do this to a white man, something about a ‘spic, completely unnerves, Sands, you look like a ghost, you don’t look like a white man yourself, by jingle, second childhood, not the opening character, outback hicks who are racist, I’m second in charge of everything, I could destroy you with a wiggle of my tentacle, then I give a big long speech about how I like your girlfriend, and I keep her on this throne for reasons, and I’m going to take her back to my planet, for reasons, with her dad!, and you notice your gun doesn’t doing anything to me, well that won’t stop you from shooting me later six times in the head and that will stop me, I’m telepathic but I thought you were dead, I hit my wordcount, accepting a lot of shit, as an artifact it is a valuable lesson, understand the progress and changes, there’s some shitty stories too, the S effect, Nerves by Lester Del Rey, revealing atomic secrets, this story doesn’t reveal anything about anything, if this story came out today, would not be popular, the attack vector, it’s dangerous for children because they’re going to eat radium, manipulate the watch, a darkroom to show you that it worked, radium in its pure state, tritium glows green?, is there a dye?, radioactive isotope of hydrogen, luminous because of the alpha particles, phosphorous, most volatile, little bit of green maybe, copper, if you had it in a pool, you experienced the radium pool, no research done, fake fainted a lot, Freud started treating hysterical patients, hysteria was more common, one explanation, so oppressed, rebellious of deviant feelings through their bodies, listened to women, more narcissism, no real feelings, a social change, the evolution of the symptoms, how tight their corset was, special radium ribbed corset, keep your shape, as much as she wanted, marriage ceremony right now, have you forgot I’m a pastor?, the opposite of Chekhov’s gun, Munchausen’s threads, ends suddenly when Alexander the great comes in and chops it off, why should she faint?, telepathically knocked out, they don’t eat anymore, whatever, if you’re immortal, they ate all the radium on Jupiter, the story is stupid, in V they want our water, Michael Ironside, a Dutch historical story about occupation by Nazis, we call the the Visitors, V for Victory, V for Vendetta, the aliens that look just like us, they have to wear sunglasses, sex with the lizard man, lizard baby, the resistance against them, the Nazi party, Nazi occupation of Europe with aliens that were lizardmen, Alien Nation, the show was amazing, oppressed migrants, a movie with James Cann, hardboiled cop buddy movie with an alien partner, the human is racist against the aliens, mild mannered, strange culture, alien lady with no head, they solve murders involving the alien, manufactured by other aliens, the masters are not their, a shipwreck with 100,000 aliens, Fox show in the early 1990s, contemporary with Star Trek The Next Generation, is it weird to have a guy sleep with your wife, dating one of them, 1 full season and then 6 movies, a film first, parallel with, or youtube, it helps to be able to see things, the 80s is a weird time, women in the work place sort of stuff, Murphy Brown, ten seasons, presidential debate, there’s nothing going here, a different time, weird period of time, of this terrible story, not everything in the past is good, the Olemas sequel, why would I hurt them like this?, The Ones Who Stay And Fight by N.K. Jemisin, condescending and fascistic, goes off into an alley, quote mine it, an alternative universe, send information between alternate universes, observing our universe, our TV shows, a very American world, one of Jesse’s big objections, horrific videos of people being bombed to death, you condescending lady, the Heinlein solution, if you’ve been infected by observing our earth, I know what mis-mal-disinformation, you’re not equipped, its my burden, Ursula K. Le Guin, maybe she’s wonderful, mummy knows best condescension, mommy knows the right people to drop the bombs on, it just takes a few good surgical strikes on what people know, everybody Eloi, one Morlock, the worst treated proletarian, magically, more politically correct, our horrible racist evil world’s ideas, the CIA and the FBI, the secret judges and jury, killing people with the wrong ideas, apologize and sit still, it won the Hugo?, wow powerful story, am I offering good solutions for humanity, patting myself on the back, given what’s happening in Palestine right now, double down, the holy shit people are protesting, 500,000 people in London walking together can’t stop it, the price of being on the wrong team, let’s make a long list, always an excuse to drop bombs and kill people, object to the trolley problem I have to make a choice where the trolley goes, some people are not going to accept it, the response, a response to a false Omelas, a straw-man of Omelas, very much a Bartleby, The Scrivener, grit in the system, taking the metaphor literally, I’m better than Le Guin, sanctioning Biden sending arms and ammunition, I’m going to give you a condescending lecture, a movie that’s an antidote to all of this, Dream-Speaker (1977) TV movie, Cam Hubert, Angry 11 year old orphan Ian Tracey burns down his school, meets an Indian shaman and his mute companion, the authorities find out, blonde white boy, reform school, he’s hung himself, cut back to the Indian and his mute companion, please place me in a tree as was traditionally was done, school is a horror, institutions, it just is a horror, asking kids why they set things on fire, what am I supposed to do with this, residential schools, doing pretty well with their broken family out in the forest, an instinct in people to try to solve problems, cogs to be solved in problems, no alcohol should be imbibed, you think you’re fighting for something good, is there a possibility that you’re wrong, arrogance, interesting, more artistic trolley problem story, another objection, 3829, 1200 and something for Omelas, a lot to prove?, flourishing details, random paragraph, wear wings too, some are invisible, forbid the emulation of beasts, all honored, all sounds very nice, the triggering word is honoured, honouring her feelings, don’t honour feelings, not something to be venerated, kids don’t have the experience you have, couch it in another way, not the right way to frame it, stupid feelings, that was a silly thing to feel, you can wear as many wings as you want, we can still be friends, you need to be destroyed, targeted at race, 2018 and still talking about race all the time, racism exists, ingrained in a racist