The SFFaudio Podcast #822 – READALONG: WHO? by Algis Budrys

Jesse, Will Emmons, Cora Buhlert, and Jonathan Weichsel talk about WHO? by Algris Budrys

Talked about on today’s show:
WHO?, as a short story, Fantastic Universe, expanded into a novel, there was a movie adaptation, not a great movie, on the 2nd or 3rd tier of famous science fiction novels, a work of its time, interesting, set in the future, a world government, NATO is in charge, DNA testing, alternate history, political, based on the art, Frank Kelly Freas cover, a cyborg smoking a cigarette at a desk, the image for the cover, Algis Budrys was in the office, 2 other Algis Budrys stories, William Scarf, a story behind the cover, Frank Belknap Long, replace people’s arms, a man who looks like this, interesting, ruminating on the cover, the original short story is a very condensed version of the longer novel, unnecessary, extreme hot take, this isn’t science fiction, a science fiction idea in it, psychological realism, identity, weird neuroses, exposed to women, during COVID, Fauci: I am science, exposing ourselves to the Russians, Terence, semi-interesting, professors and a class of people, a problem in science, peer review, spoiler studies, peer reviewed studies, got to establish a fact about the world, physics teacher, the universe is a giant machine, the analogy he goes for in the book, not exactly how science works, a wrinkle or a metaphor, iron out that wrinkle, curvatures, you’re a blind scientist examining an elephant, what this story is meta about, Cold War, him as a young guy, doesn’t know why he’s dating her, good psychology, a suspense story extended into the length of a novel, going to conferences, CIA guy, FBI guy, a fictional agency, future western block, ruinous to the central idea, can’t be fixed, revelation scene, this ancient history, Stalin, know what Stalin means in Russian, Man Of Steel, just sort of fails, Rogue Moon, WHO is to blame?, Jonathan’s take, aggressively bleak, unlikable, The Journey Of Joenes, insoluble logic loops, counter sniper at the Trump rally, one guy on the roof, what if it is not an assassin, if he’s not an assassin, spy stories, what spies are really like, unjustified, the last 30 minutes, if Philip K. Dick had written this, not the takeaway, society and fucking up, no way of knowing what they have, machines, a living machine, approaching those problems like a machine, ironically makes him more human, his farm, very interesting and bored at times, submissions, extremely dry, nothing fun in this book, dim view of humanity, quick, smart guy, self insert, the immigrant, Martino and Martini, the movie condenses the novel, doesn’t warrant an expansion, badness that makes it lame, a good and bad book, not supposed to used lame anymore, crippled, euphemism treadmill, is the government going to stop it, don’t tell him not to do it, not a boring book, get on with it, fundamentally broken, we needed to get there, in outline, proves himself a very quick guy, smart, sharp, bad writer, science fiction of the era, not a pulpy problem, famous covers, a problem with the structure of it, over written, could seek a broader audience outside of science fiction, a goal that you have, a spy novel, James Bond novels, John le Carré, Len Deighton, K-88, Neptune, what this thing is, a classic McGuffin, Ronin (1998), classic pulp fiction suitcase, the other technologies, replacing a person’s arm, replacing a person’s head, lesbian lady from taxi driver, the stakes are small, a Guy de Maupassant-style problem, how much aggression, hysteria of the McCarthy period, a common theory, “the fruit machine”, gay pornography, sincere in his fear, flaming homo, died of AIDS, blackmail, eliminate anti-gay laws, doing science wrong, scientists are interested in science, taking the world apart and putting it back together again, a meta-criticism of science, The Man In The High Castle, yarrow stalks, forward and back, a muddle of almost really great, a thesis that kicks something into orbit, a frontier story, point of view and the mystery, flashbacks of young Martino, subverted, information, his roommate, ambivalence, valence shells, atoms sharing electrons, a balance scale, harassing a good man, the investigators never learn of the flashback scenes, something to do, as a film, 6 – 7 hours, could have been excellent, very bleak, just following orders, nobody is tiring very hard, bureaucratic incompetence, if Heinlein has written on this, realistic book, contemporary people on twitter, reaction to realism, condemned, Kafkaesque, The Lost Honour Of Katharina Blum by Heinrich Böll, points of order, was Germany now Russia, Lithuania, middle ages, kingdom of Poland, consul, 1991, New Jersey, alienated, Baltic states, student exchange, Scandinavian, Ukraine War, ancestry, peasants and workers, Mare Ibrium, extensive treatment, teams of excellent specialists, brother democracies, explosion, Antarctica, friendly, someone else to play chess with, all about Europe and control of the Earth, caused by the book, Budrys’ politics, on the side of the West, a dim view of the West, he doesn’t like the Soviet Union either, doesn’t like humanity, an outsider, a country that doesn’t exist anymore, he’s smart and that’s isolating, pushed by his family, he’s more robotic, Isaac Asimov’s stuff, Susan Calvin, turned out to be gay, I can fix her, asexual, different, weirder, in the coffee shop, somebody he wouldn’t be serious about, partnerships, romance, doomed teenage love affairs, people like that exist, what’s the judgement on this book, Will will allow it, doesn’t need to be fixed, isn’t going to be better, better at 3 hours, any story is better if you cut it in half?, play Paul, room to breathe, the breathing was rather robot, an atomic pile in my chest, suffocating, a guy who literally can’t breathe, give it its meaning, dark, depressing, heavy, not science fiction, doesn’t have a thesis, tropes, guy who builds a robot in his basement, something to do with the structure, don’t like to read things that aren’t science fiction, spy fiction, who’s story is this?, there is no main character, Sean Rogers, Sam Rogers, Steve