The SFFaudio Podcast #822 – READALONG: WHO? by Algis Budrys

Jesse, Will Emmons, Cora Buhlert, and Jonathan Weichsel talk about WHO? by Algris Budrys

Talked about on today’s show:
WHO?, as a short story, Fantastic Universe, expanded into a novel, there was a movie adaptation, not a great movie, on the 2nd or 3rd tier of famous science fiction novels, a work of its time, interesting, set in the future, a world government, NATO is in charge, DNA testing, alternate history, political, based on the art, Frank Kelly Freas cover, a cyborg smoking a cigarette at a desk, the image for the cover, Algis Budrys was in the office, 2 other Algis Budrys stories, William Scarf, a story behind the cover, Frank Belknap Long, replace people’s arms, a man who looks like this, interesting, ruminating on the cover, the original short story is a very condensed version of the longer novel, unnecessary, extreme hot take, this isn’t science fiction, a science fiction idea in it, psychological realism, identity, weird neuroses, exposed to women, during COVID, Fauci: I am science, exposing ourselves to the Russians, Terence, semi-interesting, professors and a class of people, a problem in science, peer review, spoiler studies, peer reviewed studies, got to establish a fact about the world, physics teacher, the universe is a giant machine, the analogy he goes for in the book, not exactly how science works, a wrinkle or a metaphor, iron out that wrinkle, curvatures, you’re a blind scientist examining an elephant, what this story is meta about, Cold War, him as a young guy, doesn’t know why he’s dating her, good psychology, a suspense story extended into the length of a novel, going to conferences, CIA guy, FBI guy, a fictional agency, future western block, ruinous to the central idea, can’t be fixed, revelation scene, this ancient history, Stalin, know what Stalin means in Russian, Man Of Steel, just sort of fails, Rogue Moon, WHO is to blame?, Jonathan’s take, aggressively bleak, unlikable, The Journey Of Joenes, insoluble logic loops, counter sniper at the Trump rally, one guy on the roof, what if it is not an assassin, if he’s not an assassin, spy stories, what spies are really like, unjustified, the last 30 minutes, if Philip K. Dick had written this, not the takeaway, society and fucking up, no way of knowing what they have, machines, a living machine, approaching those problems like a machine, ironically makes him more human, his farm, very interesting and bored at times, submissions, extremely dry, nothing fun in this book, dim view of humanity, quick, smart guy, self insert, the immigrant, Martino and Martini, the movie condenses the novel, doesn’t warrant an expansion, badness that makes it lame, a good and bad book, not supposed to used lame anymore, crippled, euphemism treadmill, is the government going to stop it, don’t tell him not to do it, not a boring book, get on with it, fundamentally broken, we needed to get there, in outline, proves himself a very quick guy, smart, sharp, bad writer, science fiction of the era, not a pulpy problem, famous covers, a problem with the structure of it, over written, could seek a broader audience outside of science fiction, a goal that you have, a spy novel, James Bond novels, John le Carré, Len Deighton, K-88, Neptune, what this thing is, a classic McGuffin, Ronin (1998), classic pulp fiction suitcase, the other technologies, replacing a person’s arm, replacing a person’s head, lesbian lady from taxi driver, the stakes are small, a Guy de Maupassant-style problem, how much aggression, hysteria of the McCarthy period, a common theory, “the fruit machine”, gay pornography, sincere in his fear, flaming homo, died of AIDS, blackmail, eliminate anti-gay laws, doing science wrong, scientists are interested in science, taking the world apart and putting it back together again, a meta-criticism of science, The Man In The High Castle, yarrow stalks, forward and back, a muddle of almost really great, a thesis that kicks something into orbit, a frontier story, point of view and the mystery, flashbacks of young Martino, subverted, information, his roommate, ambivalence, valence shells, atoms sharing electrons, a balance scale, harassing a good man, the investigators never learn of the flashback scenes, something to do, as a film, 6 – 7 hours, could have been excellent, very bleak, just following orders, nobody is tiring very hard, bureaucratic incompetence, if Heinlein has written on this, realistic book, contemporary people on twitter, reaction to realism, condemned, Kafkaesque, The Lost Honour Of Katharina Blum by Heinrich Böll, points of order, was Germany now Russia, Lithuania, middle ages, kingdom of Poland, consul, 1991, New Jersey, alienated, Baltic states, student exchange, Scandinavian, Ukraine War, ancestry, peasants and workers, Mare Ibrium, extensive treatment, teams of excellent specialists, brother democracies, explosion, Antarctica, friendly, someone else to play chess with, all about Europe and control of the Earth, caused by the book, Budrys’ politics, on the side of the West, a dim view of the West, he doesn’t like the Soviet Union either, doesn’t like humanity, an outsider, a country that doesn’t exist anymore, he’s smart and that’s isolating, pushed by his family, he’s more robotic, Isaac Asimov’s stuff, Susan Calvin, turned out to be gay, I can fix her, asexual, different, weirder, in the coffee shop, somebody he wouldn’t be serious about, partnerships, romance, doomed teenage love affairs, people like that exist, what’s the judgement on this book, Will will allow it, doesn’t need to be fixed, isn’t going to be better, better at 3 hours, any story is better if you cut it in half?, play Paul, room to breathe, the breathing was rather robot, an atomic pile in my chest, suffocating, a guy who literally can’t breathe, give it its meaning, dark, depressing, heavy, not science fiction, doesn’t have a thesis, tropes, guy who builds a robot in his basement, something to do with the structure, don’t like to read things that aren’t science fiction, spy fiction, who’s story is this?, there is no main character, Sean Rogers, Sam Rogers, Steve Rogers, Uncle Sam, there’s a character named Willis, he’s the man of steel, Heinlein novel, Will Is, derivation of William, Silesia, old German name, to piss off those people, Weichsel, Vistula, name is a river, we’re done with this book, Jonathan did an excellent job, it wasn’t really good, interesting, annoyed, but why? WHY!, if Asimov wrote it, ship of Theseus as a man, it doesn’t make it bad, what Budrys is interested in, reading that in, the last line of the book, I haven’t really lost that much, no friends, very sad, the emotional stability, we’re supposed to read that as him not wanting to reveal himself, those extended scenes, it could be this it could be that, a comedic scene, it becomes The Lives of Others (2006), stasi, in six months, the shownotes, upcoming, realism, Milton Lesser, history and crime fiction, Rendezvous With Rama, The Green Queen, Worldcon, Glasgow, hotel hotline, twice as expensive, Rotterdam, before Trump was semi-assasinated yesterday, Barrett Brown, hard to recruit you, incredibly unpopular today, drug use, his relationship with his mother, early life and education, an indigo child with an alien soul, poet laureate, newspapers, Ayn Rand and Hunter S. Thompson, freelance writer, griefer in 2nd life, troll you in games, let penises rain down, Anonymous, We Are Legion: The Story Of The Hacktivists (2012), alternative to Wikileaks, pranks, fucked around and found out, a domestic Assange, prison diaries, playing D&D with hardcore criminals, terrific writer, mental health, heroin, smoking crack, induced a manic state, suboxone, accused his friends, complex post traumatic stress disorder, very knowledgeable, justifiably paranoid, My Glorious Defeats, Blackstone, George Guidall, from Downpour, Grover Gardner, do more voices, any kind of muppet, Elmo, people like Elmo, Sesame Street, Cookie Monster, any kind of voice, a woman’s voice, a Will voice, Will’s accent, talking to locals, Riya’s Foundling, cringey, caressing this cow, great steak one day, Benjamin Lay, wrong about all sorts of stuff, meat is delicious and we should eat it, fake stuff, mincemeat, trying to help animals, chop up nuts, tofu, not healthy, lentils, convenient, a faith, a bad mix of bad ideas, supplements, dairy, there are arguments for eating that are not eating meat, fiber, gall, denying nature, natural herders?, co-evolving, the sheep dog industry, Sirius was a good man, a good boy, farm vegetables, farming practices, tomatoes, apples, bred to have a high yield, greenhouses, highly processed food, like crack, this is the best experience in my life, white man’s version, something psychological, McDonalds, from soy to meat, McDonalds had to go through a lot of reforms, people are confused, anti-fast food, Chipotle, listeria, memo, give them extra food, extra meat, you’re going to photograph them, look how much food I got?, meal on Instagram, cafeterias, Automats, home packed lunches, restaurants is a big game, if the game is rigged don’t play, everything is rigged, in Russia, the very old people, young people went to restaurants and bars, a cafe is not a restaurant, a Disneyland experience, pick from the food on display, restaurants are a scam, cafeteria, waiters and waitresses, cartoon characters, properly subservient, hospitals, on a ship, entertainment, play the game, pretending you’re a rich person, for families it makes a little more sense, relax for a night, a pathetic solution, family restaurants, the upperclass experience, fuck your crème brulée, dropped in a foreign city, they have food there and you’re hungry, the Koreans, little doors, bubble tea, an asian thing, a solution to a lack of employees, cook the food on your table, getting the grandma experience, not chains, mom and pop serving food, Los Angles relatives, Sherman Oaks, Tony Danza and Shannon Tweed, pitch dark restaurant, order the veal, never left Jesse’s hometown, never been east of Alberta, a lot of places, wasn’t allowed to see the bill, the real fancy, everybody getting plastic surgery that week?, Howard Hughes style logic, too many mugs at Starbucks, money in the wrong direction, why does it matter, capital, Chinese dam video, oil exploration, Jonathan’s anthology, productive, a flower shop, the flower industry should be banned, keep it going, dry goods, if you’re not growing, aim for an equilibrium, Amazon or Facebook, supposed to put caps on monopoly, giant unregulated monopolies, start a private army and take land, explore space, Blackrock is taking Ukraine, an incorrect prediction, tell him to resign, he said, his wife said no, he’s the first black woman president, guy’s in a coma, why did you break that lamp, deep state conspiracy, the chief of staff?, Caitlin Johnstone, almost had two presidents with no brains, very Jesse, barn roof, not a tower, shooting at the wrong people, a no nothing clown, milking the cow, if the FBI listens to this podcast, the RCMP, jurisdiction, there are laws in Canada, cousin’s birthday, does the FBI have jurisdiction in Canada and Germany, international offices, the locally controlled police, they don’t operate in North Korea, Cuba, a sub-office in Vancouver, old pulps, Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables, Space Zine Tweets, covered by a labour union, representation without taxation, Indiana, a labour goon, Lupe Fiasco, an occupy the superbowl rap, shoot a rocket, how silly your job is, the full experience, Smurfette, I’m Will, strange man, I need to talk to you, a jarring experience, tried to turn Will into an informant, be buddy buddy, right wing militia groups, if they mean what they’re saying, a law student, the environmental law society, Lupe Fiasco had anti-American views, Reality Winner, NSA translator, Russian interference, The Intercept, guess who turned her in, concerns were raised, her real name, that’s what they were pushing, her interactions with the FBI, transcripts, her dog, power lifting, an amazing text, sources, gives Russia tools, generation of fake documents, contractors, Christopher Steele documents, Trump is Hitler, they’ll say anything, Trump is not Hitler, Qasem Soleimani, Obama assassinated regular Americans, chaos on the