Jerry Stearns, the coordinator for the The Mark Time Awards and Ogle Awards, writes in with this list of the winners for 2011:
The Mark Time Awards are given each year for the Best Science Fiction Audio Theater production, and the Ogle Awards are given for the Best Fantasy or Horror Audio Theater production. These are the 15th Annual Awards, for the 2011 Production Year.
Mark Time Awards
Brad Lansky and the 4D-Verse
Written by J. D. Venne
Producer, Dieter Zimmermann
My Other Self
Stagestruck Audio Theatre
Written & Produced by Bret Jones
Our Fair City, Season 2
HartLife NFP
Written by Clayton Faits & others
The Martian Chronicles
Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air
Story by Ray Bradbury
Dramatized by Jerry Robbins
Producer, Seth Adam Sher
Logan’s Run – Last Day
Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air
Written by Jason Brock, William F. Nolan & Paul Salamoff
Producer, Seth Adam Sher
Ogle Awards
Intensive Care
Final Rune & AuralStage Productions
Written by James Comtois
Producers, Fred Greenhalgh, Matthew Boudreau, Samantha Mason
Ghost of a Chance
19 Nocturne Boulevard
Written & produced by Julie Hoverson
The Strange Case of Springheel’d Jack
Wireless Theatre Company
Written by Gareth Parker, Robert Valentine
Producers, Robert Valentine, Gareth Parker, Mariele Runacre-Temple
The 15th Mark Time Awards will be presented July 5, 2012 at CONvergence, in Bloomington, MN. Representatives from four of the seven production organizations will be present to accept their awards, as will several past winners and four of the five judges.
Mark Time is a character created in 1970 by the Firesign Theatre. Phil Proctor and David Ossman of Firesign will also be attending CONvergence to help celebrate the occasion, along with their wives, Melinda Peterson and Judith Walcutt. Judith is a convention Guest of Honor, too. And they’ll all be participating in events throughout the convention, including the Mark Time Radio Show, just before the Opening Ceremonies.
We encourage you to look up the winners and give them a listen. You’ll find some excellent storytelling.
For more information about CONvergence: www.convergence-con.org
For more about the Mark Time Awards: greatnorthernaudio.com/MarkTime/MarkTime.html
Posted by Jesse Willis