Rogers, Uncle Sam, there’s a character named Willis, he’s the man of steel, Heinlein novel, Will Is, derivation of William, Silesia, old German name, to piss off those people, Weichsel, Vistula, name is a river, we’re done with this book, Jonathan did an excellent job, it wasn’t really good, interesting, annoyed, but why? WHY!, if Asimov wrote it, ship of Theseus as a man, it doesn’t make it bad, what Budrys is interested in, reading that in, the last line of the book, I haven’t really lost that much, no friends, very sad, the emotional stability, we’re supposed to read that as him not wanting to reveal himself, those extended scenes, it could be this it could be that, a comedic scene, it becomes The Lives of Others (2006), stasi, in six months, the shownotes, upcoming, realism, Milton Lesser, history and crime fiction, Rendezvous With Rama, The Green Queen, Worldcon, Glasgow, hotel hotline, twice as expensive, Rotterdam, before Trump was semi-assasinated yesterday, Barrett Brown, hard to recruit you, incredibly unpopular today, drug use, his relationship with his mother, early life and education, an indigo child with an alien soul, poet laureate, newspapers, Ayn Rand and Hunter S. Thompson, freelance writer, griefer in 2nd life, troll you in games, let penises rain down, Anonymous, We Are Legion: The Story Of The Hacktivists (2012), alternative to Wikileaks, pranks, fucked around and found out, a domestic Assange, prison diaries, playing D&D with hardcore criminals, terrific writer, mental health, heroin, smoking crack, induced a manic state, suboxone, accused his friends, complex post traumatic stress disorder, very knowledgeable, justifiably paranoid, My Glorious Defeats, Blackstone, George Guidall, from Downpour, Grover Gardner, do more voices, any kind of muppet, Elmo, people like Elmo, Sesame Street, Cookie Monster, any kind of voice, a woman’s voice, a Will voice, Will’s accent, talking to locals, Riya’s Foundling, cringey, caressing this cow, great steak one day, Benjamin Lay, wrong about all sorts of stuff, meat is delicious and we should eat it, fake stuff, mincemeat, trying to help animals, chop up nuts, tofu, not healthy, lentils, convenient, a faith, a bad mix of bad ideas, supplements, dairy, there are arguments for eating that are not eating meat, fiber, gall, denying nature, natural herders?, co-evolving, the sheep dog industry, Sirius was a good man, a good boy, farm vegetables, farming practices, tomatoes, apples, bred to have a high yield, greenhouses, highly processed food, like crack, this is the best experience in my life, white man’s version, something psychological, McDonalds, from soy to meat, McDonalds had to go through a lot of reforms, people are confused, anti-fast food, Chipotle, listeria, memo, give them extra food, extra meat, you’re going to photograph them, look how much food I got?, meal on Instagram, cafeterias, Automats, home packed lunches, restaurants is a big game, if the game is rigged don’t play, everything is rigged, in Russia, the very old people, young people went to restaurants and bars, a cafe is not a restaurant, a Disneyland experience, pick from the food on display, restaurants are a scam, cafeteria, waiters and waitresses, cartoon characters, properly subservient, hospitals, on a ship, entertainment, play the game, pretending you’re a rich person, for families it makes a little more sense, relax for a night, a pathetic solution, family restaurants, the upperclass experience, fuck your crème brulée, dropped in a foreign city, they have food there and you’re hungry, the Koreans, little doors, bubble tea, an asian thing, a solution to a lack of employees, cook the food on your table, getting the grandma experience, not chains, mom and pop serving food, Los Angles relatives, Sherman Oaks, Tony Danza and Shannon Tweed, pitch dark restaurant, order the veal, never left Jesse’s hometown, never been east of Alberta, a lot of places, wasn’t allowed to see the bill, the real fancy, everybody getting plastic surgery that week?, Howard Hughes style logic, too many mugs at Starbucks, money in the wrong direction, why does it matter, capital, Chinese dam video, oil exploration, Jonathan’s anthology, productive, a flower shop, the flower industry should be banned, keep it going, dry goods, if you’re not growing, aim for an equilibrium, Amazon or Facebook, supposed to put caps on monopoly, giant unregulated monopolies, start a private army and take land, explore space, Blackrock is taking Ukraine, an incorrect prediction, tell him to resign, he said, his wife said no, he’s the first black woman president, guy’s in a coma, why did you break that lamp, deep state conspiracy, the chief of staff?, Caitlin Johnstone, almost had two presidents with no brains, very Jesse, barn roof, not a tower, shooting at the wrong people, a no nothing clown, milking the cow, if the FBI listens to this podcast, the RCMP, jurisdiction, there are laws in Canada, cousin’s birthday, does the FBI have jurisdiction in Canada and Germany, international offices, the locally controlled police, they don’t operate in North Korea, Cuba, a sub-office in Vancouver, old pulps, Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables, Space Zine Tweets, covered by a labour union, representation without taxation, Indiana, a labour goon, Lupe Fiasco, an occupy the superbowl rap, shoot a rocket, how silly your job is, the full experience, Smurfette, I’m Will, strange man, I need to talk to you, a jarring experience, tried to turn Will into an informant, be buddy buddy, right wing militia groups, if they mean what they’re saying, a law student, the environmental law society, Lupe Fiasco had anti-American views, Reality Winner, NSA translator, Russian interference, The Intercept, guess who turned her in, concerns were raised, her real name, that’s what they were pushing, her interactions with the FBI, transcripts, her dog, power lifting, an amazing text, sources, gives Russia tools, generation of fake documents, contractors, Christopher Steele documents, Trump is Hitler, they’ll say anything, Trump is not Hitler, Qasem Soleimani, Obama assassinated regular Americans, chaos on the