Featured Promotion: At The Earth’s Core and The House On The Borderland

Featured Promotion

I’ve put up a couple of new ads on the top right of the website. They’re for the latest projects by two excellent audiobook narrators:

The House On The Borderland by William Hope Hodgson – READ BY WAYNE JUNE


At The Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs – READ BY DAVID STIFEL

Both David and Wayne have taken public domain novels and made them into wondrous unabridged audiobooks. Both narrators are consummate professionals, as well as being two really cool dudes who love the stuff they’re recording.

Both have also made their audiobooks available for FREE (Stifel podcasts his audiobooks and June streams them).

I’ve heard both novels, and I can heartily recommend them to you. In fact, both The House On The Borderland by William Hope Hodgson and At The Earth’s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs are the subject of individual upcoming readalongs for The SFFaudio Podcast!

Click on through – and if you can afford it, please consider buying their audiobooks. These guys are truly awesome, I consider their audiobooks the definite editions, and their work is absolutely worth supporting.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The House On The Borderland by William Hope Hodgson – Read by Wayne June

SFFaudio Online Audio

The incomparably awesome-voiced narrator, Wayne June, has completed a terrific sounding narration of William Hope Hodgson‘s The House On The Borderland. This is the famous supernatural horror novel, from 1908, that H.P. Lovecraft described as “A classic of the first water” – I looked that phrase up – “of the first water” means means “of the highest quality.”

When you combine the wonder of Wayne June’s narrative powers with a classic of this magnitude you’re bound to get something special.

And he’s selling it for just $10 HERE.

The House On The Borderland by William Hope Hodgson

The book comes in five MP3s. But, and this is a pretty interesting experiment, Wayne June is also giving away the entire novel there, on the site, in a streaming format!

Yup, if you want to listen to the novel streaming you can hear the whole thing FREE!

Posted by Jesse Willis

FREE LISTENS REVIEW: House on the Borderland


The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson

Source: LibriVox (zipped mp3s)
Length: 5 hr, 22 minutes
Reader: Alan Winterrowd

The book: Halloween is getting close, so for the remainder of October, I’ll be posting reviews of horror novels and stories at Free Listens and here on SFFaudio. House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson is the perfect place to start, since it was a major influence on the writing of H.P. Lovecraft and ushered in a new type of supernatural horror novels for the 20th century.

Two gentlemen vacationing in Ireland find a manuscript in the ruins of an old house. In it, the former owner of the house describes how his house lies on the border of a demonic realm and how he ends up having to defend himself against pig-like invaders from this other dimension. The beginning of this narrative is eerie while the climax is heart-thudding terrifying, but a large section of the middle, in which the narrator describes a hallucinogenic dream in which he travels to the end of the world, dips into boredom. Apart from this middle section, the novel is a short, spooky classic of horror literature.

Rating: 7/10

The reader: Winterrowd is a voice that I haven’t come across before. His voice is strong and confident, with an American accent. He gives a fairly straight reading, without much emotion. This doesn’t mean that his reading is dull – he varies his pace and emphasis – but he doesn’t try to embellish the text, which can be good or bad, depending on your taste. In some early chapters, there’s a faint ringing in the recording, but later on this problem seems to go away and the sound is fine.

Posted by Seth

Radio Drama Revival’s Month of HORROR AUDIO DRAMA

Online Audio

Radio Drama RevivalThe WMPG radio show (and podcast) Radio Drama Revival airs a series of truly terrifying theater throughout October! If you live in the Portland, Maine area turn your FM dial to 90.9/104.1 Thursdays 1PM EST. If not, have a listen to the podcast feed or download the shows manually from the show’s website. Host Fred Greenhalgh has packed his Halloween month shows “to the gory brim” with a mountain of haunting tales. The broadcasts culminate in a three-part live radio drama event to be held on “All Hallow’s Eve.”

The fright fest kicked off earlier this week (October 4th) during WMPG’s “Begathon” pledge drive with…

Based on a story by William Hope Hodgson
Broadcaster & Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Broadcast & Podcast: October 4th 2007
Produced by: Mind’s Eye Productions
An unsettling tale of a ghost ship found afloat deep in the ocean.

In the coming two weeks:

(Oct 11, Oct 18) will feature an adaptation of Mary Shelley’s

Based on the novel by Mary Shelley
2 Broadcasts – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster & Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Broadcast & Podcast: October 4th 2007
Produced by Quicksilver Radio Theater

October 25th:

If You Take My Hand My Son
By Mort Castle
1 Broadcast – [RADIO DRAMA]

Halloween night (airing between 8:30 and 10PM EST):

The Statement of Randolph Carter
Based on the story by H.P. Lovecraft

God of the Razor
By Joe Lansdale

Dark Passenger
By Frederick Greenhalgh

Keep radio drama revived by subscribing to the podcast’s feed:


William Hope Hodgson’s The House On The Borderland on BBC7

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th Dimension BBC7’s The Seventh Dimension is airing a new commission of The House On The Borderland from their North Ireland producers this week. No word on whether it is unabridged or not, but you can hear it via the Listen Again service. Not sure who Hodgson is or what The House On The Borderland is about? Here’s a take one author’s opinion upon this work:

“A classic of the first water.” – H.P. Lovecraft

Wikipedia sez of it:

“[The House On The Borderland] is a milestone that signals the leaving of the realistic nature of supernatural fiction of the late 19th century. Hodgson follows out of the ghost story and the gothic to create a newer cosmic horror that leaves a great impression on the people who would become the great writers of the weird tales of the middle of the 20th century.”

BBC7 - The House On The Borderland by William Hope HodgsonThe House On The Borderland
By William Hope Hodgson; Read by Jim Norton
4 Broadcasts – Approx. 2 Hours [ABRIDGED]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Tues. – Fri. at 6.30pm and 00.30am starting Sept. 4
Two friends camp near the ruins of an old house in a remote area in the west of Ireland, there they discover a manuscript which describes the terrifying experiences of the last owner of the house of the title.

Hour 25 resurrected for Halloween

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hour 25Hour 25 has returned. But for a supposedly weekly show it sure is a long time in coming (the last show was in March). Host Warren James and his wife Suzzane Gibson have prepared a Halloween reading show. This year two tales are included…

The Tyburn Ghost
By The Countess of Munster
“[A] classic English haunted house story wherein a Mother and her daughters get a bit more than they were expecting while on a visit to London. But then, what would you expect to find in a house that was built on a hill previously used for hanging criminals?”

A Tropical Horror
By William Hope Hodgson
“[Features] a sailing ship that has an encounter with a horror from the ocean depths while traveling through the South Seas.”

Unfortunately the show is still operating in the m3u format, which does not make listening portable. If you’re able to sit in front of your computer and listen click HERE. I sure wish this show was podcast.