Something Wicked: The Resident Member AUDIO DRAMA

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Novelist Paul Marlowe writes in to say:

“Just wanted to let you know about the radio play recently made of my short story, The Resident Member. It’s a steampunky sort of humorous Victorian ghost story.”

Indeed, good show old boy! My heartiest congratulations. Hear hear and wot-ho.

Though… I will point out that the Something Wicked gentlemen have a podcast feed that’s even less substantial than the poltergeist in your story. Being as I am a gentleman myself I shall add it to my personal HuffDuffer feed. That way those for whom a podcast feed is desirous can place it in their podcatcher properly.

The Resident Member AUDIO DRAMAThe Resident Member
Based on a story by Paul Marlowe; adapted by Digby Young; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: Something Wicked Presents…
Published: November 20, 2009
…Poltergeists, death, and romance interrupt a quiet dinner at the Etheric Explorers Club… On any given day, the intrepid members of the Etheric Explorers Club can be found frustrating prophesies, wrestling with ancient evils, and generally striding boldly down the dark alleys of life, in order to fill in those portions of man’s map of reality that are, perhaps, better left blank. As with any club, though, there are always members who stay behind so as not to miss a second helping of pudding. This is their story. First published in Something Wicked Issue 7.

Gideon Emery
Joe Vaz
Digby Young
Damon Berry
Christa Schamberger Young

Jesse’s personal HuffDuffer feed:

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Posted by Jesse Willis