The SFFaudio Podcast #804 – The Mad Planet by Murray Leinster, read by Roger Melin. This is a complete and unabridged reading of the story (2 hours 44 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse, Miassa Bessada, Will Emmons, Terence Blake, Alex (PulpCovers), and Jonathan Weichsel.
Talked about on today’s show:
Argosy 1920, posthistorical, prehistorical romance, H.G. Wells, Jack London, Stanton A. Coblentz’s The Wonder Stick, an Edgar Rice Burroughs book set on Earth, Under The Moons Of Mars, the princess, thoughts and loins, no dialogue, can communicate a little bit, he had no words, he speaks in a masculine way: a war cry, internal monologue, an external narrator, he looks just like rodin’s thinker, very well realized world, a nice Virgil Finlay illustration, butterflies and moths and giant, mushroom fire, bright and colourful pulp, colourful dark pulp, a very dark world, giant insects, apocalyptic taken the extreme, a natural apocalypse, global warming, very subversive of him, unintentionally so, carbon emissions, fissures underground, carbon capture, vast reservoirs, the african lakes that suddenly burps, everybody dies, offshore, frozen methane at the bottom of the sea, free methane, carbon captured a long time ago, this will happen this has happened, with humans is the shocker, very Clark Ashton Smith world, gone to Venus, heavy growth, pulp Venus Earth, the shape of the story, one guy out in the woods for the whole book learning things, not much of plot, great setting, unique, kinda slow, their ears wiggle, the smartest, the fastest, John Carter inspired superman, atavistic throwback, his ancestor was John Carter, I could make shoes, stick it with this poky thing, not even hunter gatherers, just gatherers, didn’t make it through 8th grade, an autodidact, inventor’s lab at home, The Last Spaceship, genius inventor, being your standard 1950s smart guy, way behind the slowest of our forebearers, a progenitor, the beginning of the new, the minimal plot, The Cave Girl, The Men In The Walls by William Tenn, Will’s second show, a great funny story about a human future where giant aliens (bigger than skyscrapers), women have litters, the alien kitchen crumb, theirs cockroaches all over this house, sprayed with chemicals, the insects are now giant and the humans are small, Fantastic Planet (1973), a french movie, breed with this other pet, more like pests (than pets), the reversal, we do care for our pests, a mouse in your house, maybe some vegans don’t, feral humans, levy whatever critique, enjoyable setting, where William Tenn succeeds, anthropology or sociology, an uncle, way deeper, like a savage or a child, it failed on the level of having interesting characters, breathing toxic fumes, doesn’t come across like a satire, an Edgar Rice Burroughsy feel, the setting is the showcase, indomitable human spirit, extreme environments, the spark still survives, rekindle the human flame, the connection to Burroughs, what if this was a little more realistic, using the weapons, I can leap really high, work and think and develop, the guy in The Cave Girl, cook meat or whatever, a framework to allow our guy to climb back up, a plot device, small triumphs, the line near the end, Burl saw the mighty armour, envied him his weapons, the juicy flesh contained in those armoured limbs, he need flee, in his hands he bore a long sharp chitinous spear, there’s no wood, remaster the earth, the dawn of a new-mankind, the proto-human in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), and he won the girl, he did it for the girl, that was terrible, a voyage into weirdness, CO2 in excess, they’re not really trees, gets back home and gets the girl, nothing innovative there, Day Million is 7 minutes long, a guy is excluded from his tribe, invents the bow, spooky action at a distance, he tames a dog, learns how to make fire, invents the wheel, now he’s a hero not a nerd, club him on the head with their club, the exclusion, got separated, the tide took him away, the only real interaction we have is his thoughts, he likes sharing her with her, this whole thing is cute, strange character dynamics, a little more repetitive, the florid description of the flora, over and over again, Samuel Beckett does that, a hypnotic type style, a good invention to repeat, getting the girl, any pulp story, gesticulates at that, odyssey into weirdness, mid-20th century than pulp, before Amazing, 24 years old, the Campbell puzzle stories, with the fish, stuck in the spider web, the fishoil, a very