street, if Trump doesn’t win, if Biden wins, Biden won’t survive a second term, those directly around him, a nursing home, people decline, probably an issue, Robin Williams, Lewy body dementia, One Hour Photo (2002), stalker, small scale paranoia, Conspiracy Theory (1997), great filmmaker, a great screen presence, a great film director, Apocalpyto (2006), little town, strange movie, Cannibal Holocaust (1980), like Hardcore Henry (2015), Mel Gibson’s signature is torture, the pulled out the guts, RoboCop (1987) and Total Recall (1990), German censorship, the sex, bare breasts on TV, bothered by it, all chests, #BrassBra #FurDiaper, cult movies, sexploitation, Blue Movie (1971),, DMCA shit, The Porn House Of Amsterdam, Flesh+Blood (1985), ideology, looking for sex, liberation, I do not care for sex, fascist husbands, a very interesting movie, Star Trek, Lemon Popsicle movies, Golan Globus, all the bloody time, Masters Of The Universe movie, Gail Simone, polyglot strategist, 1000 likes, very popular, mid at best, this is not an interesting tweet, 200k followers, why and how?, activist, feminist comics, fridging, algorithms pick something up, what’s really going on here?, books, nobody likes those, still interested in comics, weird things just happen, organic, push the heat button, cosplaying the whole Conan lifestyle, Conan Red Sonja joint story, ship is covered in guns, banal, the deep state of twitter, a psychology for a lot of people, I should be laughing, follower engagement, following 20,000 people, send out prompts, the hope of interacting, Glen Greenwald liked my dog tweet, to interact with people, feel like they’re friends with celebrities, help her career, X metrics, tiktok crap, translate into real life sales?, very young women, annoying, famous for not crying, Doctor Zhivago (1965), PulpCovers tweet: gay comics, ugh splat, why that isn’t a lot hotter, mentally modelling, what this stupid book was about, baffling, how mundane it is, aggressively contrarian, cimmerian vs. barbarian, that calculating, she thought that would make a good tweet and she was right, pretty good, are they?, Zub is not great at Conan, if you steal his words, Tower Of The Elephant, people are living in hope, Conan joins the Avengers, hung out with the Punisher, Conan travels to modern times, interact, Aliexpress, knock off toys, people like collecting things, how many times have people tweeted that before, I too get jealous, some of the best stuff ever written, David J. West is good at twitter, very piratical, six times more popular?, a collection of people who are adjacent to girl power, her base, a political following, pro LGTBQ, openly a feminist, Liberal American feminism, nominated for Hugo and Nebula awards, why people watch sports, how popular soccer is, easy to understand, every city has a team, patriotism, the idea of comics, an easier way to get their political message out, comics sales, Ms. Marvel comics, G. Willow Wilson, traditionalist community, teenage superheroes, blue heart and yellow heart, Scott Miller, Gold Key Comics, Conan Comics, Ahoy Comics, Anthony Di Simone, Paul Chadwick, M.R. James, F. Paul Wilson, toy collector fans, Dreamlander (Jason Thompson), SFSignal, and Paul, 4k accounts, bookshop, fairly famous, five comics writers today, people working today, change it to female writers, the poster girl, 10 years out of date, Vertigo, closing in on done, The Green Queen, say hi to Paul for us, bring one of your broken hugos, COVID stole a lot of things, all masks all the time, somebody is in your shadow, nobody else cares, Michio Kaku, angry, other emotions, immature, modelling women vs. modelling men, women are in iron masks, Lady In The Iron Mask (1952), Doctor Doom, jealous of Reed Richards, the ultimate villain, Lex Luthor, fuck that guy, Gail Simone as Reed Richards, Excalibur was excellent, X-Men, the Claremont era, it will get better, Krakatoa, X-Men ’97, swept away by it, freak out about how good it is, what’s this flag, Doctor Doom’s flag, right beside Ruritania, the Black Panther country flag, Wakanda flag, Jack Flag, his H. Rider Haggard, The Savage Land, Pellucidar, a standard, reptile lesbians, the flag of the mayhars, a female symbol eating a male symbol, oh Burroughs, dum dum banquet, did you know that dum dum is not as dumb as it sounds, her Tarzan Red Sonja cross over, made Miriam an arab, dark skinned, a little bit breezy, Watchmen, cartoon?, The Boys, Garth Ennis being Garth Ennis, meta commentary on the United States in 2024, very appropriately, the cold war, Iron Man, out of Vietnam into Afghanistan, race relations in America, Lovecraft Country, too American, lynch murder victim, too obscure, Will’s Watchmen take, little prose things, too ambitious with those, that giant Jerusalem novel, very ethical man, a spectacle, Jack Snyder, V For Vendetta, I watch Bob’s Burgers every day, classmate’s house, openly admitting, the Comedian rapes Silk Spectre, Alan Moore loves rape in his work, not the way George Bush loves torture, the comic opened on that page, probably hot, Silk Spectre costume, looks like The Comedian today, categorical error, another brand, The Sound And The Fury by William Falkner, Quentin Compson, make more Watchmen media, continuation comics and prequel comics, The Authority, Bob’s Burgers instead of Archer?, The Simpsons, American sitcom in cartoon form, reseasoning of Futurama, this is the funniest show ever, same guy as The Venture Bros., Johnny Quest style, character based jokes, a rip off Roger Moore ski-chalet James Bond parody, making fun with everything to do with James Bond, his mom is his boos, literary references, James Bond plots redone, Dreamland, a space season, a redo of Tales Of The Gold Monkey, delightfully funny, cringey, change my ways, cartoons as a kid, Avatar: The Last Airbender, a place not very good emotionally or intellectually, nostalgic, direct reboot, all on YouTube, Disenchanted, the fantasy version of Futurama, oldest friend, overthrow her, that cartoon, full of science fiction, Mars Express (2023) is very good, best science fiction movie of the 21st century, those two vaping Frenchmen, going to ruin our Hugo!, such a powerful parliamentarian, gender swap Conan movie from France, potentially interesting, Karl Edgar Wagner documentary, best related work, stupid girl with a stupid hat on youtube, my little pony, our hero in Bali, Damien G. Walter, a youtube video about the Culture novels, interacted, bought it, bestowed to him, science fiction is really a genre, The Acolyte is good Star Wars, fake Tolkien, House Of The Dragon, same names, Rings Of Power, redo The Lord Of The Rings as a TV show, money in them there hills, Harry Potter, its their Star Wars, you can’t cancel people, completely unhinged, J.K. Rowling’s mystery series, how do we know the shooter isn’t trans?, people who change their sex, whole personality, you can’t trust Pamphlets, sounds like parody, puberty blockers, from 2069, English = mental illness, entire time line, trans people, trans people, trans people, obsessed with trans people, trans exclusionary feminist, go off the deep end, focused on children, a strategic move, Gaza, Gaza, she has things to be wrong about, a mania, people abusing children, women being erased, transphobic, bathrooms or changing rooms, big debate everywhere, top surgery and bottom surgery, unrecoverable, not done on minors, intersex is such a small percentage of the population, assigned male, constant operations, fake vagina, recognizing non-binary people, UK laws, a tumor in her breast, drugs to suppress, what these drugs do, nasty side-effects, birth control pills to teen girls, BC it is paid for, not a consenting adult, very hush hush, you can’t do stories on it, it is also encouraged, hormone therapy age 14, surgeries under 18, very sensitive, despite the affirmation, people who’ve had surgeries and regretted it, ice dancing or swimming, intermural sports, cross dressing men, competitive sports, a runner or a swimmer who is average as a male and is extraordinary as a female, a minority issue, is the world going to end, ribbons or medals, vigorous exercise, imagine you buy into it, men are faster at every one of these sports, there’s no sport that women are better at than men, men have an advantage, they thought they were competing with women, a lot of people aren’t getting surgeries, estrogen, grassroots anger, being good at sports gets you into universities, political consequences, to get jobs, high ranked military officials, green party member, a female quota, the far right, aristocratic family, just weird, Cora hates the Greens, making COVID vaccinations mandatory, side effects, killed a lot of people, a lot of strokes, animals and babies, enjoying learning about German politics, map German politics, Social Democratic Party, like the Labour party, Christian Democratic Party, stuck in the 1980s/1990s, Liberal Democrats, libertarians, higher earning people, traditional working class, pro-peace, disarmament, environmental issues, sworn in wearing sneakers, late hippie types, pro-gay rights, pro-feminism, climate climate climate, climate change, of course I have a bicycle, terrible warmongers, fucking terrible, actually declared war on Russia, completely incompetent, not someone who should be in office, if you like the Greens for that, the Balkan wars, the first time NATO did a genocide, liquid petroleum gas terminals in coastal waters, somebody blew it up, never ever forgive Biden, lost Cora’s support, the extreme parties, a populist who doesn’t like trans people, old style communist, a left wing populist, fear of immigration, refugees, Ukranians, Canada takes some too, cherry picks, after WWII, they’re in charge now (grandchildren), Sahra Wagenknecht, a little bit provocative, what a monster, please echo the official line, Putin bad, Putin killer, her party was called the Left, named the party after herself, anti-COVID measures, not horrible, a good bulwark against the far right, an anti-fascist, Will doesn’t believe in borders, starve in the street, housing crisis, Syrians and Iraqis, borders exist, the welfare state, create fewer refugees, quit NATO, quit accepting refugees from American wars, a weird interaction with Eric [S. Rabkin], Switzerland, they don’t accept refugees, they’ll take your money, they don’t want to be invaded, we have resources and ports, aggressively neutral, you can’t control domestic activity in other countries, practical solution, totally infiltrated, Cora is not the average German voter, a regional party for East Germans, Party of Democratic Socialism, bananas and coffee, embittered, Social Democratic Party, left wing members formed their own party, W.A.S.S., Will read his book, disillusioned trade unionists, wikipedia entry, kidnapped by aliens, left wing, far left, right wing, combination of stances, the fucked up dynamic, left wing right wing, money grubbing and doing as I’m told, conservative, populist, Greek Communist Party, very firm, the correct position to have, protesting against austerity, the left is prone to splitting, the Labour party of Britain, welfare payment, fell through all of the cracks, self-employed people, all parasites, not leave this point on the floor, a billionaire who wrote some books, a billionaire who was born into wealth, insufferable fucks, too many long fantasy novels, having loud opinions in public, Stephen King has opinions, his best bud Trump, in a bank account?, invested, very likely, she has people to take care of that, wealthy actors, Tom Cruise, what harm has he done with his wealth, not-likeable, harming, danger to democracy, sucked into their world of Scientology, extraordinary weird people, YA author pissed of J.K. got her money, it was organic success, evidence please, evidence, piracy isn’t the proper thing to do, people are cancelable, you can delete them, Julian Assange was canceled, let’s cancel J.R.R. Tolkien for something, unprincipled, didn’t like Dune, a class act, Donald A. Wollheim, making Tolkien a success, pirate hero, bloated fantasy series, Terry Brooks, a retweet, public affirmation, roof with a rifle, The Rag Thing, a slatternly slattern, Mimic, The Unfinished City, only god can finish things, Clark Ashton Smith, Scott Miller, Kofi app, $3.60, good Christian coffee, only done 5 hours.