society, the nadir is the lowest, pinnacle, the worst kinda racism period, look at this huge problem and what caused it?, the kenosis, self emptying, on an ordinary level, maybe one day I will, grope around in the dark, starting with the idea that I don’t know, a big part of the solution, anti-kenosis, infodumping, solution dumping, moral dumping, best done through parable, that’s not a parable, oh my little sweetie, it’s okay that mommy runs drone programs, you’ve got something wrong with your car, sledgehammer, gets rid of the problem by getting rid of the people saying the problem, just delete youtube and twitter channels, mute it, give a warning, violence by having a video, goodreads, Omelas is pornography?, this is about abortion!, offended her kid was told to read, in her school English class, what ever happened, spirit and refreshment, she may not like it, millions of murdered babies, billions of dollars the abortion industry…, pornographic literature, demonic desensitization of our young people, the punishment of a child, about capitalism, if she was standing in line at the grocery store, Peel District School Board, emptied everything pre-2008, unfathomable, somebody talking about the red scare, number of professors fired for being communists, anti-woke (not censoring), a kind of hysteria that’s going on now, writers telling other writers you don’t need to read anything past 10 years ago, because other better writers, and token John Scalzi, you don’t need to read a Lovecraft story, lies you’re telling yourself, trust me the homework’s not worth doing, school library is a place to hide in the school, even in prison they have books, prison book programs, escape the horrors they’re locked in, a bulldozing non-thinking tactic, super-retarded, those people shouldn’t have those jobs, in favour of humans doing ok, because they’re ignorant fucks, mommy or daddy knows best, mommy vs. daddy, daddy’s meaner than mommy in the stereotype, oh sweetie, condescending like I got a boo-boo, old fashioned radium pool drinking black pilled anarchist with tendril face, giving lectures to professors, trolling me, a very bad story, it had a nice cover, produced, not much meat on these bones of the story, what did I do to my friends, not very deep, Thomas Copeland’s narration, university professor in English, his recordings of Paradise Lost, his productions, long stuff, Orlando, Furioso, Jerusalem Delivered, a classical education, unjustly forgotten science fiction, worthwhile, rock bottom, we’ve fasted and we’ve prayed, skeletons hanging on the wall, Lowdown Road by Scott Von Doviak, The Terminal Man by Michael Crichton, watch his movies, an ancestor to cyberpunk, science fiction-ish, watch The Andromeda Strain, good science fiction, race-against-the-clock, he knows his shit, Gilgamesh the King by Robert Silverberg, The Sword Of Welleran by Lord Dunsany, on the other side of the state, find the length, his novels are a little longer, he’s fun, fun and short, Hobbits!, Marimna, a dream story, the kings of all the countries, a cute story with beautiful description that he subverts somehow, Lord Dunsany’s in a restaurant, crazy man runs into the restaurant, The Hashish Eater, a doesn’t think about race at all Lovecraft, whimsy, entertainment for toffs, cozy, even when dishing out, quite cozy, In A Dim Room, a ghost story, a tiger in India, all the subsequent fracas is on Jorkens, very palate cleansing sort of reading, half-sold, Through The Gates Of The Silver Key by H.P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffman Price, The Weirwoods by Thomas Burnett Swann, reactive and doesn’t pull his punches, a sparky conversation, Arkansas, Kentucky, another Kentucky, mountains and hillpeople, reputation for being backwards, very foreward thinking, Sirius by Olaf Stapledon, smart dog book, they all want to get kisses instead of doing podcasts, The Cave Girl, no bad books, just less good books, a good way to start the year, The World That Couldn’t Be by Clifford D. Simak AND The Worlds Of If by Stanley G. Weinbaum, a double good show, the titles, inspired a magazine, kinda like an ACE DOUBLE, chocolate and peanut butter, that will be the homework for the podcast, draw a straight line from, modalized titles, Return From The Stars by Stanislaw Lem, Dark Carnivals: Modern Horror And The Origins Of American Empire by W. Scott Poole, strongly suggested, nuke Nice, take hostages, political experts, political views, The Devil’s Elixirs by E.T.A. Hoffmann, Matthew Gregory Lewis’ The Monk, minor capuchin, said by scholars, sort of a pioneer of a lot of interesting stuff, Poe ripped him off, 200 year old novel, Confessions Of An English Opium Eater by Thomas De Quincey, Drug Of Choice, At Time Of Changes, with beautiful art, mentioned in a Lovecraft story, interleaved the art, of things that are hot, 41,000 views over 11 years, 5 hours, comments on this video, transformed my life!, all addicts?, this is really interesting, learned more about drugs by not taking them, read it 50 years ago, well written, hallucinatory style, not modernist prose, from the era of the Romantics, 1821, here’s what I found, no image remains, the pains of opium, a BBC In Our Time, still a good show, podcast, did we miss anything?, parodied in Elder Scrolls, Morrowind, Scottish opium eater’s POV, Mount Analogue by René Daumal, the surrealists really loved it, symbolically authentic non-euclidean adventures in mountain climbing, treated in a science fiction way, famously finished on a comma, an audio comma, producing a short film festival, have lunch, commune, participation, fear to recommend, that would be homework, trick-or-treaters, not a light to turn on to summon them, never big in france, society is going to hell, can’t wear masks and demand candy?, protestors, invite them in, makes Jesse cynical, she’s popular, take it at face value, a good reply to Le Guin, way worse ideas, a big answer rather than posing a question, very American and not very universal, take it to Australia, right to be distressed, James Wallace Harris’ review, fairly bland takes, very clear writer, not a radical, doesn’t have strong opinions, angry ripostes, that’s sad, Lester Del Rey is a bad writer and great writer, Greg Bear is a great writer and a terrible writer, banger after banger, filling my brain with interesting stuff, is this the same character as the one on the previous page?, so good at sparky ideas, full of anger, go on to write Halo novels, so horrible despite the good ideas, despite the fact that Blood Music is great, he didn’t ruin it, Asimov ruined his