Campbellian idea, ahead of its time, genuine science fiction, the title, [The Forgotten Planet], Electrical Experimenter, Hugo Gernsback, mad as in crazy, a narrator from a distance, a direct descendant, he’s recounting this period in history, made it through the giant mushrooms, in some Burroughs books, a frame, I’m getting these psychic images from the future, the Gridley wave, we don’t have a universal republic, the international geophysical institute, ways of framing the story, crazy and angry, if it was published in the 1950s, as we go, as we progress, as we iterate, non-linear progress, walk around long after you’re dead, people get confused, nutzo, if this was published in 1955, everyone knows what science fiction is, the title would be 30,000 years, Earth In The Grip Of The Mushrooms, Giant Spider World, people going into strange lost valleys, Empire Of The Ants, giant spider story by Robert E. Howard, people just spend their time enjoying their time and occasionally supervising machines, we’re scavengers, was it a sin that we did?, burned too many fossil fuels?, its scientific name is this, quick wikipedia look ups, that looks cool, lactarius deliciosus, mmm milky, abundance of food, everybody is eating everything, scientific name, very different and very cool, munching, spongey, lady with a dress and a whip, a gun and a spaceship, any educational value in here at all, the Chinese still publish science fiction, making it science fiction, caveman stories are considered science fiction, the process of technological acquisition and distribution, get the bow going, that phenomenon where we have to learn something, a setting rather than an exploration of that idea, we all would get like shoes, shoes are a good idea, strapping those on their feets, enough free time and resources, a lot of tribes today, material and or time, full time job to make shoes, gorging themselves and lying around, they’re lazy, a fantasy of the native, not anthropologically sound, a lot of lazy activity that gets people doing art, hiding in a cave?, fled to the mountains, huddling together for warmth, an old anthropological theory, the culture of poverty, considered racists, all impoverished civilizations are the same, an idea of social strata, through the lens of a higher social stratus, for poverty there has to be affluence, the potlatch, hard to understand, get together with their neighbours, a giving contest, making giant presents, foods, delectable items, bentwood boxes, massive amounts of luxury consumer goods, status and power, like the hobbits, people aren’t turned into chattel, trading, the culture we see in The Odyssey, just a series of home invasions, you’re never leaving, a lady who wants to have sex with you, turned into farm animals, delicate relationship between host and guest, stores, I could steal this, usually a refrigerator, a place to do commerce, you don’t have an economy, good relationships with your neighbours, a friend and an ally, reciprocal debts, family and friendship and bonds, a bit of leisure time, poverty, people starving to death, some external problem, hunter gatherers, decorate their bodies, making jewelry, weird things we can’t understand, stupid and not for Jesse, tell stories, probably a lot of gossip, have you seen what janice is wearing in her hair?, why isn’t Paul on the podcast, tattoos from strangers, your bunkee wants to practice, disrailed?, people that you actually know, a cool tattoo store down the street, bring their own designs, means something, words, words all over this guy’s arm, these worlds are valuable, pure hunter gatherer behavior, what people do when they get a little bit of money, sailor tattoos, grading, crossed the equator, circumnavigate the world, tramp stamp, no tattooing in this book, decorating?, lie around, not doing art, no culture at all, no songs, no stories, the feast of the full moon, they don’t even have a moon, is there food in my mouth?, food is their primary concern, they need to have a refrigerator, food everywhere, reread Dune, they eat worm shit, this is what people do, carbon dioxide poisoned, carboniferous, an impressive gene, an uplift story Children Of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky, spiders could evolve intelligence, more intelligent than us, savages as if they were human, anthropological science fiction, self-uplifting of proto-humans, matters of life and death and food and safety, comfort and luxury, technology is uplift, genetic resurgence, smoke those spider legs and centipede