street, if Trump doesn’t win, if Biden wins, Biden won’t survive a second term, those directly around him, a nursing home, people decline, probably an issue, Robin Williams, Lewy body dementia, One Hour Photo (2002), stalker, small scale paranoia, Conspiracy Theory (1997), great filmmaker, a great screen presence, a great film director, Apocalpyto (2006), little town, strange movie, Cannibal Holocaust (1980), like Hardcore Henry (2015), Mel Gibson’s signature is torture, the pulled out the guts, RoboCop (1987) and Total Recall (1990), German censorship, the sex, bare breasts on TV, bothered by it, all chests, #BrassBra #FurDiaper, cult movies, sexploitation, Blue Movie (1971),, DMCA shit, The Porn House Of Amsterdam, Flesh+Blood (1985), ideology, looking for sex, liberation, I do not care for sex, fascist husbands, a very interesting movie, Star Trek, Lemon Popsicle movies, Golan Globus, all the bloody time, Masters Of The Universe movie, Gail Simone, polyglot strategist, 1000 likes, very popular, mid at best, this is not an interesting tweet, 200k followers, why and how?, activist, feminist comics, fridging, algorithms pick something up, what’s really going on here?, books, nobody likes those, still interested in comics, weird things just happen, organic, push the heat button, cosplaying the whole Conan lifestyle, Conan Red Sonja joint story, ship is covered in guns, banal, the deep state of twitter, a psychology for a lot of people, I should be laughing, follower engagement, following 20,000 people, send out prompts, the hope of interacting, Glen Greenwald liked my dog tweet, to interact with people, feel like they’re friends with celebrities, help her career, X metrics, tiktok crap, translate into real life sales?, very young women, annoying, famous for not crying, Doctor Zhivago (1965), PulpCovers tweet: gay comics, ugh splat, why that isn’t a lot hotter, mentally modelling, what this stupid book was about, baffling, how mundane it is, aggressively contrarian, cimmerian vs. barbarian, that calculating, she thought that would make a good tweet and she was right, pretty good, are they?, Zub is not great at Conan, if you steal his words, Tower Of The Elephant, people are living in hope, Conan joins the Avengers, hung out with the Punisher, Conan travels to modern times, interact, Aliexpress, knock off toys, people like collecting things, how many times have people tweeted that before, I too get jealous, some of the best stuff ever written, David J. West is good at twitter, very piratical, six times more popular?, a collection of people who are adjacent to girl power, her base, a political following, pro LGTBQ, openly a feminist, Liberal American feminism, nominated for Hugo and Nebula awards, why people watch sports, how popular soccer is, easy to understand, every city has a team, patriotism, the idea of comics, an easier way to get their political message out, comics sales, Ms. Marvel comics, G. Willow Wilson, traditionalist community, teenage superheroes, blue heart and yellow heart, Scott Miller, Gold Key Comics, Conan Comics, Ahoy Comics, Anthony Di Simone, Paul Chadwick, M.R. James, F. Paul Wilson, toy collector fans, Dreamlander (Jason Thompson), SFSignal, and Paul, 4k accounts, bookshop, fairly famous, five comics writers today, people working today, change it to female writers, the poster girl, 10 years out of date, Vertigo, closing in on done, The Green Queen, say hi to Paul for us, bring one of your broken hugos, COVID stole a lot of things, all masks all the time, somebody is in your shadow, nobody else cares, Michio Kaku, angry, other emotions, immature, modelling women vs. modelling men, women are in iron masks, Lady In The Iron Mask (1952), Doctor Doom, jealous of Reed Richards, the ultimate villain, Lex Luthor, fuck that guy, Gail Simone as Reed Richards, Excalibur was excellent, X-Men, the Claremont era, it will get better, Krakatoa, X-Men ’97, swept away by it, freak out about how good it is, what’s this flag, Doctor Doom’s flag, right beside Ruritania, the Black Panther country flag, Wakanda flag, Jack Flag, his H. Rider Haggard, The Savage Land, Pellucidar, a standard, reptile lesbians, the flag of the mayhars, a female symbol eating a male symbol, oh Burroughs, dum dum banquet, did you know that dum dum is not as dumb as it sounds, her Tarzan Red Sonja cross over, made Miriam an arab, dark skinned, a little bit breezy, Watchmen, cartoon?, The Boys, Garth Ennis being Garth Ennis, meta commentary on the United States in 2024, very appropriately, the cold war, Iron Man, out of Vietnam into Afghanistan, race relations in America, Lovecraft Country, too American, lynch murder victim, too obscure, Will’s Watchmen take, little prose things, too ambitious with those, that giant Jerusalem novel, very ethical man, a spectacle, Jack Snyder, V For Vendetta, I watch Bob’s Burgers every day, classmate’s house, openly admitting, the Comedian rapes Silk Spectre, Alan Moore loves rape in his work, not the way George Bush loves torture, the comic opened on that page, probably hot, Silk Spectre costume, looks like The Comedian today, categorical error, another brand, The Sound And The Fury by William Falkner, Quentin Compson, make more Watchmen media, continuation comics and prequel comics, The Authority, Bob’s Burgers instead of Archer?, The Simpsons, American sitcom in cartoon form, reseasoning of Futurama, this is the funniest show ever, same guy as The Venture Bros., Johnny Quest style, character based jokes, a rip off Roger Moore ski-chalet James Bond parody, making fun with everything to do with James Bond, his mom is his boos, literary references, James Bond plots redone, Dreamland, a space season, a redo of Tales Of The Gold Monkey, delightfully funny, cringey, change my ways, cartoons as a kid, Avatar: The Last Airbender, a place not very good emotionally or intellectually, nostalgic, direct reboot, all on YouTube, Disenchanted, the fantasy version of Futurama, oldest friend, overthrow her, that cartoon, full of science fiction, Mars Express (2023) is very good, best science fiction movie of the 21st century, those two vaping Frenchmen, going to ruin our