stuff with Silverberg, married Poul Anderson’s daughter, fairly litigious about estate shit, nude pics of her cosplaying of Dejah Thoris or Red Sonja, Karen Anderson, 85 now!, temporary and long term, just recent stuff, Hardfought, great!, an old telephone operator switchboard, 10 hours on youtube, from Recorded Books, fake audiobooks, that’s not a human, Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson, the idea yes, cozy American, marshmallows around the fire, they don’t need fire, look manually, read with your mouth, creates an image, read with fingers, counting on your fingers, precise title, Frederik Pohl, Luke Burrage has mentioned it, an essay, Consumership by Margret St. Clair, Meem, kind of light, a lot of good worldbuilding for no reason, Three Worlds Of Futurity, A History Of Science Fiction Without Holes, The Man Who Sold Rope To The Gnoles, the title, take an ordinary expression and interpret it literally, one of the big secrets of science fiction, he knows diddly squat about science, there’s a Bevatron, even if he’s not New Wave, that forces you to be in a scientific background, go one step further, the whole and your life that way, that’s Philip K. Dick, a pure case of science fiction, being able to solve things, somebody tried, wanna use this for the cover of your book?, seven minute stories, need to be inspired by something, this is a really good story, Jesse, sent it to Eric, an excellent little story, pioneer uplift stories, build a robot and marry her in your basement stories, why everything is working, weird, and arrogant, The Basket by Jesse, this is a very good story, why shouldn’t you do a show on it?, lead the dance, maybe it is a great idea, not having other authors on to talk about their own work, what’s there to discuss, brings stuff out, not Dickian enough, The Exegesis, but what if, where’s that goddamn novel?, put on a different hats, story about hats and baskets, this picture is a story, how writing techniques work, The Man In The High Castle with the I, Ching, what’s the penalty if they don’t, get their grammar fixed, students play the game, boys love competition, they think it’s treat, Isaac Asimov’s Super Quiz, Bruce Jenner will be in there, pick a card, get to keep the card, aka the smartest person in the room, defeated their brother or this other kid in the room, that’s how kid brains are actually, busywork, makework, indoctrinated into school horror, sometimes it’s super-hilarious, who got up?, Bobina, young kids who need, could do anything, the program was more and more edulcorated, putting sugar in, the final exam, we’ve removed 1 result from this page, the only result has been censored by a copyright claim, medieval latin, India Love, the pornstar’s onlyfans, Instagram, allegedly infringing boobzone, a sex move, very rapidly, exam copies, straight-away, count as correct even when it wasn’t, very hard to get bad marks in English on the exam, special methods, minimum knowledge, some very short stories, half page stories, three minute videos, a minute and half, I’m against school, I’ve failed my life, I’m a school teacher!, that’s why we don’t like it, egodeath, killing your conformist self, the whole literal, Edward D. Hoch, the most delicious sin, the ancient sin, what is this sin?, mummifying himself, the story is profound because I don’t know what it means, suicide, this Karl Jung quotes, the one is the shadow of the other, seems interesting, psychological types, the four functions, the rival psychologists, Alfred Adler, Friedrich Nietzsche, like that Luther show, beyond Jung, Elmer Gantry audio, I could grow to love me, she’s a lot like the characters in The Fountainhead, a dominatrix, real love has all sorts of elements, I like reading his stuff, sharing his works, deeply flawed novels, dreading his phonecalls, shitty love, purified form of love, I don’t want to have power over you, hence the job of parent, more to make you think, a schema, will to power is not power over others except in its lower forms, to will it over and over again, because it has the name attached and picture, too guru, an all or nothing sort of thing, very ultimatumy, not even true for Jung, his alchemical phase, tortures and crucifixions, weird hermaphroditic result at the end, it has the shadow in there, a sentence, is that true?, this sounds interesting, makes sparks start flying, Omelas makes sparks go, you’re a monster, am I supposed to think you’re a monster?, a feel good libertalia, she’s tough love, I kill you if you think the wrong thing, maybe they read it and say you are so evil in this story, Beggars In Spain, yes, I’m a slan, the Hillary Clinton mentality, the most qualified person in history, whip me harder, mom, hence Trump, he has the right enemies, the joker card, a card working under cover for another card, he only works for him, all about him, the existence of billionaires, not a deep man, not my first choice, capitalism creates egomaniacs, one is an honest egomaniac, why this Jung stuff is so interesting today, all shadow projection, this Cirsova guy (Alex P.), we go back and forth, his critiques are pretty good, Paul has a problem with him, integrated into the microcosm, he’s on a team, reacting what’s going on in Israel and Palestine right now, same story as Ukraine but more heated, The Jimmy Shore Show covered Ryan Long’s skit, it would be really convenient to be a coma right now, at the end they’re dead, the reason the left hates Nazis so much, because they killed 27 million communists, pretty sure she’s not, see something they don’t like inside themselves, just trying to hate that person, poor vocabulary, Justin Trudeau, literally calling people to Nazis and then giving a standing ovation to a guy who worked for Adolph Hitler, there’s Nazis in Russia, what Putin is saying: we’ve got to root out the Nazis, they are definitely on the Nazi team given the Nazi imagery, totenkopf is one thing, dumped the imagery but kept the guys, kept the unity and the symbols and dumped the Jew hatred, nothing political on twitter at all, good for jokes, for links, get to meet people that way, either hyper-religious and autistic or mentally ill, I never see that, might be a listener to the podcast too, Roof Bears, weird people to get new insight into the world from, most of the time no feedback, one of them will bring good reaction, for maybe 10 years Jesse’s been poking Wayne June, what ancient wisdom was ruthlessly torn from the sacred archives?, are they fit?, what twitter is good for, poked Jonathan, a great sense of humour, ok robot, he’s very very dry, too dry, piss