feets, put them in your cave, cave out of shells, how many other human groups are there on the planet, pretty terrific, The Integral Trees by Larry Niven, humans have been voyaging to other planets, found a star with an orbiting gas bubble, giant trees, revolving due to winds, squirrel people, their tree is rotting, termites, dexterous feet, they don’t even know, so many generations, a hard SF story with ridiculous premises, more time spent with the tribe and the culture, not being for a good reason, flashbacks, how to gather mollusc feet, live up to be like my grandpa, Argosy’s pay rates, it doesn’t make economic sense to do a second draft, trynna fill pages, readers want to be satisfied, give em what they want, two more followups, it explains much, still pretty good, infected Jesse’s dreams, dark things in it, moth’s tortured pains, hunting killing eating, our world, carried off by a spider and screaming, nobody focuses on that, his learning moment, in a rather unpleasant fashion, that’s a pity, that old gentleman since, never entered his head, say of the year 1920, pick a year out of a hate, doesn’t have hypothetical questions, pure immediacy, getting to hypotheticality, that’s the point of the story, hypothesis building, if!, there’s the science fiction word for you, it’s wild, sense of wonder, it’s crazy!, those ants, the army ants, right after WWI, burn themselves up, a repeat of this whole situation, this new prototype kinda guy, adjacently classified, Leiningen Versus the Ants [by Carl Stephenson], castle doctrine, late to the game Robinson Crusoe, indomitable German will, almost robotic, let yourself be put into the gears of this machine or not?, not perfectly aligned, sheared off, mechanisms in society are machine like, don’t get involved with the police, the robotic aspect of these unstoppable creatures vs. individual fights, the one with the fish, hunter vs. prey, the army of ants, once you join the army, go over there and get shot, got caught up in something, explored in later books, this is an unstoppable thing, like the fire, techniques, firebreaks, helicopters with water, incarcerated firefighters, what happened to the earth already, unstoppable, humanity was doing really well, wasn’t a robot uprising, shit happens, funny stuff, higher ground becomes expensive real estate, climate change!, melted into the sea, a bunker in Nepal, in case, fun, engages with this idea of 30,000 years around, tiny mammals hiding in holes, Science Fiction By Gaslight by Sam Moskowitz, London is destroyed by carbon emissions, 1890something, Earth is destroyed by carbon emissions, who is right?, The Doom Of London by Robert Barr, The Forgotten Enemy, Freaky Trigger, A Bite Of Stars A Slug Of Time And Thou podcast, a deserted London, it’s the ice age, a glacier slowly griding its way into London, the opposite way to go, flooded out vs. frozen out, global cooling, new ice age comin, New York suddenly freezes, The Day After Tomorrow, new Ghostbusters movie, ghost freezes New York, The Real Ghostbusters, read the fixup, mash em together, rewriting to make it flow, The Red Dust, has become the leader, 30 years later, needed the fixup, a terrible idea, defeats the whole purpose!, let’s do The Red Dust, not a lot of capacity, Return From The Stars, that’s a mental book, especially if I get to shit on it, about the same length, you who have read the Mad Planet, the world in the far distant future, tiny Man, acclimated to change, our hero Burl, nothing compared to the deadly red dust, thrusting his spear, shiny back, meat eating beetles, what does Bleiler have to say?, Blei this up, Moskowitz, a timeless classic of the pulp era, well written, fun, short, an interesting idea, the aesthetic is good, it has more depth, much better world building than Edgar Rice Burroughs, video game levels, designed for an adventure, still feel some enthusiasm, no invention in it, the new LibriVox of The Stainless Steel Rat on LibriVox, science fiction setting, Slippery Jim diGriz, very Futuramalike, future tropes, the police are robots, this other mode of reading science fiction, not what we do here, what a champion E.F. Bleiler was, just science fiction the early years, Gernsback’s life, closely typed 1115 pages, plot synopsis, would be great to have it, on the Internet Archive, searchable, google books, a supernatural book for all the Weird Tales stuff, The Last Spaceship, some more Murray Leinster, dubious quality, the very future future, 50,000 years in the future, a lady in a bathing suit in a belt