Hugo!, such a powerful parliamentarian, gender swap Conan movie from France, potentially interesting, Karl Edgar Wagner documentary, best related work, stupid girl with a stupid hat on youtube, my little pony, our hero in Bali, Damien G. Walter, a youtube video about the Culture novels, interacted, bought it, bestowed to him, science fiction is really a genre, The Acolyte is good Star Wars, fake Tolkien, House Of The Dragon, same names, Rings Of Power, redo The Lord Of The Rings as a TV show, money in them there hills, Harry Potter, its their Star Wars, you can’t cancel people, completely unhinged, J.K. Rowling’s mystery series, how do we know the shooter isn’t trans?, people who change their sex, whole personality, you can’t trust Pamphlets, sounds like parody, puberty blockers, from 2069, English = mental illness, entire time line, trans people, trans people, trans people, obsessed with trans people, trans exclusionary feminist, go off the deep end, focused on children, a strategic move, Gaza, Gaza, she has things to be wrong about, a mania, people abusing children, women being erased, transphobic, bathrooms or changing rooms, big debate everywhere, top surgery and bottom surgery, unrecoverable, not done on minors, intersex is such a small percentage of the population, assigned male, constant operations, fake vagina, recognizing non-binary people, UK laws, a tumor in her breast, drugs to suppress, what these drugs do, nasty side-effects, birth control pills to teen girls, BC it is paid for, not a consenting adult, very hush hush, you can’t do stories on it, it is also encouraged, hormone therapy age 14, surgeries under 18, very sensitive, despite the affirmation, people who’ve had surgeries and regretted it, ice dancing or swimming, intermural sports, cross dressing men, competitive sports, a runner or a swimmer who is average as a male and is extraordinary as a female, a minority issue, is the world going to end, ribbons or medals, vigorous exercise, imagine you buy into it, men are faster at every one of these sports, there’s no sport that women are better at than men, men have an advantage, they thought they were competing with women, a lot of people aren’t getting surgeries, estrogen, grassroots anger, being good at sports gets you into universities, political consequences, to get jobs, high ranked military officials, green party member, a female quota, the far right, aristocratic family, just weird, Cora hates the Greens, making COVID vaccinations mandatory, side effects, killed a lot of people, a lot of strokes, animals and babies, enjoying learning about German politics, map German politics, Social Democratic Party, like the Labour party, Christian Democratic Party, stuck in the 1980s/1990s, Liberal Democrats, libertarians, higher earning people, traditional working class, pro-peace, disarmament, environmental issues, sworn in wearing sneakers, late hippie types, pro-gay rights, pro-feminism, climate climate climate, climate change, of course I have a bicycle, terrible warmongers, fucking terrible, actually declared war on Russia, completely incompetent, not someone who should be in office, if you like the Greens for that, the Balkan wars, the first time NATO did a genocide, liquid petroleum gas terminals in coastal waters, somebody blew it up, never ever forgive Biden, lost Cora’s support, the extreme parties, a populist who doesn’t like trans people, old style communist, a left wing populist, fear of immigration, refugees, Ukranians, Canada takes some too, cherry picks, after WWII, they’re in charge now (grandchildren), Sahra Wagenknecht, a little bit provocative, what a monster, please echo the official line, Putin bad, Putin killer, her party was called the Left, named the party after herself, anti-COVID measures, not horrible, a good bulwark against the far right, an anti-fascist, Will doesn’t believe in borders, starve in the street, housing crisis, Syrians and Iraqis, borders exist, the welfare state, create fewer refugees, quit NATO, quit accepting refugees from American wars, a weird interaction with Eric [S. Rabkin], Switzerland, they don’t accept refugees, they’ll take your money, they don’t want to be invaded, we have resources and ports, aggressively neutral, you can’t control domestic activity in other countries, practical solution, totally infiltrated, Cora is not the average German voter, a regional party for East Germans, Party of Democratic Socialism, bananas and coffee, embittered, Social Democratic Party, left wing members formed their own party, W.A.S.S., Will read his book, disillusioned trade unionists, wikipedia entry, kidnapped by aliens, left wing, far left, right wing, combination of stances, the fucked up dynamic, left wing right wing, money grubbing and doing as I’m told, conservative, populist, Greek Communist Party, very firm, the correct position to have, protesting against austerity, the left is prone to splitting, the Labour party of Britain, welfare payment, fell through all of the cracks, self-employed people, all parasites, not leave this point on the floor, a billionaire who wrote some books, a billionaire who was born into wealth, insufferable fucks, too many long fantasy novels, having loud opinions in public, Stephen King has opinions, his best bud Trump, in a bank account?, invested, very likely, she has people to take care of that, wealthy actors, Tom Cruise, what harm has he done with his wealth, not-likeable, harming, danger to democracy, sucked into their world of Scientology, extraordinary weird people, YA author pissed of J.K. got her money, it was organic success, evidence please, evidence, piracy isn’t the proper thing to do, people are cancelable, you can delete them, Julian Assange was canceled, let’s cancel J.R.R. Tolkien for something, unprincipled, didn’t like Dune, a class act, Donald A. Wollheim, making Tolkien a success, pirate hero, bloated fantasy series, Terry Brooks, a retweet, public affirmation, roof with a rifle, The Rag Thing, a slatternly slattern, Mimic, The Unfinished City, only god can finish things, Clark Ashton Smith, Scott Miller, Kofi app, $3.60, good Christian coffee, only done 5 hours.