off?, hard to do tone, his communication system is too different, The Wall (1982), big long music video, Roger Waters words, politics, he gets stuff wrong, a great attitude, love Dawn Of The Dead (1978), it needs to be seen by political people, responds by becoming a fascist, The Quiet Earth (1985), Jesse is not a music guy, must be missing something, Wagner’s good, philosophy, science fiction, nothing, Tangerine Dream, music over the end credits, a beat in a scene where you get a montage, that’s something you like, we don’t need no education, political speeches, active politically, 1979, 1982 in the cinema, wife to be, Blade Runner (1982), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), El Topo (1970), acid western, Jodorowsky’s Dune (2013), this new Dune movie, dumbing it down, what they did to Jessica, can’t stop weeping openly, we’re not allowed to have narration or voice overs, one-dimensional, like a Cliff’s Notes, multidimensional, the TV adaption, why Lynch’s Dune is reviled, a book medium, people decoding each other, even Heinlein, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress has some action and some visuals, the martian one, Stranger In A Strange Land, of his adult novels, Dune is better than Stranger In A Strange Land, you need the ideas, you need the doubt, you need the multidimensional, different grids, good science fiction in writing, you need a demanding film, how much Blade Runner is able to extract from the novel, Mercerism, the owl, that’s enough, the dove, he’s a video guy doing a video medium, a little bit of this book, no fake police station, I want more life, fucker, the elevator scene, the eye scene, Gaff, a real idea movie, little stick man, a robot and robot love story, why the sequel is a failure, here’s the bad guy for the next movie, pretty good for being what it is, Ridley Scott has dumbed himself down, we didn’t need Harrison Ford, children and garbage, the political woman, we all whole through that, very N.K. Jemisiny, film editing, The Matrix (1999), took everything out about Zion out as irrelevant, take away the battery scene, The Thirteenth Floor (1999), eXistenZ (1999), David Cronenberg, he can’t help his fetish, bodies, opening them up and getting weird, Barry Convex, tripping over his own fetishes, kinda gross, long live the new flesh, even The Fly (1986), Crash (1996), vagina surgeon twins, Dead Ringers (1988), lingering over body trauma, reaching into his belly and inserting videotape, Lovecraftian, Videodrome (1983), with some judicious editing, The Electric Ant, he likes boobs, mainstream fetish, fit them in regularly, they don’t rot or explode or melt, very William Burroughs, with RoboCop guy, Peter Weller, Naked Lunch (1991), like a Cohen brothers movie with Cronenberg added, non-intellectual class, this is basically a film about cockroaches, Brazil (1985) a similar movie with political resonance, comedic riposte to Nineteen Eighty Four, the state we’re in right now, kids don’t get to mine back movies, old movies, almost impossible to find anything old on streaming services, the Orson Wells movie with the sled, people who enjoy making movies, Citizen Kane (1941), William Randolph Hearst, stuck with the dross, unwatchable, Oppenheimer (2023), Barbie (2023) by other means, a big ad for that, very meta, socially critical, unless Red Letter Media covers it, seeing this as a science fiction film, Tenet (2020), paradoxes, does the universe re-arrange itself, you’ve seen it played through hundreds of times, nonetheless, really clear, Goddard movies, traffic going by, Robert Goddard made movies?, Breakthroughs In Science by Isaac Asimov, lots of stuff in common between his fiction and popularizing history and science, the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic, see Foundation in a new light, figuring out the worth of things like that, don’t read anything since 2008, throw dice for the Hugo finalists, unfortunate, not in the microcosm, when some of the Hugos made sense, read science fiction all alone, starved for good books, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Franz Kafka, fan clubs, media people, like dressing up, they found their people, a little like university, you’re going to have a lot more interaction with people who like books, just enough true, Greg Bear was there, Harlan Ellison, Connie Willis, Robert Silverberg, Larry Niven falling asleep, the panels were like very weak shit podcasts, so many names mentioned, going through the list of all the names mentioned, here’s a long list of reasons why SFFaudio Podcast hasn’t won a Hugo, that’s exactly what it is, read a trilogy, three years too late, very time based cheerleading, we can still talk about an old book and be happy about it, a cheerleading squad for people in our niche, mostly not good, mostly very fluff, that show is so fucking long, goes hours and hours, Luke Burrage did an exercise, focuses on new books, some fantasy stuff, Alzabo Soup podcast, the Gene Wolfe Literary Podcast, The Fifth Head Of Cerberus, made it real enough to plunge into the stories, Marooned On Mars podcast, novel by novel, Kim Stanley Robinson, the other podcasts who follow new writers, some of them are good, somebody else’s job to read it for Jesse, that 1812 book, kicked around for 200 years, probably something to it, Hayy Ibn Yaqdhan by Ibn Tufail, two ibns, more intelligent than us, how dare it!, a good phrase, a Sufi scholar, re-written in the first person, Robinson Ibn Tufoe, in A Time Of Changes, without language you can’t get access to reality, it was good, reading all Silverberg is a life, Scott Miller’s Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, The Thing Behind Hell’s Door by Robert Silverberg, inside out world, a really good source, his enthusiasm, famous authors and some obscure thing, some obscure science fiction author we’ve, Watchbird by Robert Sheckely, going Sheckley crazy, shitty Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett humour, Sheckley was there first and better, a more diverse range, a lot like Philip K. Dick a little more sane maybe, R.A. Lafferty and John Sladek, Harry Harrison, The Stainless Steel Rat, just having fun, Bill The Galactic Hero, the narrator who did the whole series for Brilliance, what’s going on on facebook, heterosexual man got nude pictures from a teen girl, he was a good narrator, maybe he broke a law, Phil Gigante, Commentary, Rusty Rockets, Russell Brand, they took his monetization away, they should promote cancelling people, so very public, keeping him on there is pure profit that week, almost 5 hours.

The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp

The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp

The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp

The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp

The Radium Pool by Ed Earl Repp

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #763 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: The City Of The Singing Flame by Clark Ashton Smith

The SFFaudio Podcast

The SFFaudio Podcast #763 – The City Of The Singing Flame by Clark Ashton Smith, read by Tommy Patrick Ryan. This is a complete and unabridged reading of the book (1 hours, 30 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse, Paul Weimer, Trish E. Matson, Connor Kaye, and Tommy Patrick Ryan

Talked about on today’s today’s show:
two these, Beyond The Singing Flame, it’s an onion, should Jesse have asked Tommy to record that too?, no novels, pretty famous guy for a guy with basically no novels, he’s 14 years old, bursting with ideas, reads like a D&D campaign set in the Arabian Nights, a flame like in She, the copyright status, Hippocampus Press, The Black Diamonds, he’s really hard too, his writing is very simple in this one, his vocabulary, give himself some feedback, supernal, an archaic word for supernatural, Eric S. Rabkin, a 3 sentence prose pastel, splenetic, iridescent, arabesque, nympholepsy, mien, rutilant, ill-tempered, the least difficult CAS story, sentence by sentence story, that might make a novel, becoming from high heaven, ethereal, rife with words, he’s masterful with the language, construction is good too, the shape of the plot is really excellent, a very interesting story, The Emperor Of Dreams documentary, accessible, why lots of writers like it, sidereal, lead astray, considering his vocabulary, lepidoperous, did you think of Logan’s Run?, swirling around, transcend and get reborn (or die), moth to a flame, exactly, multi dimensional higher dimensional transcendence, really into the body, really into material, obsessed with death and beauty, Lovecraft likes stars, immortality, architecture and burying the past, sexuality, reproduction through death, the beauty of those things, the siren call of the city, where’s it all going, he’s obsessed with thinking about it and telling about it, his structure is really good, sentence by sentence, he didn’t really do anything with it, the structure makes more appreciable, missing the last chapter, asking for the sequel, the narrator gets inserted into the story, no wrap up frame, disconcerting, he didn’t have an ending, kill the main characters, kind of Clark Ashton Smith but not really, this document is now found in a cylinder falling from the sky, I found this cylinder when taking a hike, Angarth more Smith, he’s the illustrator and the artist, his friend who’s also a weird fiction, never met in real life, the real life connections, EldritchDark, the best etext versions, Arkham House along with the sequel, published during his lifetime, July 1931, Wonder Stories, We had been friends for a decade or more, the journal, July 1st, 1938, July 31st, 1930, I’ve been gone for two years, set in the future, originally, Philip Hastane, there’s always a war in Europe, the reprint in Startling Stories, The Scientifiction Hall Of Fame, Harry Warner, Jr., of all the living writers of fantasy, A. Merritt, an alien planet, read around, the word that kept coming up, Carcosa, a bunch of layering on Carcosa, True Detective‘s first season, anything Yellow King related, Robert W. Chambers, Gene Wolfe’s vocab, The Wizard Knight, even deeper, circle back, cycle of stories, alien city on another world, not as sinister, more sirens, more sexy than horrific and compelling, this city is relatively safe place, Giles Angarth, he still brings his gun though, inner and outer narrator, sandwiches, coffee, and a gun, The Demoiselle DY’s, The Elf Trap, Ambrose Beirce, a friend of George Sterling, a continental famous kid, often on the front page, wunderkind child poet from California, newspapers were hungry, syndicated, The Vancouver Sun, every city paper had that story, a little bit like, A Wine Of Wizardry, Jack London, never met Ambrose Bierce, titans of American and international literature, An Inhabitant Of Carcosa, An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge, a death story, I don’t recognize this landscape, I have the illness, recognizing the landscape, it’s California, the animals, no birds, no insect, a lynx, transforming the landscape into a another world, literally a hike, the Lake Of Hali, Tathagoua, the Book of Eibon, Tsathoggua, are their lynx in Colorado, they go on the hike that inspires this story, central to that, a ski resort, a deep mountain tarn that’s never been sounded, seeing the landscape from the documentary, otherworldly, rock formations, been out on a hike, what if this was an alien world, walking makes your brain start going, Sedona, like an alien formation, episodes of Star Trek, where am I, substances Smith abused, the strongest drug, coffee, dream like drug trips, The Hashish Eater, Lord Dunsany, Confessions Of An English Opium Eater, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an excuse to let imagination run wild, psychedelic ideas, your brain is manufacturing drugs for itself, H.P. Lovecraft is the opposite, Bobby Derie took cocaine for a prescription, HPL: coke head, it’s not for you, warned Clark Ashton Smith not to take it, wine, Atlantean wine, the wine state, schizophrenia, first and second guy bring the third guy, the structure, a brief summary of the book, British enough, does a really good Irish, third or fourth time, we keep going back, changed somehow, brings the cotton balls, suicide, gonna be great, after that event, the siren song has wooed him completely, he’s an artist not a wordsmith, what’s on the other side, a total utopia, only humans come back, the flame dimension, everything is in ruins, a temperance story, a big popular thin in the city, gin, Marvel movies, whatever drug, we gotta lock this down, depopulate us, kill yourself with a friend, a horrible destructive lure, what’s beyond this flame, death is beyond this flame, a transformation, an ascension, Downward To The Earth by Robert Silverberg, rebirth, everybody dies, choose to rebirth yourself, if your hand isn’t flashing red, on your birthday, you’re young and strong, swiping left, or right, nu you, is this a fantasy or is it a science fiction?, weird fiction, psychedelic fiction, very spiritual, technological or magical, a teleporter, an ancient doorway, more Coruscant, the thermos of coffee and set a little bit in the future, wormholes in place, a science fiction writer as a character, in a science fiction magazine, moer super-science than regular science, transdimensional, Algol, sangfroid, struck with awe, a spiritual transformation, we’re all one now, this feeling of singularity, moth people, purified or made unified, very-Lovecraft, Ex Oblivione, love being non-existent, H. Rider Haggard, these science fiction writers and illustrators are better people, earthly pleasures, Ebbonly, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, matching haircuts, stepping through the pillars and falling, falls a different way, using the scientific methods, pilgrimage, the earplugs, numbing agent, can you numb your ears?, super-meta, words couldn’t possibly describe it, here’s how sweet I am, here’s some really excellent prose about it, all the names, things to work into a story, Angarth, a small town in Scotland, is that his real name?, Clark Smith seems like a pretty boring name, working the vocab mine, Hastur, the tamarack, mid-California, the Sierras, Kim Stanley Robinson, Zenna Henderson’s The People, on the shore of some foreign planet, alienation, vertiginous, determine our personalities, shut-in, his dad traveled the whole world, back to the library, reads The Arabian Nights, this landscape, Crater Ridge, stones of monolithic size and shape, an unknown vegetation, luminescent amber, Anakim, spire on giant spire, stepped through the looking glass into a fantasy world, this alien city with a yellow mist, best be done animated, much more illustrated than live action, Anakim are giant humanoids, basically giants, gargantuan, that’s a normal world, Darth Vader, where they steal all their names from, he just read the Bible, the people of the city, giant stone people, they do not have ears, a Las Vegas, popsicles and silver suits and haircuts, many roads to this city, alien creatures, their corridors, other Earths, other planets, a plane of portals, The Black Company by Glen Cook, Las Vegas for suicide/transcendence, the sinning has got to be stopped, why it’s so interesting and demands a sequel, humans center themselves in their stories, we’re a sideline, spectators and not really important, the gun never gets used, siege weaponry, a tower with legs, like our good friend Sauron, suicide cult, why are they so certain there’s something bad through the flame, obviously you’re going to die, immolated, smoke, instantly consumed, near the end, mesmeric lure, succumbed to the desire, immolate himself, a giant lepidoptery being, so