Uvula Audio: Doc Savage: The Fortress of Solitude and The Devil Genghis

SFFaudio Online Audio

Uvula AudioUvula Audio, the fiction podcasts produced by James Campanella, is premiering today simultaneously two Doc Savage novels back to back—The Fortress of Solitude and The Devil Genghis. Sez Jim:

DOC SAVAGE: Fortress Of Solitude AND The Devil Genghis by Lester DentBack in October of 1938, Lester Dent finally bowed to pressure from his fans and publishers and decided to reveal Doc’s major secret—the exact nature of his “Fortress Of Solitude.” Of course, in doing so, Dent realized that he would have to create a legendary villain that would become the only rogue ever to escape from Doc and come back in a sequel. That villain was John Sunlight—you have to admit even his name is seriously cool and since he is so completely black of heart, The Sunlight name is a bit of an ironic joke that characterizes the very dark bad guy.

Hitler was not quite an internationally insane figure on the scene yet so it is interesting that according to writer Will Murray, John sunlight was modeled on another power hungry nutcase—Napoleon Bonaparte. As Murray says on the European stage napoleon’s legacy of conquest still held the distinction for the most bloodthirsty even until the late 30’s.

Dent originally in his notes made Sunlight tall and gaunt like Rasputin, but when Fortress was actually published, sunlight is described with a high forehead and burning deep-socketed eyes. This is the way that napoleon was often described. Sunlight is further described as a malevolent monster who desired nothing more than to bend mankind to his wicked will.

Actually throughout both novels Sunlight has a weird funhouse kind of kinship to Doc. He is a mental genius. He far stronger than most men. He is completely emotionless—except for his bestial growls. He dislikes killing—preferring to just dominate his victims.

-Doc is bronzed and Sunlight pale

-Doc trills and Sunlight growls

-Doc’s strength comes from his developed physique and Sunlight’s from his evil mind

-Doc wears single color conservative suits and Sunlight exotic costumes of single colors

-Doc has a superb balance between mind and body.

-Sunlight is all mind and out of balance

Doc wants to right wrongs and bring peace. Sunlight insists he wants to bring peace and “be the world’s greatest benefactor” as well but as a function of his dominating the world to get it. He literally wants to wipe out war by force. He actually says at one point to Doc “We have the same aim in life you and I . . . you strive to right wrongs. And I- I am trying to right the greatest wrong of all…”

Sounds interesting hey?

Here’s the first installment: |MP3|

Podcast feed: http://www.uvulaaudio.com/Books/Books.xml

Posted by Jesse Willis

Uvula Audio presents: Doc Savage UNABRIDGED – The Man Of Bronze by Lester Dent

SFFaudio Online Audio

Uvula AudioDr. James J. Campanella, the wonderful narrator of the wonderful The Merchant And The Alchemist’s Gate at StarShipSofa, has just premiered Lester Dent’s The Man of Bronze bookcast on his own podcast! Here’s the scoop:

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the first publication of the legendary pulp novel The Man of Bronze by Lester Dent, we will be presenting an audio bookcast of the novel starting May 9, 2008. Doc Savage, the hero of the novel, is the archetype for almost every major literary and film hero of the 20th Century including Superman, Batman, James Bond, and Buckaroo Banzai. Despite there being several radio shows of Doc over the last 70 years, this will be the first time that The Man of Bronze will be presented complete and unabridged.

Doc Jim sez:

“I’ve started with an introduction and history of the characters, author, and book– next week I will continue with the actual beginning of the story itself. The bookcast will be ‘dramatically enhanced with sound effects’ which is something I usually only edit into juvenile stories.”

Audiobook - Doc Savage: The Man Of BronzeDoc Savage: The Man Of Bronze
By Lester Dent; Read by James J. Campanella
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Uvula Audio Bookcast
Podcast: May 2008 – July 2008

Go check it out or subscribe to the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis