Reading, Short And Deep #466 – The Club Secretary by Lord Dunsany

Reading, Short And Deep

Reading, Short And Deep #466

Eric S. Rabkin and Jesse Willis discuss The Club Secretary by Lord Dunsany

Here’s a link to the story |PDF|.

The Club Secretary was first published in The Atlantic Monthly, August 1934

Posted by Scott D. Danielson Become a Patron!

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri FREE @ Christian Audio

SFFaudio Online Audio, specializing in Christian audiobooks, offers a free audiobook monthly. This month there’s a classic Fantasy title that will be sure to please literary Christians, pagans and heathens (like me). Here’s a sample |MP3|.

The Divine Comedy: The Inferno, The Purgatorio, and The Paradiso by Dante AlighieriThe Divine Comedy: The Inferno, The Purgatorio, and The Paradiso
By Dante Alighieri; Read by Pam Ward
11 MP3 Files or 11 M4B Files – Approx. 13 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Hovel Audio / Christian Audio Classics
Published: May 2009
Dante Alighieri’s poetic masterpiece is a moving human drama, an unforgettable visionary journey through the infinite torment of Hell, up the arduous slopes of Purgatory, and on to the glorious realm of Paradise-the sphere of universal harmony and eternal salvation. One of the greatest works in literature, Dantes story-poem is an allegory that represents mankind as it exposes itself, by its merits or demerits, to the rewards or the punishments of justice. A single listening will reveal Dantes visual imagination and uncanny power to make the spiritual visible. Translated by John Ciardi.

To get this audiobook:

1. You’ll need to create an account on the site (this requires filling in a bunch of blanks but does not demand you enter a credit card)

2. Add the audiobook to your cart

3. Enter the coupon code “AUG2009” (minus the quotation marks) when prompted

4. Select either MP3s, M4Bs or WMAs (I suggest you choose MP3, it is the most compatible format – even if you’re using an iPod you should still get MP3 as you can always convert the 11 files into one big M4B using the free software called MP3 to iPod Audio Book Converter)

Posted by Jesse Willis