WHO? by Algis Burdrys

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #570 – READALONG: The Sound Of His Horn by Sarban


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #570 – Jesse, Paul Weimer, and Olav Rokne talk about The Sound Of His Horn by Sarban

Talked about on today’s show:
1952, the great Stefan Rudnicki, Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg, gravitas, how much should we think of it as a great book?, 100 best novels 1946-1987, number 12 amongst fantasy novels, a fantasy novel or a science fiction novel, an alternate history kick, The Man In The High Castle, Harry Turtledove, The Guns Of The South, Lest Darkness Fall, Bring The Jubilee, For Want Of A Nail by Robert Sobel, here today in 2019?, Axis victory novels, In The Presence Of Mine Enemies, techno veneer, the toxic nostalgia at the heart of fascism, the rejection of modernity, sylvan existence, mythologizing of the past, neo-feudalism, 100 years after reign?, The War For German Rights, not that far from our future, 2030s, Fuhrer means God now, Living Space by Isaac Asimov, kinda like Sliders, barely even know who Hitler was, the SS rituals, race theory, eugenics, genetic engineering, lions and dogs, vegetarian vs. Hermann Goering’s aesthetic, a symbolism book, vs. Albert Speer’s vision, SS-GB by Len Deighton, Fatherland by Robert Harris, Nazi-world, an analog for life behind the Berlin Wall, Kit, slightly tweaking the ideology, the world we don’t see, what makes it such an intriguing book, tech, the support system for a game preserve on a private estate, the horror of a Nazi regime, Two Dooms by C.M. Kornbluth, the body horror, fear horror, a Gothic castle, an anticipation not fully fulfilled, the Wild Hunt, was it real or was it all a delusion?, Deities & Demigods, the Huntmaster, Thor, driving game, myths versus legends, hearing the horn, join the hunt or become one of the hunted, pre-fascism, Herne The Hunter, inarticulate dread, fantastic stories, The Hounds Of Zaroff aka The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, unencumbered from morality, a throwback, not the only one, Hans von Hackleburg, the curse of the Baskervilles, The Hound Of The Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, an evil morality, inferring the system, a strong warning, people who have suffered gender or race based violence, Allan’s fears, creeped, sexism, misogynist, anti-human, women are turned into cats and men are turned into hounds, a vegetarian argument, Pierre Boulle’s Planet Of The Apes, the difference between of human and prey, The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe, The Turn Of The Screw by Henry James, the framing story, a four hour audiobook, 42 minutes into the book, almost 1/4 of the story is the frame, two narrators, authenticated, kinda fun, The Wolf or The White Wolf by Guy de Maupassant, a wonderful funny horrible story, kill everything, a true story of France, strangles it “gently”, true from one end to the other, less about gender than it is about class, Reichmaster of Forests, the cat girls and the fiance in the frame, it could be interpreted that way, the descriptions of meat were stomach churning, “The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable!”, The Yellow Book (magazine), the book inside the book, the yellow 90s, a decadent book, Wayne June, $1.50 in 1895, a book for artists and high class folks, before he’s arrested and thrown in prison he’s playing a game, An Ideal Husband, The Importance Of Being Earnest, powerful versus popular, when Hillary Clinton was on Saturday Night Live, they pull their punches, Trump has been on Saturday Night Live, too thin skinned, more thin skinned, if you offend too much you’re going to get in trouble, going to far, Sinéad O’Connor, too true, not politic, a vegetarian propagandist book, I’m not so sure, the cat, a metonym for his wife, Kit, why doesn’t he want to tell her?, some distant 100 year old future, a screed against an activity she so enjoys, the terror, a world famous hunter, trophy room, a bridge too far, what is animal and what is human, a lot of science fiction, The Island Of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells but with Nazis, vivisection, The Time Machine, unreliable narrators, Wells allusions, another thread, utopian futures, the Bellamy school, Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward, Robert A. Heinlein’s For Us, The Living, Just Imagine, The Marching Morons by C.M. Kornbluth, Idiocracy (2006), Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving, Buck Rogers In The 25th Century, it’s a happy liberal future inside the city and homeless and we don’t spend time with the homeless people who are outside the city everybody is super happy enjoying their fancy clothes with robots and they spend time in outer space fighting Ming The Merciless and then outside the city we never talk about those dirty disgusting folks, it’s the same thing, clones of each other, a Marxist analysis of Gil Gerard’s Buck Rogers, intellectual property, we haven’t had a Space: 1999, a good point, the Dille family trust, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, we don’t need more Buck Rogers, overdosed on Superman, When Worlds Collide by Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer, the sequel, that Galt’s Gulch stuff, we are the elites, this lifeboat is for us, that comedy movie 2012 (2009) an unofficial reboot, Elon Musk is like Heinlein, Wernher von Braun was a fuckin SS nazi, D.D. Harriman, we don’t cut anything, dancing around The Sound Of His Horn, aged more in the last 25 years than in its first 40, more dated now, the ponderousness, become more of its time, flowery beautiful description, oooh this stuff is wonderful, the material is perfect for what it is, maybe its the relationship people have to it, imagine reading The Man In The High Castle in the 1960s, WWII was that much closer, its only aged in its relationship to us, a piece of art rather than a commercial work designed to put bums in seats, much more intellectual despite physical, spectacle, Blumhouse horror torture porn, the first Saw movie, the explanation is not the point the exclamation point was the point, the novel medium, dwelling more on certain paragraphs and certain sentences, immerse in Allan’s plight, feel his fear and apprehension, spend more time noticing connections between the outer narrator’s story and the inner narrator’s story, academic theses that nobody reads vs. big long blog posts that analyze the shit out of stuff, so many things in the meals in the hall the torchbearers, is that what I think it is?, trussing up the girls they’ve hunted as if they’re going to eat them, its not cannibalism its more like sadism and rape, the gentlemanly country estate of England vs. Nazi baronial estate, the two teams that went to war, the two cages (the POW camp and the estate), the games that they play within, another camp on the outside, concentration camps, slave labour employed, servants vs. slaves, not so much “you need to become a vegan, today” vs. considering the feelings of others, otherkin, a call for empathy, dwelling on the results of war and that setting, more connections sparking away, reading it in paper, not an easy book if you get squicked out, surgically modified, running to fat, brain surgery, bred, what’s happening to Kit, sent for reeducation, something to practice on, utopias and dystopias, all a part of a flow, patterns repeating throughout, in a dystopian novel it feels like everything is frozen, here’s a society that is perfected, Kim Stanley Robinson’s Pacific Edge, lots of little shitbirds fucking things up, we’re in a system headed in a good direction, Nineteen-Eighty Four, Brave New World, the resistance was gelded, News From Nowhere by William Morris, everybody should be an artist, The Wood Beyond The World, a rural paradise, adding a lot of filigrees to their hoes, a science fiction fantasy, things can’t change, we have that within us too, cultivating good habits, coming to a steady state, we’ve refined our morality, we’re refined our diets, and we’ve brushed our hair in just the right way, Francis Fukuyama’s the end of history, NATO’s still a thing, yup, life’s ridiculous, people can be cruel, Jesse doesn’t visit the United States, when Peter Watts got the shit kicked out of him at the border, if you give in, drawing lines in the sand, a job in Texas, if Bernie wins, the abuses heaped upon the Nazis are justified, a personal story, personally suffered, one nice way to read it, a walking dream, walking across Eastern Europe, he walks 100 years into the future, a daydream, he spins up the whole story, has this happened more than once to him?, falling back into fairy, The Elf-Trap by Francis Stevens, no fay element, Paul is arguing against himself, Thomas the Rhymer, mental illness, we don’t have perfect access to that, Oberon and Titania, torches as an affectation, plastic cup technology, high quality clothing, rich folks, not about the Nazis, what they did in Africa, you can’t really tell stories about swaths of people, stories about individuals, those personal relationships with a culture, without that frame the story doesn’t work very well, he is questioning hisself, speculating about Sarban’s knowledge of the crimes of the British Empire, parallels, Great Britain’s colonial history vs. the crimes of the Nazis, surveillance, no conscious critique of the British, what is our relationship to hunting, they do it unconsciously, a turkey hunt, why there are no lions, bears, and wolves in England, the gauleiter’s fake hunt, hunting fish in a barrel, mini-golf hunting, Barkerville, British Columbia, you pay for the pan the bag and the trough, a fake experience, not training, an ersatz experience, the reichforester has contempt for everybody around him, why is it like that?, a Medieval Times restaurant in Nazi Germany, its good to go out for a walk, a safe walk in nature, Mark Twain: golf as a good walk ruined, facial hair, the incarnation of the wildness, I will save you for another moon, a Nazi Utopia is a dystopia for the reichforester (he’s a manager at Disneyworld), I didn’t expect it to be like this, its different, what Sarban means: the kind of storyteller who traveled with caravans and entertained the travelers with stories, what Homer was, he’s basically a bard, a diplomatic career in the Middle East, how short it is, all the more plausible, you have your coffee you have your smoke, how to classify it, a horror book, no visceral reaction, Olav went vegetarian, no vegetables at that banquet, the dressing up of the game, two does, its not clear, on purpose, dehumanizing the pray, more dreamlike and more fey, the Star Wars experience in Disneyworld, a Star Wars store, a Star Wars lightsaber, the Batman costume with Batman’s face on the shirt, he’s not having fun, its not for him, Universal Studios’ Miami Vice experience, a spectacle vs. a ride, a cool idea, all of the jousting is every night, they’re actors, striving for utopia, regularize things, make things improved, best practices, self-driving cars, one day…, a trap, a fantasy we fall into, it fails to be a classic on a few levels, very affecting, a rich text, an intellectual experience, it doesn’t need to be that long, how much not spent in the actual world, where is the divergence point?, it doesn’t want or need to explore that, if it had been written in the 1890s, Prussian or Russian nobleman, it’s not about Nazis its about people, humans are fuckin weapons, dealing with things that have agency, what makes a bad society is having lots of people trending towards badness, not even saying that foxhunting is bad, Mike Vendetti, The Ballad of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde, people in power are fuckers, the cat’s name is Jan Smuts, best buds with Winston Churchill, both of them were in concentration camps in South Africa, Prime Minister of South Africa, maybe it is a critique, John Buchan’s The Grove Of Ashtaroth, in the hands of John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuir), yellow 90s ruin, the last place on earth for this goddess to inhabit, it does matter, how we come out of the inner frame, who named that cat?, where is that damn cat?, let it out, why the outer narrator doesn’t understand why he shouldn’t tell her this story, Aneurin Bevan (father of the NHS), fascism is the future refusing to be born, toxic nostalgia.