good, smart moths, compassionate moths, fellow travelers, rather sweet, deadly enslavement, he ran forward in a series of leaps both solemn and frenzied, sacerdotal, headlong into the flame, more dazzling greenness, benumbed brain centers, annul the perilous mesmerism, fled from the shrine, envying my companion’s fate, fiery dissolution, more people going in from coming out, this is very attractive, enjoying wine, not for me, ice cream, fomo, a hilarious short story [And All The Earth A Grave] by C.C. MaCapp, a computer slips a cog, two coffin garage, this face tattoo is very fashionable, emigration, people living the country, a moral upset, even maybe mention, telepathy, the incoming army, the foundation of the flame, Reno trying to steal Las Vegas’ business, the last pilgrims, the rulers of the outer lands, obeyed the lure of the singing fountain and vanished into the higher sphere, the story leans that way, you don’t know, one moth to the other moth, I used to be a caterpillar, many legends in the outer lands, guessed by only a few, the inner dimension is hated, a lethal and pernicious chimera, an opium paradise, a mecca for this?, suicide boothing, the build up the city, built up around it?, larger or more impressive than other buildings, like a beautiful waterfall for Paul, it’s too dangerous, we can’t have too many people being happy here, into a higher state of consciousness, a VR fountain, live in your basement a VR all day, hippies, spiritual higher stare of consciousness, the great resignation, there’s more to life, the religion vs. a cog in the machine, our viewpoint characters, lashed to the mast of the ship like Odysseus was, timeless concept, war on a peaceful nation, can they destroy it?, like a laser beam, a geyser, a geological force, the scoriac stuff, gotta read the sequel, when you read Conan, those were the days, jump onto a new ideal, Conan never revisits the same place, Poseidonis stories, 2 or other stories like that, that Averoigne series, why is this happening, the letters pages, is this really possible, we should ask, more by the same author, the nature of this world and the purpose of the flame, if Tommy wants to record it, professional grade, keep using that, The Black Abbot Of Puthuum, on my phone in a farm in Ecuador, a checklist, an excuse to read a story, read it at a level, getting to share that, accents, Irish to Scottish to British, theatre, Saturday Night Live, Alec Guinness and Obi Wan Kenobi with Yorkshire, all the British characters from Star Wars, a City Of The Singing Flame tattoo, explaining Clark Ashton Smith, Lovecraft is in the Marvel Universe, Clark Ashton Smith movies, a TV adaptation, he’s difficult, he’s high level, incredible vocab, the imagery the colours, chalcedony, they love their art, they’re art men, rectilinear architecture, the nod to Lovecraft, cyclopedia, a Lovecraft vocab database, why Jesse does the podcast, an appointment, J. Manfred Weichsel, William Jeffrey Rankin, it is up to individuals, denying the attraction of the flame, just another drug problem like heroin, gin, or marvel movies, your AI friends, my AI girlfriend likes the same AI movies I like, you learn stuff, what people think they want, just read Clark Ashton Smith, customized stuff, opt out, everybody’s an AI, too new of a book, the best science fiction books, AI generated, 23 books on the list, 1 book from 2016, some listicle website, integrated and got rid of duplicates, Arthur C. Clarke, Blake Crouch’s 2016 book, The Martian, best?, you’d do pretty well, full circle, The Sunken Land Rises Again by M. John Harrison, Viriconium, weird fiction, pretty damn weird, an assistant to a mad scientist, super dense and very prosey, light on plot, he’s on the long list, Light novels, an unsettling atmosphere, feels very very modern, Nova Swing, 19 hour collection of stories, Neil Gaiman, Jack Vance’s Green Magic, get magic, bitter and tragic, recursive worlds, not quite getting what you want, poignant and good, dying earth wizards, the Zothique series stories, William Hope Hodgson’s The Night Land, sad story, Subterranean Press, premium paper, Logan’s Run, Shakespeare’s Planet, Invitation To The Game, The Charwoman’s Shadow, Scratch One, Progeny by Philip K. Dick, getting back to Philip K. Dick, 53-57 stories, always exciting, these incredible authors, Le Guin once, Arthur C. Clarke, Elmore Leonard, nobody knows they’re public domain yet, all the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it’s exciting, or gals, its nice to be appreciated, there for somebody, its not just for the moment, its for the ages, share it with somebody 30 years from now, put it on a bookshelf, big box computer games, selling it for $86, an arc of nostalgia, 286sx, Future Shop, couldn’t afford a 28.8, $0.99, nostalgic for their youth, an old broken 286, feel the floppy going in, become valueless and then come back, the Harlan Ellison version, an L.A. based radio show, not for the ages, an enthusiastic and emotive, very very elderly, the narrator of the film, Harlan Ellison claimed to have read it 200 times, that’s how he learned to read aloud, narrated some Ben Bova, Run For The Stars, passionate, going to Hollywood and getting cynical, born into a world weary wisdom about reality, he went his own way, a passion project, a Hippocampus Press DVD, shill for publishers, passionate people, sharing the materials, solid contents, effort into their covers, the complete poems of Lovecraft, a really handy reference, S.T. Joshi finds some scrap of poem, The Hashish Eater poem, delectable, makes reading delicious, so rich, the lightest and most accessible, 101 Clark Ashton Smith, high level, for bibliophiles, all this prose, a lot of sugar, a slice of cake, small desserts, you have to like that, niche, if you don’t like honey you’re not going to like it, the richest Tommy has ever read, Ambrose Bierce, challenging the reader, why are you trying to make your prose…, making jokes, carving magnificent sculptures out of mountainsides, he really does have something, why Lovecraft was his biggest fan, Robert E. Howard was a great poet, translations of Charles Baudelaire, Poe and Dunsany, Baudelaire and Poe, taproot, undeniable, the first Sherlock Holmes short story, A Scandal In Bohemia, The Purloined Letter, Conan Doyle is the accessible and dumb version of Poe, this hidden photograph, I will have her show me, we love Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson and London and Irene Adler, we don’t love Dupin, the contents of the letter are sick evil and twisted, the photograph is of the king of Bohemia, I’m doing a tribute to Poe and nobody knows, Harry Potter vs. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, super entertaining, no Harry Potter tattoos, Harry Potter is breezy, Tolkien is fun but not breezy, an afternoon’s entertainment, Clark Ashton Smith: guaranteed enjoyment, intellectually interesting, attentive, tickles a different part of the brain, high art, good art, most art is good, one of his best plots, well that happened, Lovecraft’s plots are much better, not much of a plotter, 700 pages to explore this concept is cool but nothing happened, Pacific Edge, guy tries to get girlfriend at baseball game, not playing the same game, just a weird guy, how popular he was, talked this one to death, Pirates Of Venus, A Meeting With Medusa, Sailing To Byzantium, Farnham’s Freehold, northern Minnesota, almost Canada, just about out May, The Thing On The Roof, No Man’s Land, pick in August, 2 years is fine but 5 years is too long, lost tribe of cave people, troggies, chuddies, surprise chuds, Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers, lick and nip, Paul Sings The Classics, a singing voice for silent musicals, Nerds Of A Feather get together, Gather Yourselves Together by Philip K. Dick, from 1994, posting photos, Jesse misses Connor on twitter, usually eastern, an awful awful dream, discombobulated, very fun, that sentence sounds like he put a space in it, disjointed, a snip in the file, mouth noises, get closer to your mic, get a better mic, not all for the audience, caring a lot about art, Cat Killer by Donald E. Westlake, brutal an interesting sounding, Clive Barker, Jonathan is not a murder as far as I know, collecting human heads, Tales To Make You Vomit, not all horrific, that weird, you guys should be DMing each other, some sort of money arrangement, throwing around numbers, probably not even 4 hours, an hour and a half recording, relatively cold, ACX pays per finished hour, the going rate, $200 or $300 per finished hour,, sell them not on, revenue sharing, Planet Of The Wage Slaves, diverse ideas and lots of nudity, amazing covers, their text over my art, Warrior Soul looks great, the lady’s hair in front of the title of the book, art direction vs. being an artist, coming up with interesting ideas, Five Maidens On A Pentagram, gothic horror sex-farce, Hasatan, sex-crazed demon, just sounds fun and pulpy, our reality, cycling through Smith/Howard/Dick, millions of great things, how to get this stuff out there, enough bundled together, anthologies based on themes, teaching the occasional yoga class.