and wristbands, mushroom guys, beautiful right?, Stories From The Sky (William Sky), This World Is Taboo, Mark F. Smith, a presumed plague carrier, but hey if he did the smart thing we wouldn’t have a story, Ray Cummings, as long as the audio is good, its a human, British (possibly human), pretty inhuman, homo sapiens non-roboticus, Thomas Burnett Swann, Popes, Japan, last December, June 2nd, A Spell For Chameleon, the minotaur books, human-minotaur love, an archive of our own?, wtf is it?, fan-fiction, won a Hugo, The Weirwoods, sail the high seas, records his crimes, not illegal, The Soul Of Man (Under Socialism) by Oscar Wilde, The Not-World, lure of the little folk, magic pen, one of the finest and most piquant, spicy!, Thomas Chatterton, mingle their fates with Arachnae, spider woman, drowning before sex, objectionable, everybody on the internet, objectionable, on Goodreads, very erotic, middle erotic, focused on Eros, eroticism deferred, not Gor, rapidly becomes weird fetish porn, a lovely novel, a smidgen of alternate history, the worst review, not helpful reviews, like the narrator, doesn’t understand the concept of what fiction is, a 30 year old novelist, a young sailor, you can disinvite Jesse from your birthday party, not-father’s day, the other Alex, regular Alex, never listened to an audiobook for this podcast, audiobooks when hiking, you wont miss anything by listening to the audiobook, popular long running series, a parody of Starship Troopers, Bill, The Galactic Hero, 45 years ago, Slow Horses, find it good, almost binge watch, fortunately/unfortunately, have a good Nice, new laptop, where Alex works, hear the insults roll in, perfect except the speakers are terrible, Lenovo Yoga, screen is so good, speakers are better, a lot of ThinkPads (but not for good reasons), all instant, $60, addicted to fixing up old laptops, Windows 11 (Tiny 11), the Pro matters, Brave browser, Microsoft Edge,, what looks like an app, no ads, works for everything that way, its amazing, in 7 months, get that Brave Browser going, running it as an app, never tried Plex, ad scammed all the time, Yes, Minister, this is not Scooby-Doo, nice and short, hits so fuckin hard, 79-80, stuff everybody should know about how government and the deep state works, any story in government, i’d like to reform things somewhat, loses completely, the language is amazing, Shakespearean doubletalk, he’s a right-honorable, the gossip network of other drivers, why the bus/train system sucks so much, if you were forced to take it, why the NHS sucks, force the PM or the premier to go to the hospital, truths that people that don’t understand, why govt fails to work, bureaucracy rather than corporations, meeting with the BBC guy, complaints about the BBC, something that is out of date, bribery and scandal runs everything, why don’t you get more female high end bureaucrats, a great idea, the Saudis won’t like it, they all have excuses, this one woman promoted, a really good satire of what is happening now, there’s some great stuff and nobody gets to see it, not on Plex, on the deep schedule, Darker Than You Think by Jack Williamson, puts on an alien planet, thinking about it as a writer, you don’t really need to, once you get idea, the Simak story, stuff like that, Bradbury?, as a novelist?, he smokes, the first Amber book, writing it by the seat of his pants, writing skill, that series, Larry Niven, supposed to be famous, Ice World by Hal Clement, Jack Williamson, not sci-fi, Legion Of Space, Gordon Dickson, a lot of series, a lot of repeated covers, a 2.5 hour one, Phil Chenevert, inhabitable planets, extremely young, covered with all kinds of life, should have not had a chance to even begin to develop, paleontology and geology and archaeology, a review or Bleiler?, Dorsai!, the first in a series, with an exclamation mark!, military SF, most valuable, The Genetic General, is maze a verb?, a short story that’s been expanded, genetic engineering, creating super soldiers, pee, look at Hal Clement reviews, Jesse puts everything in, there’s nothing cut, a champion of podcasting, the ones from 10 years ago are an hour long, [The Genetic General was copyright renewed RE0000404051 ], LibriVox, no women in it, Maissa is gonna love it, our base is old men, people smoke in this story, Attitude by Hal Clement, somehow in the empty rift, their captors had not harmed any of them at all, from Astounding in 1943, becoming a Campbell guy, Dianetics, Mission Of Gravity, Kurt Vonnegut, Galapagos, Slaughterhouse Five, life