The Sound Of His Horn by Sarban

The Sound Of His Horn by Sarban - cover by Richard Powers

SPHERE - The Sound Of His Horn by Sarban

Posted by Jesse WillisBecome a Patron!

The SFFaudio Podcast #383 – READALONG: The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #383 – Jesse, Bryan Alexander, and Steen Hansen talk about The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.

Talked about on today’s show:
1969, before the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, contemporary critics, SF critics vs. mainstream critics, the defense of the ghetto against interlopers, Ray Bradbury, Doris Lessing, a deep feeling, spoiling the book, showing what was wrong with it, getting the facts wrong, interpretation, Luke Burrage reviewing, Robert J. Sawyer, bad writing, had they done nothing … nothing would have happened, the mutation, the Wildfire facility, Star Trek, scientists out for the good of humanity, self-destruct sequences, MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction, every nuclear sub movie, film-like, The Ipcress File by Len Deighton, airport fiction tropes, hyper competent high level government high tech mcguffins, brain-washing, novel -> film, written for film?, ER, picky fiddly science and bureaucratic operation, killed or useless, trusted scientists to save the world, ruthlessly hard science, Hollywood couldn’t make this movie now, restrained, chilly, the gender swap, Robert Wise, Shirley Jackson, The Haunting Of Hill House, Alfred Bester, a document dump, classified material, overloading the reader with verisimilitude, Eaters Of The Dead by Michael Crichton, The Thirteenth Warrior, Vikings, Russians and Byzantium, completely bullshit, Mr. Bullshit, regular SF vs. techno-thriller, a yummy INFODUMP, nobody had a definition for life, black cloth, a watch, a piece of granite, pure Science Fiction, Bryan’s mind destroyed at age 8, binary numbers, lasers vs. darts, Larry Niven, 24, Colossus: The Forbin Project, Steen welcomes our robot overlord, high-scale AI, Iain M. Banks, humans as pets, humans as cogs, I Have No Mouth And I must Scream, Prof. Eric S. Rabkin, Dante Alighieri, lost race, the descent into Hell, from red to blue, the harrowing of Hell, a cold war story where the Russians aren’t the bad guys, The Bedford Incident, James Follett’s The Light Of A Thousand Suns, set in the recent past, the shotgun approach, Margaret Atwood, picking and choosing at the buffet table, dedicated to A.C.D., M.D. -> Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle -> Dr. Michael Crichton, “not a new story”, the glowing review in Life magazine, a retelling of The Blob, the Technovelgy, auto-doc, the suppressed cancer drug, Jensen Pharmaceuticals, gut flora, nudity and ass-grabbing, rectal suppository, astro-Tang, coffee, all that cleaning, they’re too holy, the five levels is a gimmick, the leveling, it’s bullshit!, we all know we have to wash our hands, the Wikipedia entry for the Airport Genre

