Unabridged NEVERWHERE by Neil Gaiman in the works

SFFaudio News

NeilGaiman.comNeil Gaiman has announced that there is an unabridged reading of his novel Neverwhere set for release this fall! Gaiman writes:

“Yup. I recorded it already. The existence of the extremely abridged version of Neverwhere with the astoundingly truncated ending has always irked me, despite the Brian Eno music and the really solid Gary Bakewell reading, but the license for it has now expired, and I am happy to say that it will vanish from the world.

The new version will be out later this year, probably in the Autumn. I actually recorded it from the ‘author’s preferred text’ version, so it’s the longest version of the text. I loved recording the audiobook, and doing all the voices, and found myself remembering how much I liked all those people, and wanting to write The Seven Sisters all over again.”

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