is stupid and crazy, isn’t that funny?, not chill, Mr. Sheckley, read by Phil Chenevert, 60s stuff, 40s is good, a good length, The Status Civilization, solid satire, thoughtful and interesting, interesting not just fun, The Journey Of Joenes, The Blue World by Jack Vance, an imagined future, a picaresque, Mindswap, fell completely off the rails, an ocean of terror, another Stanislaw Lem, Neuromancer, don’t get hit by that bus, bought a bombshelter with free crawdads, they would eat each other, arthropods don’t have our values, shoeless mouse people, The Star King, complaints: this is not science fiction, science fiction wallpaper, he can write good ideas, The Man In The Maze by Robert Silverberg, similar to Thorns, a penal ship crashlanded, giant lily pads, forgotten their origin, caste system, giant lobster, monster stories can be science fiction, the latest John Scalzi, The Kaiju Preservation Society, a stuff happens book, how to get metal, they’re criminals, a good Larry Niven, read his as a teenager, Ringworld, the whole focus on that book is about sex, the puppeteer wants to reproduce, wants to have sex, win a name, young nubile woman, we’re gods, its a sex book, they get worse as they go, more than one Ringworld, The Seascape Tattoo, all about sex, the first third, a monthlong break, Louis Wu being kind of a perv, cat-men, the complete list of all of the novels, Protector, World Of The Ptavvs, Lucifer’s Hammer, racist guys at the beginning, just putting his name on, he’s awesome, super-smart, a mean sense of humour, but not cruel, short stories, Neutron Star, early short stories, comedy stories, The Draco Tavern, young people real old SF, how young are these young people?, how the relationships are forged, dubious of young people, no longer feel like a young person, an organization with young in the name, young DSA, middle age DSA, Man Of Steel Woman Of Kleenex, you know the meme, which is a problem, can’t be long stories, is there beyond the meme, the kids comics version, to fully understand you’re going to need to read the book, Inconstant Moon, New Twilight Zone, the dad on Growing Pains?, another tv dad, anytime people quote Shakespeare, God Save The Mark, it was a good one, a perfect book, Outer Limits Season 2 Episode 12, Michael Gross, Michael J. Fox’s dad on a TV show, it’s the end of the world, a woman he has known for many years, he’s been in love with her for a long while, a few hours to make up for his foolishness, good right?, an episode of Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman, 6 seasons plus TV movies, a corporate law lady who decides to become a public defender, bougie friends, woman professional story, Bess Sullivan, The Trials Of Rosie O’Neil, Ponderosa, Bob’s Burgers, short and lighter, in a two person home, mutual boxes, watching bureaucrats talk politicans out of things, it’s educational, if you don’t beleive this is exactly, ripped from the non-headlines, an anti-West Wing, Yes, Prime Minister, hugely convoluted long sentences, Obamaisms, Joyce Carol Oates giving Obama an award, a better time, for who? for whom?, inflation wasn’t as bad then?, the president had all his faculties, aiding and abetting an active genocide, H. Jon Benjamin actor is Archer, you can rewatch them, character based humour show, Pam, the HR department, a very dumb one, sniffing glue, pushing Picard and Crusher together, that’s not what this show should be about, professionals acting professionally, Moonlighting was a good show, not even a zygote, hatched in 86, became a feotus in 89, she has mammaries, a platapus, what colour milk would it be?, Carthoris, flows beautifully, only one kid, the second novel, each individual entry has a different lead character, Korak, side characters, Tarzan, such a legend, 24 books, 12 Tarzan novels, husbanding them, diminish returns doesn’t apply to economics it applies to art, Young Indiana Jones is a separate animals, early 20th century history, look at art, this is amazing, look at this!, look at this piece, a weird thing to do all day, art The Executioner Of Venice, Harry Lemon Parkhurst, Spicy Mystery Stories, September 1942, science fiction stories, how good are they at science fiction?, not all visual art, fiction, poetry, can’t we just do this all day long?, a pretty good position, report cards, be honest without hurting anybody’s feelings, not here to rebuke you, grading is horrible, learning something, what poetic devices, you’re getting this, it is important to love what you’re doing, hobby business