WHO? by Algis Burdrys

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #760 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle

The SFFaudio Podcast

The SFFaudio Podcast #760 – The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle, read by Mike F. Smith (for This is a complete and unabridged reading of the book (3 hours, 17 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse, Paul Weimer, Bryan Alexander, Trish E. Matson, and Terence Blake

Talked about on today’s show:
1913, The Strand, republished, 199 pages, 3 hours and 15 minutes, what we might call a series, The Lost World, never even mention dinosaurs, does this book stand on its own, from a plot perspective, fall into the byplay, as characters, building on those characters, what character we needed, such a step down in terms of length, the mind blowing idea, discovered dinosaurs 3 years earlier, everybody dies, what challenger was doing, reverses all the damage he does, less potent thus less famous, the reception, invasion novels, village, how the rest of the world responds, golfers and babies, the end of the world, straight up, a giant stride being taken, the big setup, skull island, the plateau of Leng, Edgar Rice Burroughs, in Challenger’s wife’s boudoir, no action, the story as an idea, a request from publishers, more of that Challenger stuff, the adventures of these guys again, this story gets super-existential, I can’t report the news now, that old lady worrying about her stocks, in despair, we still have science!, all the roles that Conan Doyle is himself playing, aspects of his own personality, Sumerlee is the worst parts, Challenger is the guy who wants to be, Roxton is the manly man, the reversal, Aristotle’s unities, war imagery, corpses lying every which way on the ground, pseudocorpses, a gas attack, even more striking, propaganda operations, that’s where he got his, keeping up with the fairies, keeping up with everything topical, Danger!, England being attacked by an enemy using uboats, the spectre of death, War Of The Worlds, newspaper reports, telegrams, he wanted an [email protected] email address, clericals and anarchists, Paris has riots in the streets, racialism, the nigger at the beginning and the end, less complex societies, Sumatra, odious ideas of race, the pinnacle is all these people, after he bites his housemaid, a superman, making fun of challenger, short legs, the ride in on the traincar, doing a cockatoo, some rando, perfect for England in 1913, no colonies east of Sumatra, we peel around the world moving west, continues past England, eerily prescient, really poignant, layers of mediation, a snapshot of attitudes in this peak of colonialism, the Slovenians falling, the Teutons were slower to be affected, Doyle’s everybody here, could he have written this 20 years later, kinda stupid premise, ether is not a thing, ether has come back, Einstein, we don’t need this shit, you don’t need ether for the plot, a map of local interstellar space, a bubble of low density interstellar medium, pre-Einsteinian ether theory, cosmic particles, panspermia, what we’re looking at is not a gas, like the Force, allowing light to do its thing, it doesn’t make any sense, change the overall mixture, it can’t actually be a gas, the earth orbiting through this gas, diluting it, they wax papered the windows, A Pail Of Air by Fritz Leiber, a bucket of oxygen, a frozen gas vs. an etheral gas, echoes from this book, Brain Wave by Poul Anderson, supressed conductivity, a Vernor Vinge lift later as well, A Fire Upon The Deep, zones of thought, a sleeping field, the vocab word: catalepsy, I’m feeling cataleptic, can’t come into work today, The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells, a social novel, clearly sentimental, the imagery is powerful, the comedy aspect, makes it gentle, John Wyndham’s The Midwich Cuckoos, that scale is so different, every woman on earth is now pregnant, The Day Of The Triffids, knocking up a whole world, hyper-personal, played by Brian Blessed, if fictional people can be reincarnated into real people, A Thousand Plateaus by Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze, chapter tracks, a screaming thing, The Land Of The Mists, spiritually insane, 5% insane, luminiferous either, a spiritualist concept, observe as much as we can, if it exists, really?, takes it a priori, Lovecraft, water and salt, who he is and how, essential salts, materialism, too great a thing, three bucketfuls of water, ugly bags of mostly water, uses matter but is not of it, When The World Screamed, a Quatermass serial, a Doctor Who episode, Inferno, a Mirror, Mirror, evil UNIT, Brigadier has an eye-patch, like Spock, some other inventor, the Earth is a living organism, the crust of the Earth with the grapes, a wash to get of some virus or bacteria on the grapes, a line of 8 reapers, bloody golfers, machine metaphors, longing for simplification, early Christian apocalypse, Ragnarok, atomic bomb stories, after the bomb, Mad Max, 27 hours, makes a good play, its scope is much smaller, a total cop-out, just believe Challenger, all hold hands and become a better world, massive anarchist conspiracy, find people to blame it on, a prime target, lost a day, very controversial, personal reasons, hurts the stature, post-apocalyptic, not a plague, the policman standing up wakes up, traffic’s gone to shit, hard not to bring up Lovecraft, a science fiction story, field glasses, spot his housekeeper, a microscope, this microscope, this is wonderful, you can see for your self, and yet it moves sort of line, scientific method, emotionally interesting, existential, does my life have meaning, humour, Doyle’s such a good writer, everything flows so smoothly, our worthy Summerlee, mopping his heated brow, more easily condone, when my balance has been disturbed, one Sarah, so much classism, she is a woman of a sever and forbidding aspect, the royal we, alone at my breakfast, entertaining and instructive, imperturbability, upset a small vase, withdrawn the the study, I sank my teeth in the calf of her leg, ore herself free, some thoughts of an explanation, traveling very rapidly, is it illuminative?, pour this orange juice on his head, explaining the behavior, as you drink less alcohol, as you get older, restrain yourself, as your faculties go, laughter and impulsivity, rationalizing, this experiment is a good idea, so good, he’s become a monster, he bit her on the leg, use my rational mind, problems and issues, classism, rather horrified, loyal chauffeur, wryly sticks with the professor, such a domestic tyrant, they couldn’t appreciate it, we’re all going to die soon, while working on the engine, a common attitude, many rich people now, utter callousness, a natural progression, Sherpas are always missing when climbing Everest, Nepal, the last real town before Everest, a statue of Tenzing Norgay, without him Hillary wouldn’t have gotten anywhere, run 26 miles down hill, badass, Victorian, 18th century fiction, invisible servants, especially a British thing, French social novels of the 19th century, Russian novels, snapshot of the world in 1913, a maniac and a monster, we see this today, Kardashians, gigantic celebrity, talent on stage, staff was masked up, the science in here, the ether explanation, the ideas of what science is, pro-science stuff, what is this book about, what is a theme?, the hardest questions, you’re telling me I have to live, they don’t want to live in a world without…, you can’t published, you can find stuff out, the most stable idea, it isn’t the publication its the finding out, new things about reality, there’s still always going to be science, for science alone vs. life with him, some class stuff with the local guides, and racism, science is in many ways useless, too late to do anything about it, a Cassandra function, there’s delight, the future Earth will be repopulated, evolution is 100% true, a series of observations, predictions, errors, new observations, new predictions, very optimistic, horrific things happened and people were shocked for a while, Malone, feeble folk, like all the oft repeated