Why The City Of The Singing Flame Is My Favorite by Harry Warner, Jr.

The City Of The Singing Flame by Clark Ashton Smith

The City Of The Singing Flame - editorial introduction

The City Of The Singing Flame art by Frank R. Paul

The City Of The Singing Flame by Clark Ashton Smith

Rowena Morrill - The City Of The Singing Flame

Posted by Jesse WillisBecome a Patron!

The SFFaudio Podcast #747 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: Space Viking by H. Beam Piper

The SFFaudio Podcast #747 – Space Viking by H. Beam Piper – read by Mark Nelson for LibriVox. This is a complete and unabridged reading of the novel (6 hours 17 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants include Jesse, Paul Weimer, Cora Buhlert, and Jim Kitchen

Talked about on today’s show:
serialized in Analog, November 1962 and February 1963, paperback in 1963, Ace Books, Little Fuzzy, the Scalzi treatment, gently disagree, Michael Whalen covers, homerun painting, a children’s book of Fuzzies, The Cosmic Computer, Lord Kalvan Of Otherwhen, cross dimensional novel, Roger Zelazny, rat hole, popular, used bookstores almost don’t exist, expensive used bookstores, why are those books harder to find?, how much was published, more printings of Space Viking, redoing it, a great inspiration for the Ewoks of Star Wars, Ewok-ish, translated into German, normal Ace printruns, fell into public domain, Jerry Pournelle, The Other Human Race, Uller Uprising, Junkyard Planet, Graveyard Of Dreams, Graveyard Planet is by Clifford D. Simak, a tier down, grabs your lapels, Dr. McCoy, still alive and on twitter with a pipe and gun emoji, it doesn’t work as an idea, obvious three things, two of them, three rules of H. Beam Piper, 1. throwback to historical incident or occasion, Sepoy Mutiny, fated to repeat our mistakes, hey that Hitler guy had some pretty good ideas, the big lie works for me, anti-cancer vaccine, 2. chainsmoking is still a thing, break out the cigarettes, hardboiled science fiction, drinking, gun oil and cleaning rod, firearms, everybody has cap guns in the future, after the crackup, the final war on Earth, only the southern hemispheres are around, race goes out the window, character’s looks don’t match the character’s names, Four Day Planet, Japanese name but looks like a viking, western colonization, whiteman-centric science fiction, go forward from there, the bleeding edge, he’s with Heinlein, a bigger name, Scalzi commented on his blog about it, his estate is in shambles, how amazing his writing is, his reputation has gone up since his death, all the people we don’t remember from the early 20th century, why everyone hates H.P. Lovecraft, standard beliefs, still read today, worse than Lovecraft, not that apparent in the fiction, Henry S. Whitehead, weirdos like us, 60 years since it came out, rotted in great fiction, Three Musketeers, Four Musketeers, character, romance, begins with a gutpunch, qualms with the society is a part of, the darkest motive of all: revenge, find and end him, a little worldbuilding, playing by the same rules, playing fair by those rules, an axe to grind, pschoanalyzing, a self-educated man, doing their hobbies on 500 journeys, history, he has his characters doing that, when not polishing his gun he’s smoking and reading history, a self-made man, somebody who champions the self-made man, a hardscrabble version of Heinlein, pocket money, by his bootstrapping himself, he was a working man, a nightwatchman, his interests, the way he focuses his characters on engaging in intellectual ideas, some massive blindspots but mostly right, a moral horror book, post-apocalyptic and protect my family, 17 books in this series, intellectual heft he’s working through, we’re utter monsters, I know what I’m doing is utterly monstrous, I’ll have a scene where I explain with a little girl and a dog, Beowulf raid, rape and other things, swordworld core values, Gallic law, innocent people, a quote, the Duke of Wellington, Siege of Cádiz, the 30 Years War, ya ya I know, rifles and pistols, they keep on fighting, what would you do in their place, terro-humans are all stupid like that, a massacre, a man made hell, a compulsion to share their guilt, it doesn’t stop him from writing the book, realistic, WWII, WWI, Ukraine war, The Bridge (1959), betrayed by the German Green party, all of the kids die, grew up to be famous actors (and a singer), whenever they swear, swearing by Satan, writing for magazines, “foul unprintability”, Katherine Tarrant, the system states cede, the collapse, the decline, interstellar ability, sick of what’s coming, raid the bones of the Federation, the atrophy that brought down the Federation, the Empire that comes after, Retrun Of The Jedi, Hoth is one of the planets, Dagon, Nergal, named after famous swords, Durandal, Excalibur, cookies, Gram, The Song of the Nibelungs, the Traveler RPG universe, Game Designer’s Workshop, good thing it is public domain, right?, the worst cover art ever, how did a game with such a crappy cover get any traction, Paranoia had great art, Battletech, Mechwarrior, a pox on you, 1976, Logan’s Run, the juggernaut that is Star Wars, Marc Miller, the great blurb on the cover, where D&D was just a box, the storyhook, Space Opera, Fantasy Games Unlimited, Battledroids, FASA, peoplw ere so excited about the blurb on the cover, a literary game, a board games, tabletops games, playing the game smiling, mmm interesting, explore the entire galaxy, ruled mostly by the French, WWIII, the superpower of the stars, Heinlein smoked, Heinlein could quit, Starship Troopers, horror and guns, a massively different book, different foundations, ideological, hobbyistic, a thing to look at, the names, an explanation, Morglay, Omfray, Nikkolay, Andray, this comes up a lot, pig-latin, in Shakespeare, dog become goday, God become Ogday, Google becomes Ooglegay, a game kids play, you have to learn, Ol’Nick, From, Morgue, Rand, a being from the same culture, Rathmore (wrath), playing fun games, giving the game away, a fun game, smart guy, self-made, he wants to be an architect and couldn’t afford to, a couple of different kinds of arches, what a cathedral you’ve built here sir, he only has marble, he can’t build with girders, a powerful intellect without enough time, he’s got to know he’s brilliant, we can all make it, all noble and good and smart, a very American view of history, very Heinleinian, adventurers who wanted adventure, Germans in the 1850s/60s, the 1848 revolution, gold in California, the apprentice who would never be the master, women who couldn’t find husbands, risky, he’s saying the crazy vicious people leave to go viking, slightly supported by a glance at reality, Scandinavia, barbarism and civilization, what would Robert E. Howard would have liked H. Beam Piper and arguing at the bar all night, very nice socialist emotionally cold, hygge, being cozy at home, exported their vicious people, anger makes him go off, dissatisfaction, describing the reality, starvation, new government policies, cleaning the lands, the enclosures, thieving bread, shipped off, exporting his best genes, not fully decided, viciousness and tenderness, from a ground pounder’s point of view, an infantryman, all the best officers start off as regular soliders, a grounding in what reality is, only people who’ve seen war, imagining a future, settled and collapse, barbarian is back baby, neo-barbarians are not the same as the space vikings, Heinlein started off as a socialist, went to seed later, where he’s at is not the mid Heinlein phases, a very sparky engine, rich or even overrich with ideas, Junkyard Planet, A Planet For Texans was a co-production, courtroom stuff, served on a jury?, people who think for themselves, do you have any set ideas?, let me make a list, strong opinions or closeminded, persuadable by argument, spark up, he wants to be a lawyer, he’s making arguments, ideas against monarchy, from the top down, he leans into it, sits down and smokes, what Conan does, similar guys, he was in a working class society, resident