of selling books online, sold to PulpCovers, had you scanned them, two scanners for sale, Herbert Schmaltz (artist), Zenobia, Palmyra, chained up, a comic series, Magnus Robot Fighter, has a nice backstory, stop them with your fists, the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen, another Zenobia, facial expression, Cleopatra by the same artist, boobs exposed, mammals love mammaries, birds other than the evil evil cuckoo, they give them barf, duck around, keep them warm at night, ducks might like you, they’re less like humans than cats are, cats are very catty, their default behavior, not quite individual animals, nothing like dogs, household pets, cats are very different, sometimes cats like you, dogs are loyal at least, pirate cat [Anne Bonny], allergy to her own saliva, saliva cats, lots of hair comes out, kinda wild, do your best, a big Jesse theme, copying Jason Mockman Thompson, he’s got good politics, he’s a dad with a toddler, a twee year old, the city in the distance under the dome, silver key in his hand, so much great art, Lauren somebody, Blue Book, Tarzan: Guard Of The Jungle, better in the pulps, more elemental, with the #LegCling and #KetchupAndMustardGetup, why are they so powerful, the combination of red and yellow, everything means something, reading the original magazine publications, ERB didn’t like to be edited, the sixth martian novel, 30-40 magazine pages, you have to drill down, the only way, the Amazing Stories Annual, the operating room table cover, available as a scan, Frederik Pohl, blew his mind, how come those ones didn’t blow your mind, how come that one blew his mind, a voracious reader, I want to be a science fiction writer, editor and agent, famously unsuccessful at making money, $30,000 in debt in the 1950s, no audiobook, too obscure, no champion, the Pohl estate?, can’t even get a Robert E. Howard biography audiobooked, Mark Finn, Philip Jose Farmer’s books, speaking to somebody who doesn’t understand, that sounds like something you’re saying, Frederik Pohl audiobooks, the Heechee series is not good, kinda broken, the main character is mentally ill, as a kind of a theme in later books, seeing a robot therapist, you can make anything good, fictional robot therapist, ideological objection, therapy is probably a mistake, talking about your problems in a structured environment, insane, hangups about making mistakes, is that true?, double negative, get confused, the whole point is it not?, especially with kids, very impressionable, most people don’t understand how impressionable people are, did it have the effect that was intended, even knowing that you’re being manipulated, offered her food, more dangerous than teaching or parenting, the thing that they know is true, school is prison, the reason that people become teachers, fall into it, a pretty good job, the school district you’re in, being a prison guard is a good job too, painful for the children and the teachers, catbird seat, you’re not going to get fired, teachers can do harm, many students only one teacher, teachers can single out a kid and fuck em up, parents can fuck their kids up for sure, indulging them, get any toy they wanted, how can anyone have this much money, casual with their toys, if every thing goes easy, if every thing goes hard, lift em up when they fell down, say: you’ll live, go superreligious, to fill them full of hangups, you have to come to terms with everything, hell was the scariest idea, let’s take this kid who is acting like a child and get them professional help, you need professional help, a way of saying I’m better than you, there’s something wrong with you, an old man who lives in the basement, big long fingernails and he smells bad, I can’t handle you, I’m going to outsource this to a professional, a master’s degree, how important it is to be thinking about what the kid is thinking about, a handle on their vocab level, a handle on their brain, cloistered, sent to school and sent to after school, we can have a really negative influence, you’ve been wetting their bed, a problem of a being a baby and something go wrong in your life, dangerous, it’s like knives, children are vulnerable to institutions, parents deferring their authority to experts, that living thing came out of my body, especially moms, it’s really really hard, in a random sampling, there are great people in the world, raising both hands, how much of a responsibility it is and all the things that can go wrong, takes your freedom away, spinabifida, drown the kid, a huge