truths, a lesson an actual experience was need to bring it home, still stunned by the suddenness of the blows, fires everywhere, one of the greatest tragedies, grim reading, her stocks! her stocks!, elide over millions are going to die, for the survivors, personally unaffected, wake up, a rictus grin, nobody died of dehydration, those people, COVID-19, awfully familiar, almost Lovecraftian, the abyss, how convenient, the engineers, this story is meaningless in a certain sense, what will not be forgotten, this revelation, ignorant self-complacency, what abysses may lie on the other side, all our emotions to-day, pushing the religion, explicit religious stuff, singing the hymn, that chastened effect, humility, a narcissistic element, we survived, a contradiction in the narrative stance, the only survivors, Huck Finn at his own funeral, headlines, DEAD LONDON!, The Star by H.G. Wells, almost exactly the same story, A Pail Of Air, a rogue planet, the new brotherhood, books and machines, a hint of this, cold last paragraph, Martian astronomers, Wells and Conan Doyle were really different people, you know why he didn’t get a sir, almost all his characters are monsters, imposing these things on people, often they get a comeuppance, The War Of The Worlds guy, their philosophies, The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter, a really ambitious book, a bunch of child murders, aloof, The First Men In The Moon, Cavor is wonderful, suicidal, a cool romp?, sentimental, moved by it, convinced the whole world had died, where that leaves us, humanity being humbled, the amoeba doesn’t save anybody in this, the human future, out of space, this invasion from Mars, the most fruitful source of decadence, the conception of the commonweal of mankind, very Wellsian, Eric S. Rabkin, that’ll never be the case, damn that gets me, such a magnificent book, a Challenger adventure, he’s a great character, why is he so enthusiastic, reading old stuff does more than one thing, a picture of the society I live in, Fraunhofer lines, we can’t imagine this today, our tame scientist at the office, they have a scientist on staff, at the New York Times, maybe today, he don’t write a lot of articles, 5 people wrote them, daily newspapers, a list of experts they call up, just there to consult, be a Wikipedia and keep up with all that stuff, the golfers and the cricketers, pre-WWI Britain, a “tame scientist”, this had to have been true, these were going concerns, going through old newspapers, the topics covered, university level writing, mistakes, Lovecraft had a syndicated astronomy column across the USA, the local newspaper, the Vancouver Sun, the Province, 5 days a week, not doing Mondays anymore, the fonts are big, the end times for newspapers, Bryan’s new book, Universities On Fire by Bryan Alexander, the bleakest thing Bryan’s ever written, possible extinction, Scientific American used to be amazing, magazines are dead, retired teacher magazines are better than national general topic magazines, encouraging people to get vaccinated, insisted they didn’t need vaccination, the wackiness of Q Anon, silver colloidal treatments, oceans of scientific stuff, the evolution of Wikipedia on SARS, we have a stupider media, access to scientific material, mis and dis information, reading wrong stuff, getting indoctrinated by it, we lived through COVID in real time, the vaccine(s), distributed quickly, excited about the science aspect, prediction supposition, action, correction, new prediction, combined with the emotion, ring the bell, all four of the men, a very religious image, smart, how do you communicate with a whole lot of people, Doyle also makes a point, the churches had never been so packed, the end of Soylent Green, not slept in weeks, it’s people, a very similar kind of image, a utopia, golfing at the world’s end, keep golfing, a dystopian vision, a continuity, the bucolic English countryside, Amitav Ghosh’s The Great Derangement, Jane Austen, J.G. Ballard, pastoral, industrial, tamed nature, a lawn, feedstock for our machines, Kim Stanley Robinson’s The High Sierra: A Love Story, Switzerland, all about the hiking, under Mercury’s surface, Ministry Of The Future, catastrophes into eucatastrophes, he loves this environment, this landscape, lightly pissing on Yosemite, I hate Yosemite, The Comet by W.E.B. Du Bois, searching for other survivors, about to kiss, we have to procreate, only New Yorkers were killed, almost lynched, a cash reward, Pseudopod, another British writer, M.P. Shiel, the movie is pretty good, Harry Belafonte, The Purple Cloud, he just steals other people’s stuff, this is nothing like British Columbia, same story different location, different title, The Place Of Pain, a lens that allows you to see the Moon’s surface like no other telescope can, super-duper-liar, lifting and using ideas, The World, the Flesh And The Devil (1959), heavy-handed, Star Trek, bring back Jim Crow, the cyanogen scare of 1906, Cosmos, Carl Sagan, never explicated to any great degree, a lake in central Afica that had a burp and killed everybody around it, a Fortean style gas, a heavy gas, Lake Nyos in Cameroon, impeding in Salt Lake, invisible, the entire text, Z For Zachariah by Robert C. O’Brien, we don’t know what happened to cause Jenny’s death, her funeral over zoom, they had just adopted a kid, Redonda, this guy’s really kill, this guy’s horrible, fun, a liar, it might be worse than that, Colin Wilson, Michael Moorcock, The Yellow Invasion, child molestation, everything about him is monstrous, his grift goes on and on, a kind of stature, a couple of handfuls of books from that period, palate cleanser, a lot of fun, very moving, done more with it, end of the world/British invasion stories, good writing, just as valuable for the context, if you’re interested in genre history, Francis Ford Coppola, an ongoing joke, roots in a lie, his dad ennobled him, his way of inveigling his way into the good graces of publishers, not occupiable, ESP and reincarnation, would you like to be a lord, a way of having a conversation with Vincent Price, Hollywood creepy, giant cosplay, Arthur Machen, Umberto Eco, another creepy guy, pedophiles out in the world, Sailing Alone Around The World by Joshua Slocum, not acting on best behavior, Jesse’s politics: pirates stabbing liches, Anne McCaffrey, Jesse can beat her ghost, live afraid, The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffrey,, a great story, 30 pages, about 45 minutes to read aloud, Black Priestess Of Varda by Erik Fennel, he is that guy, lost an eye and lost an arm, a portal fantasy, the story is very illustrative, intermural television, can it be done?, 1930, only 100 years off, Science & Invention, Dick Tracy’s two way radio, Metropolis by Thea von Harbou and her husband, contemporaneous with the making of the film, Alan Dean Foster, an amazing BBC radio drama adaptation, novelizations of movies based on novels, Philip K. Dick and Blade Runner, audiobooks of the damned, pirate audiobook narrations of novelizations, The Terminator, get inside Sarah Connor’s head, based on the script, Alan Dean Foster’s novelization of Alien, fantastic, a stage adaptation of Aliens, a high school production, Sigourney Weaver in the audience, it stages really well, with film we don’t have to restage, refer people back to the original film, take care of that flood, rising tide, good book, Logan’s Run, Downward To Earth, Sixth Column, photography stuff, bud and stuff, hang out with Terence and see his beautiful southern France, abandoned lunatic asylum, changed it back, flash photography, photography takes practice, ghost hunters, flicker every so often, invite any spirit to play with it, arrange a card game with a couple of spirits, wild fun, the later end of Conan Doyle’s stuff, historical tours, hand hewn stone, 2nd biggest structure on Earth, built just before the Civil War, the rump state of Virginia, a Union unit seized all the money, ghost stories, the idea situation, a trash fire algorithm, the host with the most, do some Silverberg, life is really good, spoiled, choosing not to believe.