Airport novel(s) represent a literary genre that is not so much defined by its plot or cast of stock characters, as much as it is by the social function it serves. An airport novel is typically a fairly long but fast-paced novel of intrigue or adventure that is stereotypically found in the reading fare offered by airport newsstands for travelers to read in the rounds of sitting and waiting that constitute air travel.

Rudyard Kipling’s fiction was published as a railway magazine, the origin of pulp fiction, The Lion’s Game by Nelson DeMille, the opening to The Strain, having the reins of political power at your fingertips, in the 2008 miniseries remake, back stories/love stories, a muddy anti-science mess, pre-Apollo -> Watergate -> conspiracy theories, the technical glitch (paper between the bell and the striker), germ warfare?!, the remake of The Manchurian Cantidate, the films and adaptations reflect the times, the 2008 version is super-militarized, X-18, F-4 phantoms, Dracula, the long gothic tradition of found documents, Plan 9 From Outer Space, a cold war document, The Parallax View, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Crichton like Spielberg loves power, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, the end of Raiders Of The Lost Ark, medical people as superheroes, uber-expert scientists, power fantasy fiction, scepticism of power, image Michael Crichton at a Science Fiction convention, the immune reaction, You are not of the body!, techno-thrillers, why Ian Fleming’s James Bond books became so popular, JFK, Ronald Reagan was a big fan of Tom Clancy, The Hunt For Red October, Reagan based foreign policy of Red Storm Rising, Jack Ryan was a wonk Navy -> CIA agent -> CIA Director -> President, Firefox, political fiction written for a jet-set audience, conservative Heinleinian, Andromeda Strain cosplay?, Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, SF writers save the world from alien invasion, science matters vs. science fiction, the first biology crisis, outflanking the ghetto, the 2006 Worldcon, Greg Benford, Greg Bear, David Brin, thinking up scenarios, if I was a terrorist how would I destroy the the United States, Wildfire, Cold War contingency planning, the Rand Corporation, the odd-man out element, his name was Hall but should have been Corridor, does this make sense?, the odd man is gay?, The Odd Couple, gay coding?, gay men are most likely to turn off nukes?, The Great Train Robbery, timing pacing planning tricking, that roller-coaster spark, opening observation, we are always observing, fun fiction for Henry Kissinger and the jet set, bureaucrats of a class, this function material is reflective, Science Fiction writers are poor, Robert Silverberg, Lawrence Block and Donald Westlake, Isaac Asimov, a biology book, Paul Di Filippo, bio-punk, Ribo-funk, The Bay (2012), The Hot Zone, the wet science, cloning, the neglected science, Coma, Protector by Larry Niven, how electron-microscopes work, crystallography, “it mutated”?!?!?, that was odd, it’s communicating with itself, block-chain virus, deep hurting, The Door Into Ocean by Joan Slonczewski, medicine without silicon, the Patriarchy, The Highest Frontier, Blood Music by Greg Bear, a Halo novel, The Wind From A Burning Woman, a “wild” writing style, bio is hard to do, Pontypool, prions, the worst part of The Walking Dead, we’re all infected, a symbol for regular death, Titan by John Varley, a 100ft tall Marilyn Monroe monster, The Satan Bug by Alistair Maclean (1962), where does the techno-thriller begin, a precursor to techno-thriller, The Stolen Bacillus by H.G. Wells, a really obvious anarchist, Wells defused the whole genre for sixty years, The Food Of The Gods, a convincing linguistic maneuver, fawning of technology bureaucracy power and the function of government, a stack of Jane’s Fighting Ships, the Sputnik shock, British invasion novels, Tom Clancy as a zombie brand, special helicopter trip, massive government expenditure for the competent man, an empty jetliner, vicarious thrill, power fantasy, “he’s the most important person right now”, this is our bailiwick!, nice and short, Dean Koontz, Phantoms, A Game Of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, Ghost Fleet by August Cole and P.W. Singer, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child books, no CRISPR, China is no Soviet Union, futurism, education moves so slowly, Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, an X-Box with Paranoid Linux, Reamde by Neal Stephenson, a Kurt Vonnegut vibe, a Welsh Muslim terrorist, like pornography you know a techno-thriller when you see it.

The dedication for The Andromeda Strain

title page for The Andromeda Strain

Algis Budrys review of The Andromeda Strain

Life Magazine review of The Andromeda Strain

The Andromeda Strain - illustration by Dusty Abell

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton - Random House Audio read by Chris Noth

Posted by Jesse Willis



The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #301 – Jesse, Scott, Jenny, and Tamahome talk new releases and recent arrivals.