mistake, structured talk therapy for adults, talking about your problems, get past or through or around, wallowing, some people make their living, the effect in school, school counselors, what did they do?, becoming more confident, understanding how the world works, knowing who you are, most people don’t know who they are, model, a mentor, a lot of the time the best thing to do is to get outta there, the solution (often) is to not be there, traumas that we experience, that shouldn’t be what you think about all day, get out in the field and fix a boat, people who can help you, just like in the medical industry, milk customers, what do you think?, a number of very bad therapists, this video by Louis Rossmann, very religious Christian woman, buy a lot of scented candles, older woman nearing retirement, underconsidered psychological approach, biofeedback, behavioral therapy, literally experimenting on you, hate to opine, a little senile seeming, skeptical about the DSM, the big book, for the benefit of insurance companies, the laws, their theory of human brains, how things will be punished, constantly evolving, our theory should get better and better, a coding manual for insurance purposes, obsessed with death, as long as six months, these people are not regulated by an ethical code that makes exposure of unethical behavior public, very sketchy, old boss went to prison for sketchy behavior, defrauding medicare and medicaid, measuring, an outside check, an adult who is thinking I will submit to this system in the hopes it will help me, I yell a lot, regulating people’s behavior medically, the dismal science, at least they make predictions, criminologists and sociologists, an ongoing feud with psychology, care about methods, is it an art?, not all artists are equally good, Foundation, a fun idea, Paul Krugman, you’re just hearing about science fiction, predicting technologies, futurism and futurology, a specific Italian movement, Bryan Alexander, going out of business, massive endowments, declining to enter, full of administration, it can be both, it is really bad, do you value yourself more than a broken Macbook, a little autistic, he reads the comments, he responds prophylacticly and after the fact, went to therapy, trying to find a good therapist, online therapy companies, not everybody is the same, there are good therapists, active in looking for them, is there a good doctor, a serious problem, as a child you have no instruments, my mom is sending me to therapy, whisper networks, an adult who knows something, adults that know stuff?, people managing to float by in life, very skeptical of doctors and politicians and everything, Scanners Live In Vain [by Cordwainer Smith], Day Million, Paget’s hierarchy of needs?, Ted Sturgeon, Pruzy’s Pot, a living toilet, Microcosmic God, Gateway, The Voices Of Heaven, a great book for Will, gigantic caterpillar like beasts, he’s good, Kornbluth has a sharper edge, more biting, The Advent On Channel 12, about Disney under another name, basically Winnie The Pooh, feels very New Wave, a little early for the New Wave, prefigured before it happened, where Scanners Live In Vain, The Other End Of Time, the beloved leaders, are these replicas capable of reason?, characterized it differently, seems like a cool guy, Tunnel Under The World, Heechee is so overrated, what it must be, a lot of hype?, preorders are love, look what happens in this story, characters in folktales don’t say I love you, they give each other food, how mother bird feeds its child, I have something in this bag do you want it, I made you like me more, many bad teachers do all the time with candy, a zap, behavior cognitive therapy, you can trick people or manipulate people with praise or candy, the thing that was important was food, everything that’s in there for a reason, a story Connor wrote, finds a dead woman in the bog, she’s beautiful, parents in his head, why are there two parents rather than one?, for a reason, why does Tarzan have only one child?, if it is not for a reason that’s bad, The Brady Bunch‘s premise, evil Nazi scientist, Flesh Eaters (1964), Gilligan’s Island with a Nazi, there’s good thing in it, the dialogue works, that part of the script was well written, so good as it is, a budget for five actors and no budget for a set, a beach, an airplane for one day and five actors, solving problems, applies equally well to essays, passionate about good writing (not chat GPT), as a tool for helping students get through school, it’s humourous, it’s also evil, the