The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle

Posted by Jesse WillisBecome a Patron!

The SFFaudio Podcast #716 – READALONG: The Shining by Stephen King

Jesse, Paul Weimer, Marissa VU, and Evan Lampe talk about The Shining by Stephen King.

Talked about on today’s show:
1977, horror novel, fourth most popular fantasy novel, third novel, the novel that made him a household name, Carrie (1976), the same year, the book was 1975, his breakout, Stanley Kubrick, Jack Nicholson, Salem’s Lot, Stephen King, “shut-up you shitlib, stick to producing movies!”, his primary job was film producer, which has more production credits, hilarious, Michael Crichton effect, director and producer and writer, looming large from beyond the grave, Westworld, cartoons, Stephen King TV shows, new Stephen King shows streaming somewhere, Lisey’s Story, The Stand, George R.R. Martin, video game writer, comfortable with TV, how easy it is to produce TV shows money wise, he likes writing a lot, worldbuilding, things that will get him canceled, the magical negro, The Legend Of Bagger Vance, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, an American cultural phenomenon, if he wrote this today, that 70s jive talk, at the end, Doc is on the dock, he’s getting brown, very brown, the surrogate father figure, the kiss, the big shining talk, who is Stephen King in this book, he’s clearly Jack, kills himself off, why this book is super popular, how he put it all together, lifting ideas from literary sources, a big long very readable book, kinda early, Revival, relationships with ants and wasps, kids are literally closer to the ground than adults so they think about insects more, playing with their trucks, Marissa hiking by herself, major toddlerhood, we’re so proud we’re erect, his kids are always really terrific, so easy to read his books, identifying with the kids, we’re meant to identify with Doc, he’s our surrogate, Jack is more interesting to follow, a better adventure, failing at everything, they seduce him, the ghosts, money laundering, how they get him, repair his family, redeemed, the negative things in ourselves, super-flawed fucked up dude, we can relate to that, the scenes of domestic abuse, not so happy marriage, Jack Torrence has that too, the sin of the father, really uncomfortable for Paul, an imperfect family and childhood, why this book is and how it works, Danny’s power was the problem, a nexus, a big battery, it happened the year before, the previous caretaker and family, unnamed shining characters, every character shines, The Dead Zone has an unacknowledged shining character, you shine, your mom shines too (all mothers do, a little), throughout his writing, some sort of psychic spectrum, a Stephen King super-power roll playing game, The Dark Tower, breakers, telepathy, what good writing is: telepathy, a person far away in time and space, write really good, what just happened?, how is this happening, what is happening, a superpower Stephen King literally has, holy shit!, the way he does this, without a single bump, a human being like me, we think we can understand other people, doing it in fiction, his meta, the nagging wife, my mom is worse, she’s terrific, his grandmother’s house, somehow we’ve vacuumed out the psychic stuff, a weird cook who wants to abduct their son, he wants to rescue the kid, call it The Overlook Hotel, mental illness and alcoholism, where it is at his weirdest, find a stash, conjured out of the ether, capable of creating real physical damage to Danny, Doctor Sleep, his solution to everything, why this book is so Stephen Kingy, the plot, references, Guy De Maupassant’s The Inn, Switzerland, there’s dogs, have somebody there over the winter (as a caretaker), cabin fever, the same basic plot, how Stephen King fill those pages, all the family history, and the history of the Overlook, I’m so far ahead, flowed so easily, he makes long writing feel like easy writing, backwards and forwards in time, the car accident with the bike, jumping out of the main narrative, building the whole world, fleshed out, his pacing, perfect pacing, so engrossing, the set piece scenes, such a big piece of the story is just two pages, very impressive, table setting, a crucial scene, Jack versus the hedge animals, the way it sneaks up on you, slowly going insane, King or Torrence or the hotel, intrusive thoughts, a jingle, a phrase, intrusive negative thoughts, somebody from outside is putting words into his head, horribleness tempered, a big apology to his wife, “I know I shouldn’t have hit Joe that way. I’ve got to stop drinking”, Campbell Scott, a David Mamet actor with dry affect, no ill effect on the writing, straight reading vs. performance, other influences, The Mask Of The Read Death: A Fantasy by Edgar Allan Poe, masques vs. mask, what the hell is it about, the coloured rooms, at the beginning of the pandemic, cloistered in an abbey, out comes the red death, why there’s a whole bunch of rooms that are different colours, the movie filmed at the actual place King is basing it on, the ballroom has bat doors, The Colorado Lounge, the deal he made, its about class, the elite cant keep out the trauma of the working class, you can’t wall it away, that Phil Ochs song Ringing Of Revolution, when climate change happens, bunkers in New Zealand, The Sphinx, dominated by the reveal, the unmasking, in Robert W. Chambers, I wear no mask, The Yellow Sign, hints of Lovecraft, Jack as an opener, ultra-terrestrial horror, it’s Danny’s fault, Paul sees himself as Danny, a consequence of him being there, he can’t control it, “please abduct me, Dick”, he’s lying to him, 217, you’ll see really bad things there, thinking at him, Dick buys the vowel, he’s the one who knows the most, fainting spells in Germany, the clock almost striking midnight, forward in time, ghosts, not a contamination story, the hotel is destroyed at the end, teachers think is very important, some online webstudy course, arranged in a row from east to west, Blue (Birth), Purple (Growth), Green (Spring and youth), Orange (Summer and autumn), White (Old age), Violet (Impending death), Scarlet/Black (Death), a sergeant in the army, the summertime caretaker, fallen from his higher class, make sure you look out for The Rats In The Walls, a once high estate that needs to be maintained lest it fall, this is what I am reduced to, constant swearing, Wendy, when her husband swears to much, “prick”, hitting the student, I didn’t play with the timer, yeah I did, unreliable narrator, distrust the entire book, Stephen King being highly manipulative of us (and himself), I drink because you’re a bitch, Stephen King is doing self-analysis, so real, quitting smoking, an excuse to have a cigarette, what the fuck am I doing?, addiction brain, what the effect of physical isolation is, cut-off from other human beings for months on end, who’s to blame?, Jesse wants to imagine how this book would work without woowoo, a pure horror novel, a fantasy novel, Stephen King imitators, Nick Cutter’s The Troop, pure body horror, two things going on, his peanut butter in his zebra sauce, magic spell: Stephen King’s a good writer, college kids on a camping weekend, marriage breakdown and addiction, Philip K. Dick’s Puttering About In A Small Land, Out In The Garden, the wife’s been cheating on him with the Sun, I need to sell fantasy and I want to work out my stress about my wife cheating on me, The Dark Tower, literally met a werewolf, Hunger Games style, successfully spun up, the fear of your anger at your kids, such a cool scary thing to write about, such a change in your life, blaming the kid, obligation, responsibility, anxiety, Wendy’s mom, imagine if instead of Jack dying he lives, the relationship that Wendy has with her mom, psychologically abusive, you can’t lover her you have to love her, REDRUM is MURDER