working class vs. transient working class, he had to have a trade, dreams are fleeting, solved their problems the same way in the end, amazing but unsupported is crushing, not all business with Howard or Piper, they both think that they’re geniuses, breathing room for characters, the little girl with her dog, arranging all the family dynasties, he likes the romance, having so much fun in this book, the murder of the new bride, the massacre at the wedding, Game Of Thrones’ Red Wedding, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Ian Fleming, different classes, an older trope, people will be doing Heinlein like deep studies on Piper’s books, war with Russia, we are lead by sad idiot clowns, incompetent on purpose, ex-Nazis, semi-competent, what would happen if H. Beam Piper had become a politician?, feeling based ideas, he would want to be a king, not a lot of room for diplomats, Keith Laumer, his standing has much receded over the years, every year that goes by, most writers decline towards the end of their life, later period Asimov, the smart ones stop writing, rising and developing and getting better, if Philip K. Dick was writing today…, you shoulda stopped around 80s man, a better short story writer than a novelist, he works pretty well at the novelette and novel length, ascended, people who want to record his stuff, ebooks with decent covers, people love making the art for his books, Wildside Press, the spinner rack, a whole month of pocket money, the ending, the hallucinations, shot to death, Elaine was with him, be good to her, then she was gone, such a romantic, the chivalry stuff, Howard likes girls and thinking about girls and describing them, Piper is a romantic, his writing style, his grammar is a little bit off sometimes, who says goodbye, Elaine?, its the author, suffering loss, a short brief awful bought with cancer, two ways you go, on off switch or lingering fade, goodbye dad, who is writing this book?, third person, her head against his cheek, one way of reading it, now it finally be said, I can let it all go, I got my revenge and there’s no heaven, it’s not by Trask, it’s by Piper, he’s so crazy, who else would do that?, sometimes it can hurt, a presence throughout the book, appears to him multiple times, in order for the plot to happen, fridging, he breaks the rule of the narration, reframing the whole book, that’s something on the page, lain in ruins, forays to loot the corpse, wealth of detail, how it has all fallen apart, if you wanna understand piper, set during the Federation, seams and threads, natural disintegration, key peices of the Piper library, a lot of himself into it, Jerry Pournelle: Piper was a craftsman, Uller Uprising, set in a common universe, let three authors loose, Twayne Triplet [The Petrified Planet], how these chartered companies work, an analog to the East India Company, sequential order, Space Viking‘s sense of romance, Piper in his prime, he’s put himself into the protagonist’s shoes, agree and disagree, Jesse’s thesis, Fletcher Pratt, Judith Merrill, humour stories, public domain but we didn’t know, it helps your career, hidden behind a paywall of an estate that renewed, Condé Nast, good and bad, still Junkyard, very different, a different girl, Adept’s Gambit, Night’s Black Agents, trans people and gay people in the mid-1930s, Gideon Marcus, Galactic Journey, comparable to Foundation [by Isaac Asimov], good at short stories and bad at novels, Asimov’s characters, big honking series novels, late period novels, horrendously bad, James Lovelock, Arthur C. Clarke, genetically engineered weapon, great ideas, three stages, the setup, the last third, the left turn to Albuquerque, courtroom drama, he’s right most of the time, reinforced from Terra, a hunt through pornographic romantic fiction, sketching on notes, meanwhile his mind is percolating along, interesting to read and not typical novels, the most straight up book he’s got, sell Jesse on Four Day Planet, the closest to juvenile fiction, let’s book it, sea-monsters and unions, one of Piper’s greatest jokes in it, a dad joke, fun, twitter is weird right now, Games Workshop, the worlds largest toy soldier company, Microsoft, stat at home dad, Illinois, tired of moving, all that wonderful stuff, a mover’s worst nightmare, Rivian, surrounded by where the car industry is leaning, why some materials are so important, Amazon delivery vehicle has a panic button, a very science fictional thing, something you’d find in a Heinlein novel, third parties to deliver packages, majority minority employing, the drivers love them, gigantic windshield, mid 50s, make friends with young people, a really good plan, pained but smiling, if you didn’t like her…, German post, electric vehicles, more and more, a facility in Vancouver, Calgary, The Sentry Box, sleep in a teepee, Coquitlam, outside Minneapolis, The Source, Tower Games, great game stores, 1300 game stores, the ones that survive, Staten Island, The Complete Strategist, comic book stores were hit hard by COVID, [Hourglass Comics] leaned into gaming, Diamond Distribution, 18-24 months, Comic World, Huntington, West Virginia, burns everything to ash, Pokemon trades, the black and white bust of the late 80s, a bookstore, they’ve got the space, literally 1 block away from light rail, Evan Lampe doesn’t understand toys, Cora’s got all the He-Mans, Funkopops, scarred by Diddl Mice, Beanie Babies killed an industry, Edmonton, Eternita playset, you deserve it, Rotterdam, they didn’t want to take the hint, you were always watching something, every single Ninja Turtle ever made, you have to keep doing, you can’t overcoming the inertia, Battle Cat, a slippery slope, now they need a Skeletor, Target and Walmart exclusives, I shall make you a queen amongst all the others, new Masters Of The Universe figures, want list, Lego minifigs, little H.P. Lovecraft stories scenes, Playmobil, some amazing stuff, Nativity Scene, general appeal, people are Christians, an A-Team Playmobil, there are no children who have ever seen The A-Team, this is a product that is marketed to adults, adult toys, not the kind you get at the sex shop, Star Trek, nobody sits down with their kid and says let’s watch some A-Team, German only jokes, George Peppard, Perry Rhodan, a series, audio dramas, not huge in North America, its not New Wave, Dan Dare, the morass of Doc Savage, small magazines, dime novels, lucky to have a newsstand, John Sinclair, the biggest science fiction series in the world, almost no impact in North America, an institution, issue 2254, a very robust industry in central Europe, a fan in Italy, Urania, similar in style, great art, pretending to be American, so wonderful, found some long lost friends, we’ve all lost some books you’ve read, Worlds Without Number, Jack Vance’s Tschai, remix everything, Jack Vance integral edition, nobody has the money to buy it, hear about Urania, all the Italian Giallo movies, Italian crime magazines, other European countries, romance and westerns, for the old men, back issues of various pulp magazines, Cora’s main comic store, elderly ladies coming in, romance novels, a lesbian elderly couple, lesbian bookstores are very common, that same collector trait that men more often have, lesbian couples, comics and games don’t pay the rent, the sextoy shopped, they’re in it for the books but the sex-toys sell, 90% of the profits, there’s a joke to be made hand over fist, Playmobil Perry Rhodan, he’s still in very good condition, one of the first ones, Jesse’s theory: Hummels are to the 1950s as Playmobil is to the 2020s, collectible doll,
Rocket Ship Galileo, some cookies, caught COVID in the hospital for the second time, wearing masks, negative tests, she never caught COVID at home, we’re being lied to.

John Schoenherr - Analog, February 1963 - Space Viking

John Schoenherr - Analog, February 1963 - Space Viking

ACE - Space Viking by H. Beam Piper

Space Viking by H. Beam Piper ART

Way Of The Sword Worlds ART

GDW - Traveller RPG, 1977

Posted by Jesse WillisBecome a Patron!