corporations are there to maximize profits, extracting value from children from a system they’re unwilling to reform, art stuff is even more insidious, Jonathan did a poll about a robot narrator, publicity, trying to move books, controversy sells books, Chuck Tingle, are they meant to be read?, that fact that Chuck Tingle is a name I know, really stupid, just designed to get attention and publicity, doing life wrong, just talk to Will, we like to talk, spicy takes, he’s got a game going, fears disagreement, verboten!, zees vords!, need Cora here, sounds a lot scarier than it is, not in massive discord on it either, very extreme, tweet dream about weapons, right on, even if it is a dream, taking the discourse to a reality, it’s a show for them, gamestreaming debate bro, Destiny being called a gusano, talking about Mao, subconscious refers to the state as a million dudes with guns, a body of armed men that holds itself about society, proud of ability to record, they have to be done in the first moments, barely awake, a flow state, you can’t record everything, difficult to record, a textual expression of a virtual experience, your roof was domed, decorated not just with Star Trek curtains, Simpsons curtains, tacky admirable Star Trek curtains, not the biggest Enterprise stan, Deep Space Nine, not enough to speak about it intelligently, Enterprise’s entire run, the copyright system, servers full of movies, getting paid still, make infinite copies, mostly laser guns, phaser fights is not the point, a good Star Trek show almost never needs its phaser, those are the worst episodes, the ship has guns on it, very specifically not the point, a more martial show, it becomes a serial show, what it does is excellent, more consistently good, start with a good one, of all the pilot’s that the best first episode of any Star Trek, Encounter At Farpoint is garbage, captain beep, Spock goes haam (hard as a motherfucker), speaking not as a gen xer, Millennial Hunter (2023), his car is murdered by a millennial, kill all millennials, she’s a genXer, a daughter who is a zoomer, working for a big online website, something AF, almost great, this is amusing, meta genre?, clever, Chazz AF, give our listener a break?, a question about H.P. Lovecraft, listeners still listening, popularity waned during the cold war?, Bobby Derie, how old is he?, balding, people in their thirties can’t be balding, solidly a boomer, very useful information, google NGram, broke the cold war up into different eras, levels of exposure, Arkham House, really gets rolling in the 80s, the game, but also the movies, with the rise of Robert E. Howard in comics, Savage Sword Of Conan, reviews of books that are related, H.P. Lovecraft ripoffs, replicated for many other people of contemporaneous period, after life as a skinsuit magazine, a 70s startup, a current skinsuit, disconnected, the Ligotti period in the 80s, a paperback for three issues, a long weird history, there was movies in the 60s, a band called H.P. Lovecraft, what could he think about any of this stuff?, amateur press association, dedicated HAMF, hard as a motherfucker when it came to art, that doesn’t compromise, this is a story about art, sculptors and painters and musicians, even in the comedy ones, his focus is on art, that is unusual, Robert W. Chambers, models and painting, what it means to be original, his amateur press career, not well written, Sonia Green doesn’t have the gift of prose, the story as it is, biographical detail, why stories exist as they do, an old school thing, doesn’t drill down on Lovecraft, the reason she’s going to marry him, she believes like he does that amateur journalism is a good unto itself, I’m gonna fix him, making him able to do art, like believing in blogging and podcasting, download distributed without interference, steal wreck and exploit, Podcast Addict, Downcast, not married to it, the Fairphone, fair as in just, try not to use child slaves, operating on Linux, Framework (laptops), repairable, fixable, upgradable, old piece of tech, the Apple tax, into the playground, all the competitors, vertical and horizontal integrated, the ultimate Apple product will be you in a white sphere that has no buttons and no exits, the Apple car, Apple TV, Homepod, overpriced, google goggle, $2300?, really expensive, make your laptop in your face, artificial reality, just buy a monitor and don’t wear a mask on your head, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 wasn’t cynical enough, see you on twitter.

Posted by Jesse Willis