backwards, blood thirstiness, the wash of blood, symbolic, an alcoholic, she has a bad marriage, once she had the kid…, she chose a broken person to have a kid with, forever joined by the kid, how could she go back to him?, if I don’t stop drinking I’m going to have to kill myself, self-analysis, Jack is about him and the path he was on, the other drunk, Al: “stay dry”, class, drawn from life, bonding over drink, John Barleycorn by Jack London, drinking is a social custom, binding and destructive, on the same team, a judge, the board of directors, bonding through alcohol, the favours are running out, Evan’s theory, he’s trying to be fired, self-sabotage, ironically this time…, imagine there is no shining, a whole other thread, the imaginary friend who is real, an old trope, Harvey (1950), Ted (2012), Drop Dead Fred (1991), Mr. Lupescu by Anthony Boucher, Thus I Refute Beelzy by John Collier, the insanity children are allowed to have, a book about mental illness, Lovecraftian, classic mental illness, you didn’t tell me this hotel was used by criminals, Richard Nixon stayed in the hotel, an unreasonable phonecall, he’s quasi-blackmailing, not modern Stephen King shitlibbery, we bury the truth, we destroy the truth, we make it not real, Dick lies to his boss, as honest as he can be without getting fired, suicide, murder, sex-trafficking, we never find out how she paid, being a cursed place, Evan thinks that characters are shiners and breakers, a guy gives Dick a sweater and a can of gasoline, another shiner, they’re all shiners, haunted, “it’s the same criticism that Stephen King always has: there’s a fundamental flaw in American society, it’s class, and we can’t talk about it”, Red Room, it could have gone a whole bunch of different ways, no dangling threads, Hill House, the Marsten house in Salem’s Lot, it’s not the hotel that is making him make that call, trying to free himself and save his family, it’s hard to read it, drunken phonecall, late night phone call, go sleep it off, acting out with a really good reason for it, The Silver Key by H.P. Lovecraft, Tony is the future Danny, consciously bringing that in, winding up a clock vs. opening a door, a father figure, abusive father, reiterating that with his kid, aping the words of his father, spectacles into the mashed potatoes with blood on them, a coping mechanism, Jack gets what he wants, on the roof, distracted by the wasps, they bug him, the bug bomb, another case of I didn’t adjust the timer (but actually did), he wanted to have his son stung, we’re going to sue, focus on the kid, shifting the blame, it’s not me it’s your stutter!, the play is the book within the book, The King In Yellow, all work and no play, a good reading of what’s happening in here, understanding himself, a play about him and his abuse of a kid, his play sucks, he knows the play sucks, this is all you need to make this excellent book, what does Stephen King do instead of exposing American corruption and American kleptocracy and American sin? he makes it personal, he doesn’t expose the history of the Overlook Hotel, instead he exposes a family, we can all muddle through somehow, everything will be okay, exposes it to the readers, making it fuzzy, better at history, revealing the history, let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out, the attempt to repress, when teenage Marissa first read it: this is a critique of American capitalism, he goes the opposite direction, literally hiding the message in favour of a psychic family, the boiler is his temper, Fondly Fahrenheit by Alfred Bester, which of us I am anymore, that duality within Jack Torrence, keep the temperature from blowing, everything he does could be automated, going down there twice a day, even days and odd days, it’s not a real job, a warm body, very symbolic, he gets stuck down there, the Jesse voices are back, don’t look at these very important papers!, grinding Excedrins all day, they taste bitter, very well put together book, too well put together?, a famous hit, The Stand, his short stories, kaboom, 1408, the room is evil on its own, John Cusack, doesn’t need any priming, a lot of love to be had in the little stories, The Night Flier, a vampire who has an airplane, very personal, they’re all personal, Revival is almost philosophical and mature, dealing/dealt, digging real deep in this one, Danny’s gonna be six, way to bright for a six year old, because he shines, oh, he’s a delayed reader, so urgent to read, his adaptors usually pick the wrong ages, Joe Hill’s [Locke & Key] Welcome To Lovecraft, replaced him with August Derleth [or Richard Matheson?], the essence of shitlibbery, a racist, a liar, a thief, all can see the magic, lifting that from his father, bring a key near somebody’s head, a really cool premise, kids can have magic, starmetal/evil shoggoths, a fundamentally interesting thing, they won’t follow through, you know what the problem is but then choose to go the other way, a good book, maybe why he is a genre, not treated like a gutter guy, not treated like a literary genius, Upton Sinclair style guys, they frown on Stephen King, jealousy, so successful, people like Stephen King, no cachet with King as with other writers, some people are prejudiced, literary snobs, not the American classic, a weird Stephen King thing, blood elevator, guy with an axe, the sitting in the car and talking to the old black man, knows what’s up with Danny, Dr. Sleep, Danny’s 35, Dick Halorhan had died, the Overlook ghosts had followed him, he’s an alcoholic, a job at a hospice, Kevorkian style, a good service, being preyed on by psychic vampires, get back his mojo and save the day, people trying to live off of boomers, resistant to sequels, able to stay alive for centuries, a multiverse, that’s not publisher demand, writer you want to read, Greg Bear, not well constructed, he falls into the trap, I need to write Halo novels, a trilogy, following the market, Stephen King has the market, The Dark Tower along with Dune got Marissa into science fiction, the one with the train, 3 ends on a cliffhanger, it’s all done, 1,350,000 words, after the accident, why would he write them all in one year, George R.R. Martin, I can’t do that to my legacy, 224 pages vs. 845 pages, 4,316 pages for The Dark Tower, have Eric retire or die, take a couple of weeks off to read the book about Allen Dulles, I can’t read an 800 page book, we have split up a book, Dune, The Lord Of The Rings, The Odyssey, Evan’s podcast’s premise, once you start something you’re stuck with it, I have to only wear short socks, 300 years ahead, take a holiday, sleep and go to the gym, everyone who is capable should do what they’re good at, the Zizek book, it has happened, you shouldn’t do that, a vacation implies your ideal life is not being lived, a different temporary life, there are wrong things to do, The Sea Wolf by Jack London, the Star Trek Sex Book, recover, Jesse likes computer games, Project Zomboid, zombie survival isometric, get ready for the zombie apocalypse, sounds great, very dangerous, Fallout 4 til 5am, be moderate in your behavior, taking a vacation from the things that are good, Jesse is not sure series are a good idea at all, a satisfying book in and of itself, Don Mark Lemon, recharge your batteries, Jesse’s just being real, Jesse’s mom, people die and you should plan for it.

The Shining Limited Edition Artwork Portfolio

Posted by Jesse WillisBecome a Patron!

Reading, Short And Deep #258 – Little Mother Up The Mörderberg by H.G. Wells


Reading, Short And DeepReading, Short And Deep #258

Eric S. Rabkin and Jesse Willis discuss Little Mother Up The Mörderberg by H.G. Wells

Here’s a link to a PDF of the story.

Little Mother Up The Mörderberg was first published The Strand Magazine, April 1910.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson Become a Patron!