Talked about on today’s show:
Reading goals and the Reading Envy podcast, spy novels, The IPCRESS File by Len Deighton is a more serious version of James Bond, film version stars Michael Caine, The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum, Rogue Male by Geoffrey Household, SFFaudio Podcast #95 features a discussion with Eric Rabkin about SS-GB by Len Deighton, a Britain-centered, less crazy version of Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, Scott on rereading Hyperion (but hasn’t read Fall of Hyperion), the Hyperion audiobook is highly recommended, Wool by Hugh Howey now a graphic novel, Jesse doesn’t like open questions that require him to read more, Kindle Worlds, Mobile Library by David Whitehouse, Bookworm villain from Batman, The Magician’s Lie by Greer Macallister reminiscent of The PrestigeA Pleasure and a Calling by Phil Hogan, some synopses are better-written than others, Patricia Highsmith, The Brenda and Effie Mysteries: The Woman in a Black Beehive by Paul Magris especially for audio, The Last Passenger by Manel Loureiro, Aurora CV-01 by Ryk Brown looks to be the perfect Scott book, this podcast features a real phaser, Hellhole by Gina Damico (not to be confused with the Kevin J. Anderson book of the same name), never underestimate evil on a sugar high, Proxima by Stephen Baxter, on how discoveries in astronomy affect science fiction, Kate Wilhelm in Orbit by Kate Wilhelm is a collection of her short stories from ca. 1966-1980 in Orbit anthologies, Scott didn’t “get” Wilhelm’s short story The PlannersSuperEgo by Frank J. Fleming, I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells, Dexter in spaaaaaaace!, A Murder of Clones by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is part of the Retrieval Artists universe, first audiobook in the series produced by Scott, the series would make a good TV show, The Android’s Dream by John Scalzi narrated by Will Wheaton, Future Crime by Ben Bova, a collection of short stories, file sharing used to happen by mail, we demand the return of cassettes (not!), #GetOffMyLawn, Pacific Edge by Kim Stanley Robinson is part of a triptych, an actual utopia, Orange County of the future, Jesse and Scott met Kim Stanley Robinson at WorldCon, no kaiju, Mort(e) by Robert Repine, Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer now available in one package via Audible, “there must be something wrong with it, it’s too popular!”, Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison a.k.a. the book that inspired Soylent Green, Jenny lives on lentils and soybeans, The Deep by Nick Cutter, The Abyss meets The Shining, discussion of The Abyss which is recommended sans the last five minutes, Freedom Club by Saul Garnell, Trigger Warning short story collection by Neil Gaiman, on authors doing test runs or tryout stories to develop an idea, the difference between plotters and pantsers, The Globe: The Science of Discworld II by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, and Jack Cohen is actually a novel, Jenny debunks the theory that all stories come from an origin, Endsinger by Jay Kristoff, Marked by Sarah Fine, Piers Anthony’s Apprentice Adept series, these books may or may not be kinky–weird kinky, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, David Hasselhoff does the musical, Markheim, a short story by Stevenson.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #095 – READALONG: SS-GB by Len Deighton


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #095 – Jesse talks with Professor Eric S. Rabkin about an alternate history novel: SS-GB by Len Deighton.

Talked about on today’s show:
alternate history, Luke Burrage, “if it leaves a lasting impression that says something about its artistic character”, why write alternate history, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, historical fiction, 1941 vs. 1978, what is the relationship between Science Fiction and detective fiction, tales of ratiocination, Fatherland by Robert Harris, the Fatherland TV movie, BBC audio drama, Philip K. Dick’s The Man In The High Castle, what would it be like under Nazi rule?, utopia vs. dystopia, fantasy, Dracula vs. Frankenstein, Karl Marx, “alternate history does what Science Fiction does without pretending to set it in a logical future – it sets it in a logical past”, racism, bureaucracy in 1978 London, Michael Caine, Operation Sea Lion, why did Len Deighton set SS-GB in 1941?, The Plot Against America by Philip Roth, are historical forces inevitable?, fate and destiny in alternate history, the great man vs. social forces, Adolph Hitler, Alexander The Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Behold The Man by Michael Moorcock, Lest Darkness Fall by L. Sprague de Camp, the individual vs. the community, Douglas Archer, if there was a just war it was WWII, the Holocaust, collecting militaria, Spain’s fascist dictatorship, the tale of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, John le Carré, Agatha Christie, complicated vs. simple (le Carré vs. Christie), fathers and sons, historical fiction, The Battle Of Britain, Inside The Third Reich by Albert Speer, Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, when you’re helping the bad guys aren’t you one of them?, King George VI is a MacGuffin, The King’s Speech, Mackenzie King, police are the most cynical people in the world, the role of ambiguity in fiction, Channel Islands, every fiction is alternate history, is history a collection of things that happened or is it forces and rules?, The Sun Also Rise by Ernest Hemingway, The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells, Startide Rising by David Brin |READ OUR REVIEW|, uplift, The Island Of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells, disarming puns, Arma virumque cano, “I can’t imagine anyone smarter than me”, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Remains Of The Day, Pavane by Keith Roberts, Catholicism, the Protestant Reformation, the Industrial Revolution, Inglourious Basterds vs. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Most Powerful Idea In The World by William Rosen, steam engines (and atmospheric engines).

Posted by Jesse Willis

An upcoming readalong: Len Deighton’s SS-GB

SFFaudio News

In SFFaudio Podcast #051 we talked to Professor Eric S. Rabkin. In that show he mentioned a novel which will be the subject of an upcoming SFFaudio Podcast readalong (scheduled to be recorded in mid-February). That 1978 novel is this book:

SS-GB by Len Deighton

SS-GB depicts a Britian under Nazi occupation. It sounds rather similar to two other novels, Robert Harris’ Fatherland and Philip K. Dick’s The Man In The High Castle. More specifically, it is set in alternate history world in which Unternehmen Seelöwe (Operation Sea Lion) was a complete success. The novel begins in November 1941, nine months after a German invasion led to the British surrender. Detective Superintendent Douglas Archer, a British homicide detective assigned to Scotland Yard, is called in to investigate a murder.

Cool huh? I’m afraid that the audiobook is currently out of print – bringing it new attention may rectify that – but, the paperbook is readily available at paperbook stores.

Here is the printed matter preceding Chapter 1 of SS-GB:
Surrender Of Britain To Germany - February 1941

Posted by Jesse Willis