The SFFaudio Podcast #443 – READALONG: Ubik by Philip K. Dick


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #432 – Jesse, Paul Weimer, and Marissa VU, talk about Ubik by Philip K. Dick

Talked about on today’s show:
1969, the third most popular PKD novel, not much new in here, a lot more costumes, very familiar things, a pretty good book, the top half of the bottom half, for Dick connoisseurs like us, a tonne of Philip K. Dick, the end of the most lucid stage, things are starting to slide, conapts, strange realities, mysterious forces, a relatively coherent whole (except for the last chapter), we’ve done 40 episodes on Philip K. Dick, thank you, a Ubik ad, one of the first Philip K. Dick books Marissa read, well put together, loving this crazy guy’s writing, a different appreciation, What The Dead Men Say by Philip K. Dick, Virgil Finlay illustrations, this novel contains one page of that novelette, some crossover, names and concepts, no Joe Chip, amazing illustrations, a lot fewer angry wives, “wife”, become my wife, now you’re just a girl, that scene where some guy comes by with a girlfriend for the main character, Lord Runningclam, you’re depressed you need a girlfriend, G.G. Ashwood, on coffee and cigarettes and speed, a nice big fat commission, a sad sack Dick protagonist, Galactic Pot-Healer, so many connections, who is the Glimmung in this book?, strange messages on packages, notes, Ubik is the Glimmung, a thing or a tool?, a McGuffin, a random line, “I am”, God talking (from the Bible), one of those bathroom revelations, I am alive!, Chapter 17, “before the universe was, I am,” my name is never spoken, I am called Ubik, the little bon mots at the beginning over every chapter, “only as directed”, Christ Sally!, but now – wow!, the enterphone, my apartment’s a mess, a vague memory of going shopping the night before, the conapt’s super-maket, a green ration stamp, all drugs, expensive coffee, soporific, ubiquitous throughout the novel, in our higher moments, drug induced experiences of god, Ubik as an anti-psychedelic, legit, his novel is decaying, the world is regressing, Runciter, amphetamines, delusion and paranoia, Faith Of Our Fathers by Philip K. Dick, ubik reifies reality, after the explosion on the moon who is alive and who is dead?, are they all in coldpac?, is the entire novel a false world?, the facile answer, the central attraction of the novel, managing the question, a screenplay, skillfully done, Solar Lottery, an anti-telepath, the twitching of the bottle, feeling the echoes, Eye In The Sky, Ten Little Indians by Agatha Christie, a bomb, Impostor by Philip K. Dick, the bevatron novel (Eye In The Sky), Deus Irae by Philip K. Dick and Roger Zelazny, they’re all merging into one, Time Out Of Joint, recycling, somehow it still works, all the pieces fit together, good writing, comedy, horror, The Cookie Lady, a little boy named Bubber, a retelling of Hansel and Gretel without Gretel, a bundle of rags and a tumbleweed, the sick my duck website, Chapter 16, fades, “an evening wind rustled at him”, a real feeling, super-coffee, perked up, he let his unconscious take over early in the book, the Hour 25 interview, $0.06 for every novel sold, Ubik my dear sir, Gresham’s law, Ubik The Screenplay, 1985, a digital ebook, he’s kind of like us, reinterpreting his own work, visual metaphors, being told what you’re seeing, clothing description, playing up against the retro elements, 1939 -1933, dressing like Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band members, captain’s hats, when Pat comes, she starts taking her clothes off right away, you don’t remember, hence this, her breasts wagging forward, take-off, electric yellow cummerbund, knee hugging hose, gauntlets, “Gosh Jill, I wish I knew what was wrong with me lately”, inertia inertial, tousled woolly hair, luminous gypsy, jangled taughtness, wagging a goatish beard, gold lame trousers, kelp green minty blouse, cowboy chaps, a weak nosed young man in a maxi-skirt, hippie-fashion, green and tumbled stones (for eyes), tumbled eyes, tumbling black hair, is it a mistake or something he’s coding into the book, eye-colour changes, tipped me, here’s what good is and here’s what bad is, genocide is a bad thing, increase the amount of suffering make more things that can suffer, getting eaten or crushed by a rock, it doesn’t end well for any piece of life, Fred Saberhagen’s Berserker books, kinda makes sense, H.P. Lovecraft, The Turning Wheel, life is suffering, escaping from the cycle, life is the only thing in the universe that is anti-entropic, trying to fight entropy, God is the one who created life in the mythology, hence all the suffering, the demiurge, what half of PKD novels seem to be about, a booster-strap for life itself, the sub-worlds of Runciter, the final narrator, the Gnostic interpretation of Ubik, a coin with Joe Chip’s face on it, Inception is the movie adaptation of this, The Matrix, time is frozen, coldpac and moratorium, we’ve seen that in other Dick novels, racist, Dr. Futurity?, there sitting to close together in the freezer, The Crack In Space, escaping from entropy, the fundamental grounding, the Gaurdian article: it’s squishy, there’s no firm ground, life is very problematic, the horror of entropy, never a permanent solution, the DNA breaks down, fiction, especially novels can be preserved, the preservation of the text is like the preservation of DNA, finding the earliest publication, Edgar Allan Poe’s The Valley Of Unrest, as time goes by in the publication industry people fiddle with stuff, italics, a poem is a super concentrated story, each sentence is an image, Jesse do you like pizza?, who likes pizza is the question, the question of the correct text, a novel is a fixed thing, does the font effect it?, formatting, outside of our reality, a way of preserving history, in a meta-context, he’s holding some ubik in his hand and it starts regressing, the changing context showing there’s no escape from the dread horror of entropy, we don’t want it to change anymore, constructing it on the fly, coins at the beginning, her special psychic power is to change reality in the past, some politician coming on to TV to talk about What Happened, is that really what happened?, our default is to just believe what we hear, we believe our sense, we start with believing our senses, everything is deceiving including our memories, if everyone around us in believing it, if everyone is delusional, they have to hang together, their tomb world, another TOMB WORLD!, invoking the name: Palmer Eldritch, what is an S. Dole Melipone?, he doesn’t know what he’s doing yet, the entire last chapter:

Chapter 17
I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds. I created the lives and the places they inhabit; I move them here, I put them there. They go as I say, they do as I tell them. I am the word and my name is never spoken, the name which no one knows. I am called Ubik, but that is not my name. I am. I shall always be.

Glen Runciter could not find the moratorium owner.

“Are you sure you don’t know where he is?” Runciter asked Miss Beason, the moratorium owner’s secretary. “It’s essential that I talk to Ella again.”

“I’ll have her brought out,” Miss Beason said. “You may use office 4-B; please wait there, Mr. Runciter; I will have your wife for you in a very short time. Try to make yourself comfortable.”

Locating office 4-B, Runciter paced about restlessly. At last a moratorium attendant appeared, wheeling in Ella’s casket on a handtruck. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” the attendant said; he began at once to set up the electronic communing mechanism, humming happily as he worked.

In short order the task was completed. The attendant checked the circuit one last time, nodded in satisfaction, then started to leave the office.

“This is for you,” Runciter said, and handed him several fifty-cent pieces which he had scrounged from his various pockets. “I appreciate the rapidity with which you accomplished the job.”

“Thank you, Mr. Runciter,” the attendant said. He glanced at the coins, then frowned. “What kind of money is this?” he said.

Runciter took a good long look at the fifty-cent pieces. He saw at once what the attendant meant; very definitely, the coins were not as they should be. Whose profile is this? he asked himself. Who’s this on all three coins? Not the right person at all. And yet he’s familiar. I know him.

And then he recognized the profile. I wonder what this means, he asked himself. Strangest thing I’ve ever seen. Most things in life eventually can be explained. But – Joe Chip on a fifty-cent piece?

It was the first Joe Chip money he had ever seen.

He had an intuition, chillingly, that if he searched his pockets, and his billfold, he would find more.

This was just the beginning.

ravelling around Runciter, Jesse casts a spell: Counter-Clock World,

“I was dreaming,” Ella said. “I saw a smoky red light, a horrible light. And yet I kept moving toward it. I couldn’t stop.”

“Yeah,” Runciter said, nodding. “The Bardo Thodol, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, tells about that. You remember reading that; the doctors made you read it when you were-” He hesitated. “Dying,” he said then.

“The smoky red light is bad, isn’t it?” Ella said.

“Yeah, you want to avoid it.” He cleared his throat. “Listen, Ella, we’ve got problems. You feel up to hearing about it? I mean, I don’t want to overtax you or anything; just say if you’re too tired or if there’s something else you want to hear about or discuss.”

“It’s so weird. I think I’ve been dreaming all this time, since you last talked to me. Is it really two years? Do you know, Glen, what I think? I think that other people who are around me – we seem to be progressively growing together. A lot of my dreams aren’t about me at all. Sometimes I’m a man and sometimes a little boy; sometimes I’m an old fat woman with varicose veins… and I’m in places I’ve never seen, doing things that make no sense.”

“Well, like they say, you’re heading for a new womb to be born out of. And that smoky red light – that’s a bad womb; you don’t want to go that way. That’s a humiliating, low sort of womb. You’re probably anticipating your next life, or whatever it is.” He felt foolish, talking like this; normally he had no theological convictions. But the half-life experience was real and it had made theologians out of all of them. “Hey,” he said, changing the subject. “Let me tell you what’s happened, what made me come here and bother you. S. Dole Melipone has dropped out of sight.”

A moment of silence, and then Ella laughed. “Who or what is an S. Dole Melipone? There can’t be any such thing.” The laugh, the unique and familiar warmth of it, made his spine tremble; he remembered that about her, even after so many years. He had not heard Ella’s laugh in over a decade.

“Maybe you’ve forgotten,” he said.

Ella said, “I haven’t forgotten; I wouldn’t forget an S. Dole Melipone. Is it like a hobbit?”

consulting the dead in order to make corporate decisions, we just drop it, what’s he visiting her for, there’s no business in this book at all, the business of being alive, an excuse to go to Switzerland and see his dead wife, step-up your TV ads, you need to send off more manuscripts, Ella, it’s a cryogenics book, it’s all bullshit, it’s just a way of avoiding death, if you’re living in a half-life, fundamentally there’s a really weird long part of the interview that’s pretty interesting, how the Soviet Union that had scientists that wanted to talk to him, from the Soviet embassy, I played dumb, classic Dick, A Scanner Darkly, he’s both the drug deal and the drug cop, he’s informing on himself, worlds inside worlds, to connect it to our reality, we only have access to the constructs of reality, What It Is Like To Be A Bat?, swapping genders, Philip K. Dick creating these characters, if you have a fixed text you can escape from your shared reality, it isn’t as squishy as regular reality, its only you who change between readings (we hope), the anomalies are the clues, that wouldn’t negate the point, after the explosion when they’re all on the Pratfall II, Glen Runciter’s POV, his transparent plastic casket,

Removing the plastic disk from its place, its firm adhesion to his ear, Glen Runciter said into the microphone, “I’ll talk to you again later.” He now set down all the communications apparatus, rose stiffly from the chair and momentarily stood facing the misty, immobile, icebound shape of Joe Chip resting within its transparent plastic casket. Upright and silent, as it would be for the rest of eternity.

Sarapis, plastic rosebuds, “A man that vital. And vitalic.”, that’s a weird error, upright, her sagacity, a wisdom not based on knowledge and experience, maybe the whole thing is in Ella’s world, the cop with little blonde pig-tails and red shoes, she’s changing characters, maybe they all fit together, the Technovelgy website, artiforg = artificial organs (also artificial and forged) = a fake fake, automatic apartment maintenance, homeopapes are Twitter feeds, high gossip vs. low gossip, physiognomic template, a tranquilizing gum, amazing technobabble:

“What is Ubik?” Joe said, wanting her to stay.

“A spray can of Ubik,” the girl answered, “is a portable negative ionizer, with a self-contained, high-voltage, low-amp unit powered by a peak-gain helium battery of 25kv. The negative ions are given a counter-clockwise spin by a radically biased acceleration chamber, which creates a centripetal tendency to them so that they cohere rather than dissipate. A negative ion field diminishes the velocity of anti-protophasons normally present in the atmosphere; as soon as their velocity falls they cease to be anti-protophasons and, under the principle of parity, no longer can unite with protophasons radiated from persons frozen in cold-pac; that is, those in half-life. The end result is that the proportion of protophasons not canceled by anti-protophasons increases, which means – for a specific time, anyhow – an increment in the net put-forth field of protophasonic activity… which the affected half-lifer experiences as greater vitality plus a lowering of the experience of low cold-pac temperatures. So you can see why regressed forms of Ubik failed to-”

Joe said reflexively, “To say ‘negative ions’ is redundant. All ions are negative.”

complete bullshit, this is how people buy products, all that babble mixed with the Amazing promises, Deepak Chopra, self-criticizing, chapter 16:

Under a streetlight he held up the spray can of Ubik, read the printing on the label.

“Thanks,” Joe said to the spray can. We are served by organic ghosts, he thought, who, speaking and writing, pass through this our new environment. Watching, wise, physical ghosts from the full-life world, elements of which have become for us invading but agreeable splinters of a substance that pulsates like a former heart. And of all of them, he thought, thanks to Glen Runciter. In particular. The writer of instructions, labels and notes. Valuable notes.

like the Glimmung, Jesus: Don’t worry guys I’m going away for a while buyt I’ll be back!, they are Jesus for each other, the Inception situation, there’s no top level, there’s only the outside of the book, the writer is dead (Dick) but he’s in half-life becasuue we can read his book, maybe we’re all dead, Ubik is real!, Jesse’s Satoshi Nakamura theory, why graphics cards are so expensive, video cards are reality simulators, BitCoin, he’s gone dark, Satoshi Nakamura is a benevolent AI trying to fix our world, economic theory, an indefeatable unstoppable way to subvert the power of the banks, like the Glimmung, it’s not all powerful, it’s just an AI, it’s a demiurge of some-kind, kind of what Neuromancer is, the end of True Names by Vernor Vinge, Neuromancer also has a half-life in the form of a hacker on a ROM-chip (Dixie Flatline), thanks for helping me pull this heist, turn me off, a completely different kind of writer dealing with the same kind of stuff, hack to hard, episode 136, while trying to crack an AI, the lesson for Runciter, does it even matter what the status, it’s the old trick, the best trick there is, he’s always pulling the same exact move and you see it coming, getting close to book length, the swerve, curling back on itself, peak Dick, most popular Philip K. Dick books in order of popularity, Martian Time-Slip, what you’ve read of him before, Evan Lampe’s American Writers: One Hundred Pages At A Time podcast, how Philip K. Dick is always thinking about the frontier, the horror world, The Father Thing, The Simulacra, The Pentultimate Truth, the big surprise Now Wait For Last Year, Valis, the titles all flow together, the alternate titles for Ubik: Death Of An Anti-Watcher a new spin on the last chapter?, who is dead?, One theory: everybody died except for Runciter, The Half Life Of An Anti-Watcher?, a story about a dead-guy: Runciter, Runciter is the main character, the pixie-like Pat, maybe she is Ella as an older woman, there’s no answer here, who is that Ubik girl, ultimately Marissa and Jesse are figments of Paul’s imagination, this is Philip K. Dick doing Philip K. Dick.

Blackstone Audio - Ubik by Philip K. Dick

What The Dead Men Say by Philip K. Dick - illustrated by Virgil Finlay

What The Dead Men Say by Philip K. Dick - illustrated by Virgil Finlay

What The Dead Men Say by Philip K. Dick - illustrated by Virgil Finlay

What The Dead Men Say by Philip K. Dick - illustrated by Virgil Finlay

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #201 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: The Inn by Guy de Maupassant


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #201 – The Inn (aka Ulrich The Guide) by Guy de Maupassant, read by Mirko Stauch. This is a complete and unabridged reading of the short story (34 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse and Mirko.

Talked about on today’s show:
Where and why, more and more Maupassant, is there a definitive list of Guy de Maupassant SFF stories?, German translations, the BBC audio drama adaptation of The Inn,, a ghost story, the twist in the end or the twist middle, great writing, an ambiguous ghost story, a psychological happening, the dog’s reaction, revenant, “it becomes the monster”, Louise Hauser, is Ulrich dead?, Gaspard, The Others, Maupassant tricks us, “they bury themselves”, Ulrich is punished for no reason, the voice, white noise, Ulrich’s religious beliefs, Cologne on a cold night, the ravens!, the audio drama improves on the short story!, a filling metaphor, “the immense ocean of pale mountain summits”, mainstream, the vertical issue, Wolfgang von Goethe, “only a very stable character”, a proto-cosmic horror, The Festival by H.P. Lovecraft, a Christmas story, describing nature, the second meaning, “arose from the snow itself”, “he’s alone on the Moon”, being alone, cabin fever, we are alone in the cosmos, community allows us to hide from the harsh truth, gambling, “I would have brought a bunch of books”, “illiterate mountain peasants”, a lonely island, did Gaspard fall into a crevasse?, nature is the monster, the unknown is more terrifying, the terror of the soul, undeserved guilt, “eighteen degrees of frost”, “he was of a sleepy nature”, 1886, Guy de Maupassant visited the Alps, riddled with disease, the Inn at Schwarenbach, The Shining by Stephen King, an internal flaw, “he could speak no human words”, Nightflyers by George R.R. Martin, Perry Rhodan, Silent Running, I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, the dog as a symbol, the dog as a companion, the importance of routine for the lonely, the demon of loneliness, “all is busy work before the grave”, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, Castaway, The Piece Of String (aka The Piece Of Yarn), “eating a sandwich that you find on the sidewalk”, he dies alone and unloved, “two feets”, every Norman is trapped in disbelief, it could have happened to us!, his hair turned white, Supernatural Horror In Literature by H.P. Lovecraft, “the unseen”, “the outer blackness”, able to appreciate the immensity of reality, Honey Boo Boo, The Horla by Guy de Maupassant, The Call Of Cthulhu, “when I think of H.P. Lovecraft I don’t think of immense tentacles.”

The Inn by Guy de Maupassant

The Inn by Guy de Maupassant

Ulrich The Guide by Guy de Maupassant

Posted by Jesse Willis